Chapter 981 Income 1
"Who is your senior sister? You haven't joined the Twilight Academy yet?" Muyan stared even harder.

"Yes yes yes...girl..." Yuanfa changed his address and immediately ran to line up.

Yuanfa's figure is really sturdy. After seeing how long the team was, he directly knocked out the few people at the front of the team!
After Muyan saw it, she stared, and finally she could only support her forehead, because the man was smirking at her.

Fortunately, those people all knew Yuanfa and knew that they should not be messed with, so nothing happened, and no one jumped in line.

For thousands of years, Mu Daoyu has not personally assessed the admitted students!
The assessment is divided into two subjects, civil and military. As long as you pass either one, you can be directly admitted to the hospital.

People who come here, naturally, no one will choose the liberal arts. They are here to learn the exercises, not to practice calligraphy and reading!

Therefore, everyone unanimously chose to compete in martial arts!
There are Mu Daoyu and Mu Yan guarding here, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao will not stay here anymore, waiting for Ye Xiaoye to go back.

When Mu Daoyu and others came back in the evening, they only saw a few people behind Mu Daoyu Muyan and others, and one of them was Na Yuanfa!
Yuanfa's expression looked excited, looking left and right, he was really excited.

"Welcome everyone to join Twilight Academy." Ye Rumu said with a smile.

"Welcome." Baili Yao also said welcome.

"Hey, my name is Yuan Fa. From now on, the food and drink of Twilight Academy will be covered by me!" Yuan Fa patted his chest and said proudly.

In addition to Yuanfa, there were three other people who stood aside and waited after quickly introducing their identities.

"I want you to know that it is the clearest choice for your Twilight Academy to accept me!" Yuan Fa said triumphantly.

Ye Rumu blinked, looked at Muyan and Mu Daoyu, but didn't speak.

"Why don't you talk?" Yuan Fa felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he asked.

"It's nothing, keep talking!" Muyan said with a smile, this far hair, from head to toe, was revealing the news of "I'm rich"!
The point is, he can still play very well!
Thinking of the unknown number of people who failed to pass the assessment just now because of the far hair, Mu Yan felt regretful looking at it!

Especially after Yuanfa successfully joined the Twilight Academy, but directly included the meals of the Twilight Academy, so how can it be done without recruiting a few more people?

"Don't worry, I'm far away, and I keep my word! I've sent my servants home. Tomorrow at the latest, I will bring cleaning and cooking people. There are also food matters. You farm the land all day long." , Is this time for cultivation enough? I think you guys should do it differently in the future.” Yuanfa actually came to watch the fun, but after hearing that Twilight Academy is so poor, he feels that he is the savior and must join Twilight Academy. Come and change the status quo at Twilight Academy!
"...Okay..." The corners of Muyan's lips twitched, but it's not true that she didn't want to plant, you know, I don't know if this Yuanfa is reliable or not!If it is unreliable, wouldn't it be that you have harmed yourself?
The matter of enrolling students just came to an end. This time, the Twilight Academy hastened to release the news that many places in the academy have been abandoned for too long and need time to tidy up, so they will not accept people for the time being.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao returned to the room. Baili Yao sat at the table and looked at Ye Xiaoye not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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