Chapter 871 The Misty Depth 7
Yilian nodded, and said with a smile: "When I first came in, I was thinking about how to survive, how did I know that there are treasures left by the master here!"

Seeing Yilian say this, the man just smiled and said: "Brother Yilian, you are really upright!"

"That's not true, senior brother has been looking for other people's whereabouts for seven days because he was worried that others would be in danger!" Jiang Tian walked up and said with a curled lip.

"If we persevere in the last three days and become senior brother's junior, we will definitely repay senior brother well!" After hearing this, the two of them expressed their gratitude to Yilian!

Under such circumstances, who would worry about whether other people's lives are in danger?
"No, no, no! This is all my task, so I don't need anyone to repay it, not to mention, I didn't get to your side in time!" Yilian waved his hand quickly and said.

Yilian said so, so that more people have a good impression of him!

"Let's go and try, is the expert willing to meet us?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and said.

Yilian looked back at Ye Rumu, Baili Yao, and Young Master Li, and nodded, "Okay, then let's try!"

The eight of them stood together at the position pointed out by the two of them who were waiting here, waiting quietly.

A quarter of an hour passed... Still no response!

"Could it be that Gao Ren has no fate with each of the eight of us?" Yi Lian frowned in doubt, but he was still a little disappointed!

But Ye Rumu and Baili Yao didn't have much hope in the first place, so they weren't too disappointed at this time.

"I think so." As soon as Ye Rumu's voice fell, he disappeared in place!

Everyone was stunned for a moment!
And Baili Yao subconsciously wanted to grab Ye Rumu's hand!

However, Ye Rumu disappeared only in an instant, and Baili Yao couldn't catch it at all!

"Lady!" Baili Yao panicked and shouted quickly.

The next moment, Baili Yao's figure also disappeared!

The others were dumbfounded, these two people... just go on like this?
"Yes, yes, they also disappeared like this, probably because they were received by the divine sense of an expert!" said one of the two.

Yilian frowned, but didn't speak, and the expert never received him!

Young Master Li said disappointedly: "Why doesn't this expert meet us? Does it require any conditions? For example, husband and wife?"

Young Master Li asked whimsically.

The others immediately sneered, they had no fate to go in, and one of them who was waiting for his partner said funnyly: "Master Li, none of the couples who came with us are husband and wife, but haven't they all gone in?"

Young Master Li stopped talking immediately.

Yilian saw that there was no way to go in this time, anyway, he just wanted to see it and see if he was destined by the way, if not, it doesn't matter!

"You are already the third batch of people that this old man met! Although the young man outside is not bad, but this old man is tired after meeting so many people!"

Before Ye Rumu and Baili Yao landed, an old voice seemed to come from all directions!
When Ye Rumu stood still, when he looked up, he saw Baili Yao, "Yao."

Baili Yao nodded, stepped forward to look at Ye Rumu: "As long as you are fine!"

"Hey! You young people show affection, can you take care of me, an old man?"

(End of this chapter)

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