Chapter 832 Request 3
Although the common people now hate Xiwu country to the bone, but there is no need to attack Xiwu country when Dongxing country is seriously injured, right?

Bailiyu just wanted to find an excuse to drain the Ye family's money!
"This..." Ye Wensheng looked embarrassed.

Bailiyu frowned suddenly, and said dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter? Patriarch Ye, is there any problem?"

Before Ye Wensheng answered, Ye Rumu rolled his eyes, directly blocked the people from asking for money, and asked if there is any problem?Why is the skin so thick?
"Your Majesty, you also know that my Ye family filled more than half of the treasury last time! I put the rest of the money into the shop, and I haven't made any money yet! And because I was framed by Xiwu Kingdom, Mu'er For this matter, the common people couldn’t find anyone, so they made things difficult for the people in my shop. Now, all the money going down is empty! Your Majesty, it’s not that I don’t want to contribute, it’s really... I can’t do anything! Originally, I could receive a little money for emergency, but because I can’t manage the store during this period, it’s a complete failure! To tell you the truth, my store is basically closed now Caomin still has this big family to support, and I don’t know what to do! Your Majesty, you have to look at the contributions that Caomin made for the country in the past, save Caomin! The ancestral inheritance passed down to the grass people there must not be destroyed in the hands of the grass people!"

Ye Wensheng simply cried, not to mention that Bailiyu asked him for money, and he asked Bailiyu for money in turn!
Seeing Ye Wensheng's acting skills, Ye Rumu almost burst out laughing!
But he still held back, and at the same time looked at Ye Wensheng with a distressed face, and sighed: "Father, it has become such a difficult situation now, why do you keep hiding it from me and always say it's okay! Father, if you Tell me earlier, even if I'm just trying to sell the iron, I still want to let our ancestral business run!"

Ye Wensheng sighed, and said: "Now this matter has not passed, even if it is opened again, it is useless! So Wangfei, Caomin can only hide it from you first, and it takes a day to hide it, but order to let The emperor knows the truth, I have to tell you!"

Bailiyu expressed doubts about the harmony between the two of them!
At the same time, I was even more skeptical, whether the properties of the Ye family were closed as Ye Wensheng said?

"Hey... my people are struggling to survive, Patriarch Ye, I really don't have the energy to help you! I originally wanted to seek your help, but now it seems that I have to find another way!" Bailiyu said while shaking his head.

He never thought that Ye Wensheng would turn around and cry poorly with him?
Bailiyu expressed doubts about what Ye Wensheng said, so naturally he wanted someone to check when the two of them were out!

"Forget it, Patriarch Ye, you seldom come to the imperial city, do you? How about staying in the palace for a few more days?" It will take a while for Bailiyu to find someone to confirm, so he wants to leave Bailiyu in the palace before talking. .

"Your Majesty, this is not very good, is it? Father is not familiar with the things in the palace, and he is just a grassroots man who doesn't understand many rules. It will be bad if he offends the nobleman! How about it, Your Majesty, I will put My father went to live in the palace,
(End of this chapter)

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