Chapter 989 Hundred Flowers Valley 3
So, he couldn't stop many things, such as Ye Rumu's matter, maybe God has already arranged it, this is something Ye Rumu has to experience!
Because they were about to go out, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao went to Zangshu Pavilion more and more times, and even Ye Xiaoye was arrested.

Ye Xiaoye didn't want to just stay here and read books, so he protested: "Mother, Dad, can I go out to practice! Only when I become stronger can I protect you well, can't I?"

"Well, that's what you said, then go out." Ye Rumu nodded and said.

Ye Xiaoye was overjoyed, and was about to stand up and go out, Ye Rumu quietly added: "Mother and Dad are going to go on a long journey, you need to read more books and learn about the outside world, since you want to stay in Twilight College , then mother and your father have followed you, hey, why don't you leave?"

Ye Xiaoye turned around, and stared at Ye Rumu resentfully, "I see, can't I see it!"

"So reluctantly? You'd better go, your father and I can watch! You don't need it, really!" Ye Rumu said seriously.

Ye Xiaoye wanted to cry but had no tears, so she begged softly: "Mother~ I know I was wrong, so please forgive me! I will follow you too!"

"Puff." Ye Rumu burst out laughing, and said seriously, "Go out and play."

With a bitter face, Ye Xiaoye continued to shout softly: "Mother~"

"Okay, okay, we will definitely take you with us when we go out this time, but now, you can go out to play!" Ye Rumu said seriously.

But it made Ye Xiaoye very puzzled, and asked cautiously again: "Mother, is what you said true?"

Ye Rumu nodded, "Yes, really."

"Then I'm leaving?"

"Let's go."

"It's really gone!"

"Are you going or not?" Ye Rumu glared at Ye Xiaoye.

Ye Xiaoye quickly slipped out!

Baili Yao snickered at the side, shook his head, and said, "Miss, calm down."

"Do you look angry at me?" Ye Rumu glared at Baili Yao, will he speak?
Baili Yao suppressed a smile, shook his head, and said, "It doesn't look like it! It doesn't look like it at all!"

"That's about the same!" Ye Rumu rolled his eyes, then stopped talking and continued to read his book.

"This time, why don't we bring Qingjue, Yunfeng and the others." Baili Yao asked with raised eyebrows when he thought of this question.

"This trip is too dangerous and not suitable for many people. If there is any danger at that time, it will be troublesome!" Ye Rumu said.

"Then why did you agree to let Xiaoye go?" Baili Yao felt a little conflicted. Since it was dangerous, why didn't you let others go, but let Ye Xiaoye go?

"Don't forget, senior Cheng can protect Xiaoye!" Ye Rumu raised his finger and waved it in front of Baili Yao. On it was the ring Cheng Qizhu gave him.

"But, isn't this ring incapable of holding living things?" Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No, you can, but you need the help of Senior Cheng. That is to say, in this space, whoever you want to die, you have to die. On the contrary, whoever you want to live, no one will die!" Ye Rumu It was only recently that I found out, and I haven't told Baili Yao yet, that's why I want to take Ye Xiaoye with me so reassuringly!

(End of this chapter)

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