Chapter 864 Tianyu 31
Also, since this misty depth belongs to Yiming Peak, then the head and elders of Yiming Peak must also be clear about it, right?No matter how bad it is, there will be related records! "Ye Rumu said lightly.

Yilian nodded, "You're right. I was too relieved about this place before, so I didn't do any research when I came here again. It's my fault! If I knew there would be black rain, I wouldn't Remind everyone in advance!"

"You're right, you don't know, but..." Jiang Tian said, before she finished speaking, she lowered her head and sighed!

"Just what?" Ye Rumu asked.

"It's just pity that so many people lost their lives innocently!" Jiang Tian shook her head and said in a low tone.

Yilian also lowered his head, it's their Yiming Peak's fault!
"It's not a matter of entanglement about who is right and who is wrong. I won't be able to do anything for a while, so let's go and rest first!" Baili Yao took Ye Rumu's hand and pulled her in.

Jiang Tian and Yilian looked at each other, thinking that what Baili Yao said was right!Just go in together!

But in Yilian's heart, he is always concerned about other people's safety!

"Eat something?" Ye Rumu asked Yilian as he handed over the leftover rabbit leg.

Yilian refused, and shook his head, "No, I still have some dry food on me, you should keep these! If this black rain keeps falling like this...these food will be of vital use in the future .”

Seeing that Yilian said that, Ye Rumu didn't force it.

For the next three days, they stayed inside the cave, and outside the cave, the rain never stopped!

It is very strange that there is no water at all when it rains!It's as if they were all absorbed by the land!
Seeing that the food is slowly running out, everyone can't help feeling anxious!

Yilian even wanted to rush out to have a look!Fortunately, it was stopped later, so it stopped!

When everyone woke up in the cave on the fifth day, they found that there was no sound of rain!
Ye Rumu woke up first, and after hearing the sound of no rain, she stood up gently, looked at the sleeping faces of the others, and walked towards the entrance of the cave!

Before I went out, I saw that it was sunny!
When he walked out of the cave, Ye Rumu couldn't believe his eyes!

Originally bare and ethereal, after five days of super corrosive black rain, tender green new leaves and weeds will grow!

Ye Rumu was stunned, and just watched the big tree that had been destroyed beyond recognition grow new branches little by little.

Ye Rumu didn't react until there were several people standing behind him!

"This..." After being shocked for a long time, Jiang Tian finally couldn't help but speak out.

It was also at this time that Ye Rumu discovered the existence of everyone!

"Are you awake? Look..." Ye Rumu pointed to the tender green piece in front of his eyes.

"After a black rain, will there still be animals in the ethereal depths? I'm afraid I can't eat these fresh wild vegetables..." Yilian frowned. The food prepared by Ye Rumu and others in the cave, and his The dry food on my body has been eaten up today!If you can't eat everything, can only go hungry for ten days, or leave now!
Everyone didn't speak, because they were not sure!
(End of this chapter)

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