Chapter 841 Tianyu 8
The princess just woke up, and she should be reading a book now! "

"That's good, you go and inform Her Royal Highness, and say... there are a few people here, she will want to meet!"

As the Great Elder said, the people at the door looked at each other, and then nodded, "Yes, Great Elder, wait a moment!"

The elder nodded.

In Miaojiang, apart from Her Majesty the Princess and the princes, there are only seven elders with the highest status!
That's why the guard at the door agreed to go in and report when he saw that he was the Great Elder, and he didn't disturb the princess's rest!
Lonely Liang heard that the Great Elder was coming, and brought someone she would miss?
Lonely Liang sent Xuan Jun out, and asked casually, "Has Xuan Jun come?"

"Master Xuanjun is also outside, princess, do you want to meet?"

Lonely Liang heard that Xuan Jun also came back, and brought the person she wanted to see!

My heart suddenly became agitated, and my heartbeat accelerated abnormally!

"Is it Chang'er... Is Chang'er back?" Lonely Liang asked excitedly with anticipation.

Lonely Liang's servant had seen Luo Chang'er before, and there was indeed no trace of Luo Chang'er outside, the servant was afraid that Lonely Liang would be happy in vain, so he lowered his head and did not speak.

Seeing the servant's reaction, Lonely Liang knew that it wasn't Luo Shang'er who came back!
Lonely Liang was immediately disappointed!
"Then who the hell did the great elder bring? How did he know that the princess wanted to see her?" Lonely Liang's attitude turned cold all of a sudden!

Anyone who is suddenly disappointed in hope cannot be happy!
"The great elder said that the princess will definitely be happy when she sees them! So...the servants came in to report...Princess forgive me!" Seeing Lone Liang, the servant was not only not happy, but angry, and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy. .

Lonely Liang thought for a while, waved his hand, and said in a tired tone: "Forget it, let them in!"

With Lonely Liang's permission, everyone finally had a chance to walk in.

The first time he saw Lonely Liang, Ye Rumu felt that this woman is a powerful woman!

It's similar to someone who talks about modern strong women!
After Lonely Liang saw everyone who came in, his gaze was fixed on Baili Yao's face first!

Then he looked at Ye Xiaoye, just staring, "You... this? How could this little guy look so similar to Chang'er when he was a child!"

Lonely Liang said loudly in disbelief.

As he said that, he stumbled and stood up, walked towards Ye Xiaoye, and asked with a trembling tone: "Could it be that...he is Chang'er's child?"

"No, no, to be precise, he is the grandson of the princess." Ye Rumu frowned and corrected.

"Who are you?" After hearing this, Lonely Liang frowned and looked at Ye Rumu, but didn't listen to the movements of his hands, and held Ye Xiaoye's little hand!
After hearing what the mothers said just now, Ye Xiaoye felt that this mother-in-law was so pitiful, so she didn't run away.

"I am the mother of the child, Ye Rumu." Ye Rumu said.

Lonely Liang's eyes fell on Baili Yao again, "If the princess guessed correctly, you are the son of Chang'er, right? What's your name?"

"Baili Yao."

"Bailiyao... what about him?" Lonely Liang looked at Ye Xiaoye again.

"Grandma, my name is Bailiye." Ye Xiaoye replied by himself.

"Bailiye...Bailiyao...are all good names!" Lonely Liang said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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