Chapter 921 Twilight Academy 15
The whole person just sat on the steps in collapse!
Qing Yao was clear and clear, Yun Feng, Yun Xing and others immediately walked up, all of them looked anxious.

"Stop, stop! I know what you are going to ask me, but now, can you let me take a break?" Muyan protested.

Everyone looked at each other, although they are very concerned about the Lord's situation now, but... that's all, let Mu Yan take a rest first.

Muyan closed her eyes, opened them after a short rest, sighed and said, "Although the process of washing the marrow is dangerous, it is fortunately safe! However, we can no longer rashly wash the rest of you. Damn, this time, even if Master and I helped together, we still barely managed to save her life!"

"Then that means, the Lord is not in any danger now, right?" Qing Yao bit her lip, looking at Muyan and asked.

Muyan nodded, "Yes, theoretically speaking, there is no danger!"

"Then, the lord also succeeded in washing the marrow?" Qing Ran also asked.

Mu Yan nodded, "Successful, when Sister Rumu wakes up, you can start practicing! As for you, let's wait first!"

Mu Yan was worried that they were also in a hurry, so she said out loud.

Everyone nodded and didn't ask any more questions, knowing that Ye Rumu was not in danger, that was enough!

Ye Rumu, who had washed his marrow, drained out all the impurities in his body, and his skin became more delicate. Looking at Ye Rumu, Qingxin and Qingxue couldn't help but swallow their saliva!

My lord is really... so beautiful!

After washing Ye Rumu quickly, and arranged Ye Rumu in *****, Qingxin and Qingxue went out, and when they saw Muyan was still outside, they asked, "Muyan, my lord How long will it take to wake up?"

Muyan shook her head, "I don't know about this, whether I can wake up and how long it will take to wake up, this is not up to me, it all depends on sister Rumu's will!"

Everyone in the Twilight Academy is used to Ye Rumu's subordinates calling her the master. Some things have been a habit for more than ten years, and they don't want to be changed. What's more, in the Twilight Academy, everyone is like Like a family, who would be serious about a title?
What made Muyan curious was Ye Rumu's identity when he was in Tianyu!


Did Ye Rumu in the past have a lot of subordinates, and she was the most powerful one?

When everyone thought that Ye Rumu would sleep for a long, long time, Ye Rumu woke up.

Ye Rumu opened his eyes, looked at the bed curtain above his head, squinted his eyes, sat up, licked the corners of his lips that had been dry for a long time, Ye Rumu looked at everything in the room lightly, the familiar room , here is her room!

Leaning against the bed rail and thinking for a while, Ye Rumu remembered that she was unconscious because of the marrow washing, and she didn't open her eyes until today!
While thinking this way, the door was suddenly pushed open!
Qingxue originally wanted to wipe Ye Rumu's face, but as soon as she came in, she saw that Ye Rumu had already sat up!

Originally, Qingxue thought that this might be a dream!

But after carefully rubbing her eyes and seeing that Ye Rumu was still sitting, Qingxue finally believed it!
The Lord has woken up!

Qingxue quickly put the copper basin away, and walked to Ye Rumu's side in three steps at a time, "Master, you finally woke up! How do you feel now?"

(End of this chapter)

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