Chapter 861 Tianyu 28
Jiang Tian doesn't have too much hope, she just hopes to be able to eat enough!
Ye Rumu smiled, "After you eat it, you will know!"

Seeing Ye Rumu's mysterious smile, Jiang Tian is also looking forward to the barbecue and grilled mushrooms!

Ye Rumu was proficient in his movements, and quickly finished roasting the barbecue.

Let Jiang Tian tear a piece and taste it: "Taste!"

Jiang Tian smelled the smell of meat, and felt that her stomach was even more empty!Quickly tore off a piece and put it in his mouth.

Immediately, I felt that my mouth was overflowing with the aroma of meat!

Jiang Tian closed her eyes in satisfaction, "Rumu, your barbecue is so delicious! How do you make it!" Jiang Tian asked curiously.

"No, just added these seasonings." Ye Rumu smiled and picked up the seasonings and handed them to Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian took it, smelled it, and sneezed immediately!
"This is...pepper powder? Mustard?" Jiang Tian looked at Ye Rumu amusedly, "I didn't expect that you would bring these things with you!" Jiang Tian said in surprise, you know, although she often goes out to play , but I never thought that I would carry these things with me!
Ye Rumu pursed her lips, "You can't treat yourself badly when you're away from home, right?"

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Tian said, "You are right!"

After eating and drinking enough, the three rested in the cave, watching the sky gradually darken, Jiang Tian said worriedly: "It seems to be raining?"

Ye Rumu said this after passing by Jiang Tian who was standing at the entrance of the cave, stood up, walked out, and looked at the dark sky, "Well, it does look like it's going to rain."

"By the way, we are in the Misty Depths, and this is an independent secret realm. Will it... rain?" Jiang Tian expressed her doubts.

Ye Rumu was startled, "Then what do you mean?"

Jiang Tian shook her head, "It's my first time coming here too, but I've never heard of it raining in the misty depths! This is so strange! I can't figure it out!"

Ye Rumu began to have an ominous premonition in his heart, "I have an ominous premonition in my heart."

"Actually... me too..." Jiang Tian nodded and said.

Ye Rumu's eyes suddenly became heavy. If she was the only one who felt the ominous premonition, it might be nothing, but if both of them felt it, they had to guard against something...

"I also always feel that since the sky has darkened, my heart has been inexplicably depressed. I guess this is the calm before the storm." Baili Yao came out at some point and stood beside Ye Rumu , said.

"It turns out that I'm not the only one who feels this way? Then it seems that something is really going to happen!" Jiang Tian began to be on guard!

"Let's wait and see!" Ye Rumu said.

Baili Yao and Jiang Tiandian nodded, and the three of them stood at the cave entrance and waited.

After about a quarter of an hour, the sky suddenly flashed violently!
White light immediately illuminated the entire Misty Depth, and then, black rain poured down with a splash!

"Black rain! How could it be black rain?" Jiang Tian couldn't help backing away when she saw the color of the rain!

"No, let's go into the cave!" Ye Rumu's face changed, and he quickly called Jiang Tian and Baili Yao to back off!

Wait for them to step back and come back to their senses... All the flowers and plants on the ground have been corroded!

(End of this chapter)

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