Chapter 970
Cang Yuan saw Qing Jue standing alone not far away from a distance, his heart moved suddenly, and he walked up slowly.

"Qing, Qingjue." Cang Yuan didn't know what was going on, when facing Qingjue, he suddenly stammered nervously, obviously he had imagined before that when he saw Qingjue, he was only excited!
Qing Jue turned around, looked at the nervous girl, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I saw you by chance, I just came up to call you!" Cang Yuan waved his hand to hide his nervousness.

Qing Jue just nodded and continued to look at the scene not far away.

"Qing Jue, have you ever liked someone?" Cang Yuan asked suddenly.

Qing Jue squinted his eyes, do you like someone?

In the past, apart from guarding Ye Rumu, I didn't like anyone or know anyone, so this person I like doesn't exist!
Qing Jue shook her head, she didn't even know what it was like to like someone?
Cang Yuan was delighted, but when facing Qing Jue, he would inevitably feel a little inferior. You must know... this is an excellent man who makes people feel that he is out of reach!

"It's fine if you don't..." Cang Yuan murmured.

Qing Jue frowned, looked at Cang Yuan, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why did you ask this question suddenly?"

In the past, Qing Jue would never take the initiative to talk to others, or ask any questions, because in the past, he felt that everything had nothing to do with him!

But now, I feel that I have changed a little bit.

Cang Yuan suddenly smiled, and summoned up his courage to say: "I want to ask if you have someone you like, if not, like me!"

Qing Jue froze for a moment, this was the first time a girl talked to him like this.

For a while, I was a little overwhelmed.

He didn't know how he felt about Cang Yuan, but it seemed that he was different from others!

Seeing that Qingjue didn't respond, Cang Yuan was a little disappointed, but... she just appeared next to Qingjue not long ago, there is still a chance in the future, isn't it?
"I... I was just joking, did I scare you?" Cang Yuan suddenly looked at a loss, wondering if Qing Jue thought she was too casual?

"No." Qing Jue shook his head, but after hearing Cang Yuan's only joke, he felt a little lost in his heart.

Thinking about Cang Yuan's temper, he was indeed heartless and joking all the time.It's very possible that this was a joke.

"What are your plans for the future?" Cang Yuan asked suddenly.

Qing Jue squinted his eyes, planning?
"Follow the lord, I will do whatever the lord does. Cultivate hard and stay by the lord's side." Qing Jue said it without even thinking about it, but after he finished speaking, he felt a little confused for the first time Yes, does he really just want to live like this for the rest of his life?
Cang Yuan suddenly lost his mind, really... Is his Patriarch the only one in his heart?

"I haven't thought about it, is there anything else? For example, find a woman you like, form a partner, have a child, and spend the rest of your life together." Cang Yuan asked cautiously.

Qing Jue raised his eyebrows. I really didn't think about this before, but in the future...

The Lord also hopes that he has someone to accompany him.

"In the future, I will naturally consider it, but right now, I don't think it's suitable."

Qing Jue was surprised that he was able to talk so much with people other than Ye Rumu

(End of this chapter)

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