Chapter 974 Confession 5
Why would a woman with someone else's child marry her own?
"At that time, Yao could be said to be No.1 in the Dongxing Kingdom. He was deeply loved by the late emperor. The late emperor left him with many imperial edicts to save his life, and he also had the position of regent. There is one regent for mortals, second only to the emperor. Moreover, the first emperor also left him the military power in his hands. How can such a regent, the emperor not kill him, be able to sit back and relax? Fortunately, Yao is more powerful, and has survived until now. In fact, we came to the world of cultivating immortals to cleanse Marrow cultivation, let the poison on Yao's body be automatically detoxified."

"Poison? Now, has the poison been detoxified?" Cang Yuan was surprised. Unexpectedly, they came to the world of cultivating immortals to detoxify Baili Yao.

"Sister Rumu, I still have a question." Cang Yuan thought he couldn't ask, but he couldn't control his curiosity...

"What's the problem, tell me." Ye Rumu blinked. In fact, sometimes stories become more interesting when they are shared with others.

"Sister Rumu, Xiao Ye... is someone else's child, so Brother Baili, won't you mind?" Cang Yuan thought, after living for so long, I haven't seen anyone who doesn't mind this kind of thing!
"What do you care about?"


Cang Yuan was about to praise Baili Yao's generosity, but Ye Rumu continued: "Xiaoye was his child, and I met him by chance a few years that time, he was a poisoned child. Youji, I was framed by others to be confused, but fortunately, it was him in the end, this may be fate."

"I'm so envious of you guys..." Cang Yuan's tone was full of envy. Is there really such a coincidence in the world?
"Well... how should I put it, everyone's meeting is a fate given by God. As for whether it can be achieved, it depends on yourself. Now Qingjue has no one else in his heart. I hope you can take him down! However, I want to follow him What you said is that Qing Jue has no status in the world of cultivating immortals now. His backing is us. You have to think about it carefully. If you still want to, don't mind the eyes of outsiders, don't mind any status, we will put Treat you as family." Ye Rumu said seriously, afraid that Cang Yuan would regret it later.

Cang Yuan shook his head and said: "I like Qingjue, I know that Qingjue has no identity now, but I don't mind this, without any so-called identity constraints, I will be happier!"

"However, Qingjue can completely decide his own affairs, what about you? Will your family agree?" Ye Rumu wanted to make sure, otherwise even if it was done by then, they would be banned because of Cangyuan's parents. Forced to separate!
"Father and mother have always told me that as long as I like it, that's fine, and what I like is the best." Cang Yuan said proudly.

Ye Rumu twitched his lips and said, "Come on!"

"I will definitely!" Cang Yuan also laughed. He was still confused at first, but after chatting with Ye Rumu, he felt relaxed, and he no longer felt confused and didn't know how to go forward.

"Did you meet him just now?" Ye Rumu asked.

When I was with Baili Yao just now, I met Cang Yuan. Seeing her like that, she was looking for something.

Cang Yuan nodded, "I found it, I chatted with him, who knows that I was confused when I chatted, but fortunately, I have my sister to enlighten me."

(End of this chapter)

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