Chapter 857 Tianyu 24
Ye Rumu discovered that all kinds of deeds of that person spread all over the world!I really want to know, is that senior still alive?

Thinking about this doubt, Ye Rumu also asked.

"That senior, is he still alive?"

Jiang Tian raised her eyebrows and looked at Ye Rumu, thought for a while, and said, "It stands to reason that he should be still alive, because after cultivating immortals, his lifespan can be extended indefinitely! 1000 years have passed, presumably the saint It's already very powerful!" Jiang Tian's tone was full of admiration for her!

Everyone wants to ascend first, but so far, it's just a thought!
Ye Rumu nodded clearly, this is something that has never been heard before!
Sure enough, I still need to go to Tianyu to open my eyes!
"Actually, let's take the assessment here. It's simple and easy, and it's difficult to say! Just pay attention, find a place to live, and wait for half a month to pass!" Jiang Tian said.

"Don't need to do other things?" Ye Rumu frowned, and just sat and waited for the time to pass. Isn't it too simple?
"Of course we need it! We have to solve the problem of food and clothing by ourselves! In addition, there are many dangers here, including poisons and wild animals, so... you still have to be careful on your own!" Jiang Tian has a serious face.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao nodded to show they understood.

When Ye Rumu went on missions in his previous life, he had survived in the wild, so he had a certain understanding of what to eat and what not to eat!
As for eating, Ye Rumu has nothing to worry about for the time being.

Misty Depth has been closed all the time, there must be a lot to eat!
Otherwise, Yiming Peak wouldn't be so relieved to ask the disciples to come in without bringing anything!
"There's a cave ahead!" Suddenly, Baili Yao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

Ye Rumu and Jiang Tian looked, and they saw a cave not far away!
"Let's go there quickly! Let's make do with it tonight!" Jiang Tian said happily.

It has not been long since they have traveled, and they have found a temporary residence. I have to say that they are also lucky!
Ye Rumu nodded, "Okay, let's make do with it tonight!"

The three of them walked towards the cave together, and the sound of several people's footsteps suddenly came from behind, which caught the attention of the three of them!

"You stop for me!"

Ye Rumu and the others hadn't turned their heads to look, but the people behind them spoke out!
Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, frowned, and stopped.

Jiang Tian also stopped and looked behind.

Jiang Tian looked at the four men in front of her and frowned, "What's the matter?"

When the four men saw Jiang Tian and Ye Rumu's faces, their eyes lit up immediately, and they stared at Ye Rumu and Jiang Tian closely, completely ignoring Baili Yao!
"Master Li, these two girls... are really stunning! They look much better than those vulgar fans outside!" said a young man who was following the so-called Young Master Li.

"Zhou Gang, you still have vision! Hahaha!" Young Master Li looked at Zhou Gang appreciatively.

These three attendants were all willing to follow him after he promised that his father would give them a lot of benefits after they got out!

I don't know how much sincerity Young Master Li has,

(End of this chapter)

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