Chapter 993 Hundred Flowers Valley 7
However, Ling Xu couldn't think any more, so he hurriedly asked someone to find someone!
It's a pity that Ling Xu didn't know where Ling Ling went, so he couldn't find anyone at all, and he never thought of looking in the direction of Baihua Valley!

So, you can only miss it!

Lingling has never dared to follow too closely, and has always let the second child follow Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, and then send her a message to let her follow up, so follow, and you will arrive not far from Baihua Valley!
"Miss, I can't follow anymore!" The boss looked at the place and said with a frown.

"Why can't you follow?" Lingling raised her eyebrows and asked in confusion.

"Miss, the legendary Valley of Hundred Flowers is in front of you. I believe you have heard about the Valley of Hundred Flowers." The boss frowned and said.

"Hundred Flowers Valley?" Ling Ling also frowned and murmured.

"Yes! Hundred Flowers Valley!" The boss nodded with a serious expression on his face.

"What are they going to Hundred Flowers Valley for?" Lingling looked puzzled, wondering what they were going to Hundred Flowers Valley for?Could it be that they don't know the danger of Baihua Valley?
"No! I have to remind Baili that you can't go to Baihua Valley!" Lingling said, telling the boss to speed up.

The boss hurriedly stopped Ling Ling, shook his head at Ling Ling and said, "Miss, absolutely not!"

"Why?" Ling Ling frowned and asked.

"Miss, if you show up, won't you tell Baili Yao clearly that we are following him? What will he think then?" the boss advised.

Lingling frowned, thought for a while, and felt the same, if it appeared rashly, it would definitely be disgusting!
"Then tell me, what should we do now?" Lingling asked with a frown.

"Miss, let's follow the situation and see if they will be able to go in, it's not known yet!" said the boss.

Lingling thought about it, and what she said was true, it would take a lot of time to break the barrier, and even if given time, it might not be able to destroy it!
Many years ago, the spiritual power of those strong men was many times stronger than that of the current strong men. At that time, it was so difficult for them to break the barrier, so I didn't believe that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were not considered strong. People who have just practiced for a while can break through!

Thinking about it, Ling Ling felt relieved, maybe they weren't going to Baihua Valley?
Seeing that Lingling listened to the persuasion, the boss felt relieved, as long as this aunt would not be so reckless, it would be fine!
Both Ye Rumu and Baili Yao have strong spiritual senses and can feel the dangers and movements around them, but because of their lack of realm, they can't feel the existence of the second child. Therefore, the two are relieved. Now Baihua Valley It has become a forbidden area, and few people come here.

"Father, mother, what are we doing here?" Ye Xiaoye still hasn't figured out what is the purpose of coming here?
"Do you still remember the senior who left the pearl and map to mother? We went this time to the place where that senior lived before." Ye Rumu explained.

"So that's the case! Mother, when you say that, I really want to hurry up and see what the place where senior lives in is like!" Ye Xiaoye said with great yearning.

Ye Rumu smiled, touched Ye Xiaoye's head, and said, "I heard that it's not that easy to get in, but we'll be in Baihua Valley soon.

(End of this chapter)

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