Chapter 839 Tianyu 6
Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, they let Yunfeng and Yunxing go in first, and then slowly backed in!
After entering inside, Ye Rumu realized that it was still an illusory space, and he hadn't really stepped into the Heaven Realm yet!
The entrance was slowly closed, Chunyu Heiji saw it, and rushed in quickly!

The moment you enter, the entrance is instantly closed!
At the same time, there were several of her subordinates!

As soon as Chunyu Heiji came in, he naturally bumped into Ye Rumu and the others who hadn't left yet!

Chunyu Heiji has few people now, so naturally it is impossible for her to seek her own death!
The pupils shrank slightly, and directly hit the illusory white mist!
It disappeared in an instant!

"Where did she go?" Ye Rumu asked with a frown.

Xuan Jun replied: "This is the entrance to Tianyu. Not only people from our Miaojiang live in Tianyu, but also people from other families or races live here, each with its own territory! And the one just now The place where Chunyu Heiji jumped off, if I guessed correctly, should be the territory of the Luoyu clan!

"The Luoyu clan?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows.

Xuan Jun nodded and said: "The Luoyu family is also a family living in Tianyu. People in this family seldom have contact with outsiders. It is very mysterious! Chunyu Heiji fell there, so it is probably difficult for us to find it! Because the Luoyu clan hates contact with outsiders!"

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "Forget about Chunyu Heiji, Miao Jiang is in a mysterious place?"

"Come with me." Xuan Jun said.

Indeed, Chunyu Heiji came to Tianyu desperately, just for the treasures in Tianyu!But Chunyu Heiji thought Tianyu too simply!

After everyone followed Xuan Jun for a while, a huge change immediately occurred before their eyes!
There are green mountains, green waters, and small pavilions!

Everywhere reveals a unique taste.

Some people wearing Miaojiang's unique clothes noticed the arrival of Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, and all looked this way.

Seeing Ye Rumu and Baili Yao's clothes and accessories completely different from theirs, curious discussions arose.

An older man came out with squinted eyes, saw Xuan Jun standing aside, and said displeasedly: "Xuan Jun, why did you bring people from outside?"

Moreover, the area still brought so many people!

"Grand Elder, these people are people whom the princess wants to see!" Xuan Jun said seriously to the person he called the Great Elder.

The Great Elder frowned, and asked questioningly: "The princess wants you to find the princess, where is the princess? Don't tell the old man that one of the three women is the princess?"

The Great Elder felt that Xuan Jun was fooling them!Who in front of me looks like a saint?

"The princess can't be found, and she won't be found in the future." Xuan Jun said sadly.

"What do you mean? How could the princess not be found?" The elder's squinted eyes widened all of a sudden, and he stared at Xuan Jun, as if he was afraid of missing any answer!
Xuan Jun sighed sadly, "Elder Elder, I am late, the princess has passed away long ago! The ones brought back now are the princess' son, Baili Yao, and the princess' grandson, Baili Ye. It's just a child mother, Ye Rumu."

Xuan Jun pointed to a few people and introduced them.

The face of the great elder suddenly showed a sad expression, Luo Shang'er can be said to be brought up by him alone!

(End of this chapter)

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