Chapter 919 Twilight Academy 13
Ye Rumu followed Mu Daoyu into the secret room, and Mu Yan soon came over with the marrow washing pill. Before entering the secret room, she took a second look at everyone before walking in with a frown.

"Master, do you have to wash your marrow at this time?" Muyan asked eagerly as soon as she walked in.

Mu Daoyu nodded solemnly, "Yes, we must wash the marrow at this time. The longer it is delayed, the less good it will be for them! Their physique is too special, and they can automatically attract spiritual energy. Yan'er, this Don't tell anyone about this matter, even your senior brothers, don't tell it!"

Seeing that Mu Daoyu was so serious, Mu Yan could only nod her head, although she had some objections to Mu Daoyu's telling her not to mention even her senior brother, but...whatever Mu Daoyu said, it must be!

Mu Yan has always reassured Mu Daoyu, so after Muyan nodded this time, Mu Daoyu no longer cared.

"Eat it." Mu Daoyu handed Ye Rumu the marrow washing pill, and said.

Ye Rumu didn't hesitate for a moment. After taking a deep breath, he put the marrow washing pill into his mouth!
Mu Daoyu watched Ye Rumu's reaction nervously. After seeing that Ye Rumu didn't have any bad reactions, Mu Daoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is an adverse reaction after eating it, then it proves that Ye Rumu is in danger!But if there is no reaction for the time being, it means that the effect of the medicine is slowly onset!

Mu Yan didn't understand, so she just stood aside, waiting for Mu Daoyu's order!

Calculating the time, seeing that the time was almost up, Mu Daoyu said: "Ru Mu, when you start to feel uncomfortable, tell me! I will ask Muyan Yungong to help you!"

Ye Rumu nodded. Although he still feels relaxed, it doesn't mean there will be no danger!
Ye Rumu took a deep breath, quietly closed her eyes and waited for the Xisui Pill to change every inch of her meridians!

Until, the power of the medicine suddenly hit the meridians!
Ye Rumu snorted, frowned immediately, and opened his eyes, "The power of the medicine has begun to hit my meridians!"

"Yan'er!" Mu Daoyu shouted immediately.

Muyan sat down to meditate quickly, and hurriedly exercised her kung fu to relieve Ye Rumu's pain!
Mu Daoyu also sat down in meditation, closed his eyes and said, "Yan'er, pay attention to your exercise and don't stop it! Rumu, I will use my energy to help you clear your meridians, which will be much less painful than being rushed directly by the medicine." pain!"

Ye Rumu was already sweating profusely at this moment, so how could he hear Mu Daoyu's words?

However, Mu Daoyu didn't care if she could hear it or not, so he just shot!

Ye Rumu didn't know how to describe the feeling now, she just felt that the meridians all over her body were cut off by someone, it hurts!My whole body is full of heart-wrenching pain!
Ye Rumu was covered with sweat, but Ye Rumu was still gritting his teeth.

Although her brain has gone blank, Ye Rumu still did not give up, she still gritted her teeth and persisted, because she vaguely knew that if she didn't persist, she would never be able to open her eyes again next time!
Ye Rumu had never experienced this kind of pain in his entire life!
Ye Rumu even thought that it would be good to just fall asleep like this. After falling asleep, all the pain in the body will disappear, and all of this will never happen again!

(End of this chapter)

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