Chapter 948 College Competition 8
Baili Yao closed his eyes and said, "Let's go back to Lingyuan Sect first. If Rumu really took him away, he will definitely come back to find me!"

"Okay, then let's go back first, we can't just search around here, what if Rumu takes the child back?" Yilian said also thinking about this possibility.

Baili Yao nodded, said nothing more, and He Yilian went back first!
Seeing that Baili Yao hadn't shown up, Lingling suddenly became worried. She didn't know where Baili Yao had gone?At the same time, some complained about Ling Xuan. If Ling Xuan hadn't lied, how could Baili Yao leave?
But...if it wasn't for Ling Xuan, you and she would have to face it now. Seeing the reunion of three other people's families, she felt like a knife was piercing her heart!
Next, the competition has begun.

Each college will send ten students.

And the Twilight Academy, which had not been able to gather the number of people in previous years, finally got it together this year!
This has become a matter of discussion among the people, and they don't know where the Twilight Academy got the people this time?
However, what's the use even if it's all together?In the eyes of other academies, Twilight Academy is still at the bottom!This is not something that can be turned around with ten participants!

However, Twilight Academy also has two or three with real strength, but what's the use of having such one or two with real strength?Can't make it to the end?You know, there are a lot of strengths in other colleges!

People from Galaxy College were sitting opposite Twilight College, a person from Galaxy College suddenly stood up, pointed to Ye Rumu who were sitting beside Twilight College and said loudly: "I know these people, these people Newcomers to the Twilight Academy wanted to come to our Galaxy Academy a few months ago. I think they have no spiritual power at all, and they haven’t even washed their marrow. I didn’t let them enter the Galaxy Academy to take the exam. As we all know, I The assessment of Galaxy Academy requires the use of spiritual power and spiritual power, so I let them leave for their own good! It will save them embarrassment! But I didn’t expect that they would insult us Galaxy Academy, They say that we look down on people with a dog's eyes! They don't even have the most basic spiritual power. How could we accept them? They are just ordinary people. Presumably other colleges won't accept them? Oh, no, like Twilight Those who don’t need to be assessed by the academy will definitely accept them! I just don’t know, have they washed their marrow yet?”

The voice of this person was so loud that the whole venue could hear it!
After hearing what this person said, almost everyone pointed at Twilight Academy!

"This... this, Rumu, have you really been to Xinghe Academy?" Mu Daoyu looked at Ye Rumu and said.

"Well, I have been there, because I was not familiar with the world of cultivating immortals at that time, so I wanted to find a place to settle down, but it was definitely not like what that person said!" Ye Rumu admitted frankly, and did not think what it was Can't admit it!
"Well, I will believe what you said, and I also believe in your character, and you will not insult you just because the other party refuses to accept you! It's okay, just let them talk, when the time comes, let them experience it, no It is their loss to accept you geniuses!" Mu Daoyu stroked his beard and asked Ye Rumu, just because he was afraid that they would suffer a loss at that time, but seeing that they didn't feel at ease, Mu Daoyu Don't worry!
(End of this chapter)

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