Chapter 956 College Competition 16
If it weren't for the large number of people here, I guess I would have the desire to kill someone!

Four of the eight were selected, and then continued to compete until the end, and if they lost, they would be eliminated.

When it came to the final battle, Twilight Academy faced Beiming Academy, one of the five great academies in the Immortal Cultivation World!
Once, it was as famous as Twilight Academy!You can imagine how powerful it is!
The other three academies are much inferior, at least they underestimated the Twilight Academy, or other academies, and were eliminated!
There are so many masters in Beiming Academy, and it is undoubtedly the most powerful academy in the world of cultivating immortals!
However, students who are over 30 years old cannot participate in the competition, otherwise Qing Jue and others will not be able to make it all the way to the present, and there are very few students who have reached the intermediate level before the age of 30!
And 30 years old, for people in the world of cultivating immortals, is no different from how old ordinary people are!

But even so, the opponents on the opposite side were no more than 30 years old, and there were as many as five of them participating in the competition!No matter how you look at it now, Twilight Academy can no longer continue!
"This time I was able to reach No.2, all thanks to you! It doesn't matter if you can't get the first place. If it was the Twilight Academy before, you can still fight, but now... Beiming Academy is getting stronger and stronger, and we, There is only one number of people participating in the competition!" Mu Daoyu looked at the form and said.

"At that time, what did you say to do?" Mu Yan asked.

"Naturally fight! Fight upright!" Although Mu Daoyu knew that it was impossible to go any further, he still couldn't admit defeat, right?Anyway, it's the second time!

"Okay!" After Muyan finished speaking, she was about to stand up and go up.

"Let me go." Ye Rumu also stood up and grabbed Muyan.

"Sister Rumu?" Muyan looked back at Ye Rumu and asked in confusion.

"You've been tired all day, I haven't done anything yet, let me go." Ye Rumu smiled.

"Well, that's right, I haven't made a move before, this time, let's go up first!" Qingran is also eager to try, wanting to fight, this is the last duel, if you don't go up, there will be no chance !
"Okay, then I'll leave it to you guys!" Muyan nodded and sat down again.

Ye Rumu looked at Qing Jue standing on the stage, and said, "Qing Jue, come back and rest, let me come."

Qing Jue nodded and came down without saying anything.

Ye Rumu jumped and landed lightly on the stage.

The people on the opposite side couldn't find out Ye Rumu's specific spiritual power, they only knew that there was no intermediate level, and Ye Rumu had never made a move, so the people from Beiming College decided to send an average strength to test the water first!
After Qing Jue's guidance, Ye Rumu, like Qing Jue, integrated spiritual power into martial arts moves and used it. It is not too easy to deal with opponents!
Soon, the other party was sent down!

The people from Beiming Academy frowned, unexpectedly, this woman's routine is so similar to that of the man just now!
As for the people of Galaxy Academy, their intestines are green with regret now!
What about those without spiritual power?Did you say that you didn't wash the marrow?In a few months, the spiritual power has suddenly become so high?Who are you kidding?

However, Ye Rumu didn't know what the people in Galaxy Academy thought, after trying this method, Ye Rumu felt relieved to use it!

After winning a few times in a row, the people of Beiming College have figured out Ye Rumu's bottom line.

(End of this chapter)

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