Chapter 879 Leaving the Misty Depths 1
So let Ye Rumu say first, they can't escape anyway!
Ye Rumu showed the Dark Spirit Orb in his palm and asked, "Senior, this is one of the six Dark Spirit Orbs, and it...was obtained from your pagoda, Senior! Why... Something that only appeared 1000 years ago, will appear in your tower? And... also hinted that I will get it..."

When the old man saw it, he jumped up immediately, took two steps, looked at the thing in Ye Rumu's hand, and said in surprise: "Girl, did you really get this thing from my tower?"

Ye Rumu nodded, "Is it true?"

The old man frowned suddenly and thought about it, "But, this thing is not in my tower? I don't remember when I put it in the tower! Over the years, I have released countless people Come in, could it be that it was put in at that time?"

Ye Rumu was thoughtful, this is not impossible!
"No matter where this thing comes from, it's what you want anyway, right? Just get it in your hand! I have something, hehe, I want to ask you for help! If you are willing, I will give you this interspatial ring , how?" The old man suddenly changed his face to discuss.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, space ring?

But never heard of it before!
There are indeed countless good things in the hands of this old man!

"What's the matter, tell me? If I can help, I will try my best to help you." Ye Rumu didn't boast easily, but wanted to see if he could do it first.

The old man's expression suddenly calmed down, and he looked at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao very seriously, "I need you, take me to the world of cultivating immortals!"

After Ye Rumu heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "I remember my senior said that life here is very good, what about those who don't want to leave?"

"Yes, once I leave, I will never come back again! But what's the use of living like this? I still want to fulfill my wish." The old man's face suddenly showed deep sadness.

Ye Rumu gasped inwardly, sure enough, they were all people with stories.

"Okay! As long as senior has a way to leave here, I will definitely take senior away. It's just senior, I don't know if I can succeed in the world of cultivating immortals, so..."

"You guys will definitely succeed! I don't think I've missed anyone yet!" the old man said swearingly.

Ye Rumu pulled her lips...

"Girl, come here." The old man said, walking towards the stone table first.

Ye Rumu glanced at Baili Yao and followed the old man.

The old man handed the quaint ring to Ye Rumu, and said: "This is the space ring handed down from ancient times! It can hold a lot of things in it, and it is guaranteed that the food will always keep its original shape, and the flowers and plants will not wither. In short, it is No matter what you put in, what it looks like when you put it in, it’s still the same when you take it out! Don’t you think it’s amazing?”

Ye Rumu nodded!
It's amazing!

"Hahaha, this space is more than just this ability! It can also hold a soul! So, as long as I go in, you can take me wherever you want!" The old man said proudly.

This is his most precious thing, it has never been placed in the tower, let others take it away!

Ye Rumu said: "Since this is the case, then senior will go with us!"

(End of this chapter)

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