Chapter 936 Washing Marrow 2
Since Baili Yao's status was not bad before, he must not be the kind of person with bad conduct. Who would be willing to let such a man go?
Although she didn't know who Ye Rumu was or what kind of person she was, Lingling was still jealous of her despite being grateful to that woman for taking care of Baili Yao for such a long period of time!

How good would it be if she was the one who accompanied Baili Yao all these years?How good is Ye Xiaoye also their son?

It's a pity that these are just thoughts, but she will have many, many children with Baili Yao in the future!
Ye Xiaoye was still waiting for Ling Ling to speak, but Ling Ling suddenly fell into her own thoughts and stopped talking, Ye Xiaoye looked at Ling Ling strangely, "Sister Ling, what are you thinking about?"

Ling Ling regained consciousness immediately, shook her head, and said with a smile: "I didn't think about anything, and I don't know, when will your father wake up?"

"My father will definitely wake up soon, he has to get up to practice, and then go to find his mother!" Ye Xiaoye said seriously.

Lingling was wondering why Bailiye was so sure that Ye Rumu was here too?
The whole family is ascending, there was no such thing before, right?
But not only five or six-year-olds like Baili Ye came, Yilian also came!
Could it be that they didn't rely on cultivation bases to ascend, what kind of magic weapon?
If this is the case, then that Ye Rumu is indeed likely to be somewhere in the world of cultivating immortals!

Thinking about it this way, Lingling still felt that it was safer for her to ask clearly first, so she asked, "Xiao Ye, how did you come to the world of cultivating immortals? Generally, you will not be accepted by our world of cultivating immortals until you reach a certain level of cultivation. But... How old are you? It's impossible to cultivate to the point where we can accept you in the world of cultivating immortals, right? Besides, I think you have never cultivated before? In fact, in the lower realm, what you cultivate is also spiritual power, but it's just that in the lower realm The aura is so thin that you can hardly feel it, so the speed of cultivation is more difficult! However, there is only one world called Tianyu, because the person who came up from Tianyu 3000 years ago provoked someone who should not be provoked, and that person got angry , closed the passage from Tianyu, and no longer accept people from Tianyu! So over time, people from Tianyu stopped practicing!"

Ye Xiaoye frowned, tilted his head and thought for a while, it is true that there is no one practicing on the mainland outside, but there are still people practicing in Tianyu!
It's just that he seems to have heard from Uncle Yilian that Tian Yu's spiritual energy will disappear soon, and by then, no one will practice spiritual energy!
Moreover, it's clear that Uncle Yilian and Dad have both cultivated in Yiming Peak for a year?Why does Lingling say that they feel that they have never practiced?

Ye Xiaoye felt was really puzzling!

"It's true that we didn't come up because we have cultivated to a certain level, but I don't know the specific reason? I only know that I was with my mother, father, and Uncle Yilian at that time! As for why? ...I don't know!" Ye Xiaoye tilted her head and pretended to be stupid.

"Well, you are still young, so you should not remember!" Lingling really didn't want to know anything from Ye Xiaoye, because she felt that Ye Xiaoye might not know!

Lingling looked at the **** Baili Yao, and she didn't know if Baili Yao would tell her in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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