Chapter 924 Twilight Academy 18
If you have any concerns, you can talk to us, we will definitely help you! "Mu Yi said swearingly.

Others also echoed.

Only Qing Jue and others did not speak.

"I don't know how my child and husband are doing now." Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and said.

When Mu Sanyi heard what Ye Rumu said, he immediately stood up and said, "Junior Sister Rumu, tell me the appearance and height of your brother-in-law and your child, and I will help you pay attention!"

"Can you help me find it?" Ye Rumu looked up at Mu San.

Mu Er smiled and said: "This guy is the best at finding someone, Junior Sister, just tell him!"

"Okay, after dinner, I'll tell my senior brother, I hope senior brother Mu San will pay more attention to it, and if anyone thinks it might be, please come and let me know!" Ye Rumu asked worriedly.

"Hey, Junior Sister, don't you worry about me? As long as there is a little bit of news, even if it is wrong, I will tell you!" Mu San patted his chest and promised.

Ye Rumu's heart warmed up, and he nodded, "Then thank you brothers!"

"Thank you for what? When we come to our place, your business is our business, besides, it's just a matter of lifting a finger! Isn't it, Mu San?"

"Yes, yes, it's just a matter of raising your hands, so don't worry about it!"

Because of everyone's help, Ye Rumu's heart became warmer. It's good to have them here!

After that, Ye Rumu put all his heart and soul into his cultivation.

Because the competition between the various colleges will be held soon, and at that time, people from various sects will also come, Ye Rumu is looking forward to seeing Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye on it!


When Baili Yao opened his eyes, he felt a splitting headache!
Touching his forehead, he didn't know when a bandage was wrapped around it.

Baili Yao frowned suddenly, sat up, stared at this strange place in a daze!

After sitting quietly for a few minutes, I suddenly remembered something!
right!Ye Rumu...

And Ye'er, and others!

Baili Yao was about to get off the bed suddenly, he just wanted to make sure that Ye Rumu, Ye Xiaoye and others were safe!

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Seeing that Bai Liyao was about to get off the bed, a girl with a watery appearance and a strange appearance ran over quickly, supported the trembling Baili Yao, and said angrily, "You don't want to die!"

Baili Yao was supported by a stranger, his first reaction was to push her away!
But because of his weak body now, Baili Yao couldn't push her away!
"Hey, I'm telling you, don't move around! My dad finally got your life back, so don't waste it on me!" Lingling helped Baili Yao to **** *, gasping for breath.

"Hey, what's your name? My name is Lingling!" Lingling looked at Baili Yao and asked with a sweet smile.

Baili Yao ignored the question, calmed down, "Where are the others?"

"What other people?" Lingling asked strangely.

"You saved me?"

"Yeah, you fainted in the Sunset Forest, and I brought you back! You don't know the dangers in the Sunset Forest. Fortunately, you met someone from our Lingyuan sect, otherwise you wouldn't I know which spirit beast you are in now!"

When Lingling talked about spirit beasts, she deliberately made a hideous expression.

(End of this chapter)

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