Chapter 1

The buildings with green bricks and red tiles, beautifully built rockery and pavilions, the flowers planted in the garden sway with the wind, the attractive fragrance of flowers permeates the air, and there is also a crystal clear lake, which reflects the scenery on the shore. weeping willow…….Seeing this antique scene, don't think that this is an ancient garden.It's 2004 now, and this garden is Meilong College located on the outskirts of T City.There are lush trees, trickling streams, and cobbled roads outside the college.In the morning, the white mist enveloped Meilong College, and the smoke curled up like a fairyland; at night, the soft chirping of insects accompanied by the stars added a little mystery to Meilong.Perhaps it is this extremely ancient environment that the legend about Meilong Academy spreads!

Legend has it that Meilong College has a magical pin key, which can open the door of time and space.Of course, since it is a legend, few people believe it. Among the 100 candidates, 90 students came to Meilong because of their first-class teaching quality and high admission rate, and 9 came from curiosity about Meilong, and the last one was Yunlin Son, she was the only one who went because of that legend.

Yun Lin'er, the youngest daughter of business tycoon Yun Hengfeng, is 18 years old.A lively and lovely beautiful girl and talented woman, although she looks weak and weak, in fact, she has been learning authentic Chinese martial arts since she was seven years old, and she is now considered a master of martial arts.She hates cheating, and her greatest wish is to go back to ancient times and verify with her own eyes whether those things are the same as those recorded in the book.So, while other girls were busy falling in love, she was busy looking up and collecting information about time travel.One day, she overheard a legend about the key to open the gate of time and space at Meilong College, and transferred to Meilong without saying a word.

It has been three months since she arrived at Meilong College, and Yun Liner has not found anything from various investigations.The only hope is to find a key-shaped rockery by the lakeside behind the college during the day.However, there are too many people during the day to see any bright hall, so I can only go to see it at night.

At midnight, in the dead of night, a petite man in a simple T-shirt, jeans, and carrying a backpack took advantage of the dim street lights and walked quietly to the lakeside behind the college.

The bright stars are reflected on the clear lake, sparkling.The night wind was blowing gently, and the calm lake surface was rippling.Weeping wicker also dances with the wind, everything looks so peaceful and comfortable.

Hey, now is not the time to be intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, Yun Liner patted her forehead to remind herself secretly.

Passing the weeping willows to the key-shaped rockery, the slender hands tapped here and there on the rockery:
"Huh, nothing special? Could it be a mistake?" Yun Liner rubbed her pretty nose habitually and murmured, "Forget it, let's take out the flashlight and take a closer look." She opened her backpack and took out her early preparations. Good flashlight.

"Hey, why is there such a small hollow in this place?" Yun Lin'er held a flashlight and stopped at the top of the rockery. It is difficult to find that place without careful attention.

"This shape looks like—" Yun Liner blinked, "Thumb."

As he spoke, he stretched out his left hand and pressed his thumb into the dimple.

A wonderful scene happened, Yun Lin'er felt her thumb warm up, and a golden light shot out from the hollow to cover her, and soon her figure disappeared by the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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