Chapter 12

Ouyang Mansion

On the precious mahogany desk, the ink in the precious Tao inkstone from the Han Dynasty exudes a strong ink fragrance. Beside the Tao inkstone is a stack of excellent gold mottled paper and pen holders and pen holders carved with exquisite patterns. The writing brush is either inserted in the pen container or hung on the pen holder.On the back of the desk, a mahogany bookshelf filled with all kinds of books is close to the wall, and the rest of the walls are hung with calligraphy and paintings by famous masters.In this place where the fragrance of books is exuded and where poetry should be drunk to make friends, there is a strange and gloomy atmosphere.

"Li'an, how's the investigation going?" Ouyang Ping's handsome face was now ferocious due to resentment. Ever since he lost to Yun Lin'er in the street that day, he has been looking for opportunities to take revenge.I think of him as a majestic son of the mansion Yin, who is handsome, handsome, capable of both civil and military skills,... cough cough, in short, he can call the wind and call the rain!He made people sit and no one dared to stand.He said no, no one dared to say yes.And that day, she was knocked down to the ground by a seemingly weak little girl.It made him lose face and his self-esteem was greatly hurt.

"Master, the identities of the two girls you want to check are very special." Also always dressed in white, with a smile on his face from time to time, the young man who looks like a scholar is Luo Li'an.Don't be deceived by his gentle and harmless appearance, this person is full of interests and extremely sinister.Nine out of ten crimes committed by Ouyang Ping were planned by him behind the scenes.

"What's the special background?" Ouyang Ping raised his eyebrows, thinking with some disdain.That day, the two girls had no guards, not even a maid.The girl who knows kung fu is still wearing a weird costume, so she is not from the Central Plains at first glance.What history can they have? !

"According to the investigation, one of the two girls is Xiangye's daughter, and the other may be Xiangye's future daughter-in-law." Luo Li'an reported the investigation results to Ouyang Ping.

"The prime minister's daughter, future daughter-in-law?" Hearing this result, Ouyang Ping was shocked.It never occurred to him that those two girls were of extraordinary status.

"Yes." Luo Li'an nodded, he didn't expect his master to get into a fight with the prime minister's mansion. "Master, do you still want revenge?"

"This—" Ouyang Ping hesitated, although he really wanted to save face.But they didn't expect that the other party was from the prime minister's mansion. Who didn't know that the current emperor has a lot of trust in the prime minister, and the nine princes and the prime minister's son Nalan are also good friends.If you want revenge, you have to fight them.They are not something they can afford to offend, and if one of them is not handled well, it may even involve Dad's future.However, if he gave up revenge, he would not be reconciled.For a while, I really don't know what to do? !
"Li'an, what's your suggestion?!" Ouyang Ping threw the question to a trusted counselor. His experience told him that as long as Luo Li'an was around, there would be no problems that could not be solved.

Luo Li'an smiled coldly in his heart, this master who had only an appearance but no brains really threw the problem to himself again.

"The other party is a prime minister who is above one person and under ten thousand people. It is reasonable to avoid him if he can, but—" Luo Li'an suddenly paused.

"But what?" Ouyang Ping looked at Luo Li'an eagerly, "Say it quickly?!".

"But if the news about the young master with strong martial arts being defeated by the little girl gets out, the young master and the master will be ridiculed by others." Luo Li'an looked at Ouyang Ping worriedly, but laughed again in his heart that Ouyang Ping was just reckless and ignorant. Brain dude.And the reason why he took refuge in Ouyang Ping was for this reason.Otherwise, according to his ability, which round will he get Ouyang Ping.Only this kind of person is convenient for him to use and manipulate to gain more benefits and power. What's ridiculous is that Ouyang Ping is completely ignorant of this and even confides in him.

Hearing what Luo Li'an said, Ouyang Ping's heart was ablaze with anger again.He recalled how the common people laughed at his embarrassment behind him back then, and how they despised him with their eyes; despise?How dare these little ordinary people with no money, no power, and low status dare to be so presumptuous?When had he ever been so angry, and all of this was the little girl's fault.If such disgraceful things are known by other rich children, they will definitely provoke a lot of ridicule.Although those children from rich families were obsequious to him on weekdays, and to put it bluntly, they were not their mentor Cheng Wangye who was afraid of his father, but they were actually not convinced in their hearts.Once you find an opportunity, don't hit yourself hard.Thinking of such a situation made his scalp tingle.No, he must never let this happen.He wants to teach those two girls a lesson, in this way, even if those sons know about that matter, they can save some face.But the lesson is the lesson, you still can't offend the prime minister, otherwise you won't be able to protect yourself when you become a prince.I have to think of a way to have the best of both worlds. What way can I think of?He rolled his eyes, and looked eagerly at his loyal counselor Luo Li'an:
"Li An, you're right, I can't swallow this bad breath like this, otherwise I won't be able to hold up my face in front of those young masters in the future."

"What the young master said is true." Luo Li'an agreed meekly on the surface, but he had already guessed Ouyang Ping's temperament to eight or nine points.Naturally, he has long been aware of his decision.

"The revenge must be avenged, but they have the support of the prime minister." Ouyang Ping threw out the question, "We can't offend the prime minister, otherwise we won't be able to afford it, and even my father will suffer."

"It's not impossible to get revenge without alarming the Prime Minister." Luo Li'an smiled, but there was a sarcasm in his smile that others couldn't see.

"What way?" Ouyang Ping asked eagerly, he was looking forward to seeing the miserable end of those two little girls soon.Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

"Although it is said that there is a girl who is the prime minister's future daughter-in-law, she is a foreigner. My subordinates have inquired, and apart from the prime minister's family and a few friends of Nalan Yi, that girl does not know anyone else. I want It is easier for her to disappear than the prime minister's daughter."

"It was that girl who knocked me to the ground and made me lose face." Ouyang Ping gritted his teeth when he mentioned this matter.

"Then we only deal with her?" Luo Li'an pretended to probe, according to what he knew about Ouyang Ping, he would not let the prime minister's daughter go.

"Of course not." Sure enough, Ouyang Ping denied it. "They are in the same group, how can they let her go?!"

"In that line, we can use the prime minister's daughter, Nalan Ling, to restrain that Yun girl." Luo Li'an suggested.

"What kind of containment method?" Ouyang Ping's eyes lit up, quite interested in Luo Li'an's method.

"That Miss Yun has a very good relationship with Nalan Ling, and with Nalan Yi's relationship, Nalan Ling's safety is even more important to Miss Yun."

"So what?" Ouyang Ping was still at a loss. What does Nalan Ling's safety have to do with his revenge?
Stupid pig, Luo Li'an cursed secretly in his heart.

"If we design to make Miss Yun believe that Nalan Ling is in our hands, do you think she can not come to save her?" Luo Li'an suppressed the sarcasm in her heart and said humbly.

"Wait, what if she brings people from the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Ouyang Ping suddenly had an idea and thought of this.

"We only allow her to come alone, otherwise we will tell her that Nalan Ling's safety cannot be guaranteed." Luo Li'an was a little surprised that this stupid young master could think of this.

"As long as Miss Yun is removed, it will be much easier to be a pure prime minister's daughter."

"Hahaha..." Ouyang Ping burst out laughing upon hearing Luo Li'an's method. "Wonderful, you are indeed my counselor, Ouyang Ping."

"Thank you, young master, for your compliment." Luo Li'an bowed towards Ouyang Ping, with a sneer hidden in his eyes that Ouyang Ping couldn't see.

(End of this chapter)

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