Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 899: Immortal Cultivation World 5

Chapter 899: Immortal Cultivation World 5
But now that I am older and older, I have no more pursuits!
I just hope that if I can guard Yiming Peak well, I won't be in vain of my status in this life!
When Yilian knew that she was entrusted to Ye Rumu and Baili Yao by the second elder, she was stunned!
For him, his master actually went to ask Ye Rumu and Baili Yao to take him to the world of cultivating immortals together!
Yilian looked at the back of the second elder and shook his head, "Master, I don't want to leave you! I want to stay by your side forever!"

"Silly boy, going to the world of cultivating immortals has always been my teacher's dream when I was young, but now that I am old, I will only cause trouble for the saintess and the others. But you are still young, your path should not be limited to this! In Yiming Feng stay here, it will be difficult for you to achieve again! If you listen to be a teacher, you can go! Don’t worry about being a teacher, if you are strong enough in the future, remember to come back and see me as a teacher!” The second elder shook his head and looked at it seriously. With Yilian.

"Master, what did you say? After going to the world of cultivating immortals, is there any possibility of coming back?" Yi Lian was stunned for a moment, didn't it mean that as long as he left Tianyu and went to the world of cultivating immortals, he would not be able to come back?I haven't heard of anyone coming back before!
The second elder shook his head, "There are no absolutes in this world! The first saintess of our Yiming Peak was originally a member of the upper class, but she still stayed in our Tianyu and the mainland outside for many years? What is left behind? The method of the world of cultivating immortals! My child, those people didn’t come back, it’s because they were not strong enough after going to the world of cultivating immortals!”

Yilian was reluctant to look at the second elder, and sent him to Tianyu, is that what the master wanted?

"Okay... Master, I'll go, I'll go to the world of cultivating immortals! Master, don't worry, I will definitely become stronger quickly. Only when I become strong can I gain a foothold in the world of cultivating immortals, and then I will be able to find a way to come back!" Yilian firmly Said.

How did he know that it was actually just the Second Elder coaxing him!

Soon, April [-]th will arrive.

Ye Rumu thought that since he was going to develop in the world of cultivating immortals, he asked the head of the sect to help, and called Qing Jue, Qing Yao, and Qing Ran over.

As for Yuexuan Pavilion, Ye Rumu wrote a letter back, explaining that even if she is gone, Yuexuan Pavilion is still Yuexuan Pavilion!Brothers can still stay in Yuexuan Pavilion and wait for her to come back, but the people in Yuexuan Pavilion are actually very free, so even if she is not there, they can still take care of themselves!

The property under Ye Rumu's name is still managed by the people of Yuexuan Pavilion for the time being, but Qingran's subordinates have many good businessmen!
Why not hand it over to the Ye family? That's because the Ye family already has enough property, and the Ye family doesn't have a boy. Ye Wensheng has been taking care of it all the time. How could Ye Rumu be willing to let him be so tired?

Since Ye Rumu wasn't going back, he naturally wanted to tell Ye Wensheng.

After Ye Rumu brought everyone around him, Yilian soon appeared in front of them.

Ye Rumu noticed that there was an extra ring in Yilian's hand, and according to the fluctuations on it, there was probably room for things, because Yilian didn't bring any luggage.

That might be the second elder's memorial to his only apprentice!
Ye Rumu thought in his heart.

"Senior brother Yilian, here we come." Ye Rumu greeted.

Baili Yao also nodded to Yilian.

Yilian went back to Baili Yao, then looked at Ye Rumu and nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

(End of this chapter)

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