Chapter 966 Crusade 1
Saved Yiming Peak, now... If Yiming Peak really can't pass this level, then there is no regret!
Soon, the people of Tianyu found the location of Yiming Peak. After going up to Yiming Peak, they found that Yiming Peak was so empty!
It's as if you haven't received any income in these years!
The head and elders are naturally at the forefront.

"I don't know why you are here?" the head of the sect asked calmly.

"What is it for, don't you know the head?" the leader said coldly.

"I really don't know, please explain." The leader pretended to be stupid.

"Hehe, it seems that the head of Yiming Peak is really going to pretend to be stupid to the end?" The person who spoke just now sneered.

"This head always talks about things, and I never pretend to be stupid on purpose. If you have nothing to do, please leave!" The head gave the order to evict guests.

"Then what if we just don't leave?"

"Then don't blame the boss for being rude!" After the boss finished speaking, he knew that these people had to take down Yiming Peak, or only in this way could they relieve their hatred!He didn't say anything more, and directly activated the organ formation, blocking everyone else out!
Everyone frowned when they saw that the old fox in charge had activated the formation.

Because after the formation was activated, everyone couldn't see the head and elders, and everything in front of them has undergone earth-shaking changes!

There is no Yiming Peak ahead!
"This is how the same thing?"

"No, he activated the formation! Maybe it's still in front of us, but we can't see anyone!"

"What are you afraid of? Don't we have a formation master here? Master, come out and solve this formation."

At this time, everyone noticed this formation master, and the reason why they trust him so much is because all the formations from the mountain to Yiming Peak were solved by this so-called master, so at this time, everyone is very excited Believe in the formation master!

The formation master stood up, looked left and right, his steps were very particular, "This formation, hehe, is nothing more than a trivial skill! Unexpectedly, the majestic Yiming Peak only has such a little ability?"

As he said that, the formation master seemed to be walking a few steps casually, but he was actually forming a formation.

Soon, the formation dissipated, revealing the figure of the head and others.

The headmaster smiled wryly, "It seems that our brothers are destined to die here today."

The Great Elder laughed loudly and said, "We've lived most of our lives, so what else is there to be afraid of?"

Anyway, now that all the disciples have been sent out, they are even more confident!

"Yes, Yilian has gone to cultivate immortals, as long as he is willing to come back in the future, come and offer me incense sticks and burn some paper money, I will be satisfied!" The second elder said.

The third elder said enviously: "Second brother, your disciple is convinced! It's also Yi Lian's struggle, how can it be like us who are incompetent?"


A few people were chatting and chatting, and they became humble and praised each other, which made the people who came to crusade on the opposite side speechless.

"Stop, stop! Are you still in the mood to say so much? It seems that you have been given too much time to live! Brothers, go!" The leader gave an order, and everyone immediately rushed to the elder and the head.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of bangs suddenly sounded, not to mention that the people who came to crusade were stunned, and the head of the elder was also stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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