Chapter 926 Twilight Academy 20
Yilian was also stunned for a moment, "Then... what should Baili and the child do in the future? What should Rumu do in the future?"

"Why don't you stay here now? What's the matter, let's talk about it later! How about it?" Lingling took the opportunity to say.

Yilian nodded, "Miss Lingling, you are such a good person! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know where we are! We probably wouldn't survive!" Yilian said gratefully.

Knowing that Tianyu has long been rejected by the world of cultivating immortals, Yilian also knows the severity, and has never said that she is from Tianyu, and also told Ye Xiaoye.

"You're welcome, it's all just a matter of raising your hands!" Lingling smiled shyly. What could make me happier than a friend of someone she likes praising her in front of him?

"Then you guys rest first, I'll go first!" Seeing that Baili Yao had seen her son, Ling Ling had no energy left to pay attention to herself, so she had to leave on her own.

Ling Ling left Baili Yao's room, let out a breath, and walked towards Ling Xu, the head of the Ling Yuan Sect.

After seeing Ling Xu, Ling Ling stepped forward with a smile, and said excitedly, "Daddy, he's woke up!"

"Oh? Woke up? Ling'er, do you like him?" Ling Xu narrowed his eyes and asked.

Seeing that she couldn't hide her thoughts from Ling Xu, Ling Ling said embarrassedly: "Father, you still found out!"

"Do you understand his affairs?" Ling Xu shook his head helplessly when he saw that Lingling really fell in love with the wild boy who was picked up from outside and whose identity he didn't know.

"After he woke up today, I understand a little bit! Dad, his name is Baili Yao, he came from the lower realm. He has a wife and a child. But the wife may not have succeeded in going to the world of cultivating immortals and stayed in the lower realm! Not a problem!" Ling Ling didn't hide from Ling Xu, because Ye Xiaoye's existence cannot be erased!

"What? Ling'er, you are just messing around! He has a wife and children, how can you have any bad thoughts towards him?" Ling Xu looked at Ling Ling in shock, and his heart burst into anger!
"But, isn't his wife not here? His wife stayed in the lower realm, how long can he live in the lower realm? It's only a hundred years! But for us, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye!" Lingling He pouted and argued.

Ling Xu thought about it, and felt that what Ling Ling said was the same, but... "Can you accept his child?"

"Yes, why not!" Lingling blinked and asked.

Ling Xu: "..."

Shaking his head, "When you grow up, I don't care about your affairs. Whatever you want, go for it yourself!"

Seeing that Ling Xu finally did not object, Lingling hugged Ling Xu excitedly, "Thank you, Daddy! Daddy, you are so kind!"

"Didn't daddy say that no matter who you like, daddy will support you? Anyway, with daddy around, no one can bully you!" Ling Xu said seriously.

"Thank you, Daddy...Then Daddy, I'm leaving first." Ling Ling smiled brilliantly.

Since even his father supported him, what else would she be afraid of?

For Baili Yao, she is determined to win!

After seeing Ling Ling go out, Ling Xu shook his head and sighed, wondering if pampering Ling Ling like this is a good thing for her?
However, he has always been responsive and doting to his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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