Chapter 906 Sunset Forest 6
I don't know if that senior went to a higher plane?

Ye Rumu and the others were ready to leave early the next morning. Because of Zhang Bing's worry and reluctance, he accompanied them for a long walk.

"The world of cultivating immortals is really too big. If you don't pay attention, you will get lost. You have to be careful! Also, there are many bullies in the world of cultivating immortals. You can bear it if you can, but don't offend them! Otherwise, just It will be my end...Okay, I'll go back first!" After Zhang Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.

Ye Rumu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ye Rumu squinted his eyes and looked at the back of Zhang Bing leaving. It turns out that Zhang Bing has been living here not because he likes it, but because he is forced to?
Only by living in such an isolated place can we avoid troubles outside...

"My lord, Brother Zhang seems to be staying here for some reason. What do you think is the reason?" Qing Ran asked curiously.

Qing Yao nodded Qing Ran's head, and said contemptuously: "It's already been said so clearly, you still don't know why? Because Brother Zhang offended someone! That's why I was forced to come here by others! "

Qing Ran blinked, then nodded in a sudden realization.

"So that's the case!" Qing Ran nodded and said.

Qing Yao looked at Qingqian contemptuously, "Pig brain!"

"Sister Qingyao, you scolded me again..." Qingran said aggrievedly, then looked at Ye Rumu, "Master, look at Sister Qingyao!"

"Okay, you two, since Big Brother Zhang doesn't want us to know, then let's not guess, why bother to pick up the wounds in his heart?"

Ye Rumu glared at the two of them.

The two immediately pursed their mouths and lowered their heads, even their movements were surprisingly neat!
Following the direction pointed by Zhang Bing and the map in their hands, they finally arrived at the city closest to Sunset Forest after walking for three days!

The world of cultivating immortals is the world of cultivating immortals. Even though it is a small town, it is more magnificent than the real big cities in Tianyu or the mainland!

Zhang Bing said that this is just a small surrounding city, which is not important!
Ye Rumu can only sigh with emotion that a small city can be so magnificent!
Ye Rumu and others entered the town, and after inquiring about it, they confirmed that this was the Nuocheng that Zhang Bing mentioned.

Ye Rumu and others don't have the common currency in the world of cultivating immortals, but no matter where they go, gold, silver and treasures are common!
Ye Rumu exchanged two necklaces for two days' accommodation expenses, and planned to stay here for two days to find out which college is the nearest one.

The sects are intricate and the threshold is high, so it is not suitable for people like Ye Rumu who have just arrived in the world of cultivating immortals and know nothing.

So there is only the academy...but although the academy also recruits ordinary people from the lower realms, Ye Rumu and others still have to use their own efforts to complete the assessment given by the academy!

But in general, it should be much better than going to the sect!
Those sects only accept people with spiritual power, and Ye Rumu and others don't even know the most basic cultivation skills, let alone spiritual power!So even if you go, you will be rejected!
Thinking about it, Ye Rumu and the others only inquired about the academy, not caring about those sects.

After inquiring and inquiring, Ye Rumu only found out about Galaxy Academy and Twilight Academy which are the closest to here.

(End of this chapter)

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