Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 963 Leaving the Lingyuan sect 1

Chapter 963 Leaving the Lingyuan sect 1
Lingling listened, but she was still not reconciled, and why did Ye Rumu say such a thing?

"But the truth is, I saved Baili! Could it be that I want Baili to repay her kindness?" Lingling said unconvinced.

Ye Rumu sneered, looked at Lingling and shrugged indifferently and said, "Miss Lingling, you are still too naive!"

Asking others to do something that others cannot do is the so-called asking for a favor?
Ye Rumu has always been very clear about grievances and hatred. If he saves a person, and the result is that person dies for him, what is the difference between that and not saving?
In fact, in Ye Rumu's view, this is no different from saying to a man who has a wife and children, "I saved you, you will marry me." It's the same as wanting to die for her!

They are depriving others of their freedom and rights!
If Baili Yao didn't have a wife and children, Ye Rumu would be willing to help her, but Baili Yao has a wife and children, which is unbearable!

"Me? I'm naive?" Lingling pointed at herself and said in disbelief. This was the first time someone said she was naive!

However, just because she is the eldest lady in the Lingyuan sect, no one would disobey her at all, so Lingling can be said to be a flower that grew up in a greenhouse!
"Yes, that's right, you are naive!" Cang Yuan looked at Ling Ling with a sneer, and said sneeringly: "You are obviously breaking up others, and it is not a matter of course to repay your life-saving grace? Such a thought , I am ashamed for you!"

"Don't forget! This is the old man's Ling Yuan school!" Ling Xu couldn't stand it any longer, and the discussion was for discussion, but if it was his daughter, he couldn't bear it!
"So, you still want to bully us because of the number of people?" Cang Yuan waited for Ling Xu angrily.

"I don't mean to break up with you, sister Rumu, I can be with you and be with Baili, okay? Please, just fulfill my little wish! I just want to be with Baili Together..." Lingling cried and looked at Ye Rumu, she felt that she was about to collapse, she didn't expect Ye Rumu to come to her so soon!

Ye Rumu sighed, looked at Baili Yao, and said, "Yao, come and talk to her."

Baili Yao narrowed his eyes, nodded, and said, "Miss Lingling, I will definitely repay your kindness in the future, but in another way. I have a wife and children, so I can't give you what you want." Yes. When I was in the lower realm, I made an oath that in this life, there will only be one woman, Ye Rumu, and if I violate this oath, I will die a terrible death."

"You!" Lingling stared blankly at Baili Yao and finished speaking, it was too fast to be stopped!

You know, if you say an oath in the world of cultivating immortals, it will be remembered by God!If it is violated, then Baili Yao will really die!
Lingling lowered her head in frustration, turned around and stopped looking at them, and said softly: "Then you go. Remember, never let me see you again!"

"Ling'er! How could you let them go so easily? They are disrespectful to us!" Ling Xu saw that Lingling finally wanted to let go, but let them leave just like that?

"Father, let them go! I don't want to see them again!" Lingling turned her back, her face was already full of tears.

"Thank you." Ye Rumu said flatly, looked at everyone, and said, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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