Chapter 24

In the early morning, the little birds sang joyfully on the tree; Sister Breeze came slowly with the fragrance of roses in the air.Such a wonderful moment, but the people in the bedroom are in a low mood.

Also, also...

Yun Liner sat on the bed with fluffy and messy hair, clutching the thin blanket tightly in her hands, and Nalan's thin cheeks in the dream came to mind again.Missing came in waves like waves, and she called him over and over again in her heart, as if this could relieve the pain tangled in missing him, and cut off the endless tears that flowed from his haggard face...

Also, also...

Calling full of longing over and over again, wiping away the tears that keep gushing out one by one.He knew that he would eventually return to Yi's side, but he still couldn't restrain the lingering longing.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door.

"Linlin, are you up yet?!" Yun Chengyang asked standing outside the door.

"Oh, wake up!" Yun Liner hurriedly wiped away her tears, and replied with a choked tone.As soon as the words fell, she immediately covered her mouth, oh my god, my brother will definitely hear something strange.

"Linlin, what's wrong with you? Are you crying?" Sure enough, Yun Chengyang asked anxiously and worriedly.

"No, no, brother, don't worry! I just didn't sleep well, and my voice is a little hoarse." Yun Liner held her breath, hoping to hide this reason from her shrewd brother.

There was a silence outside the door, and after a while, I heard Yun Chengyang say:
"Okay, then I'm going downstairs. Come down quickly, get ready for breakfast!"

"Okay, I'll come down." Yun Liner was relieved to hear that her brother stopped asking.She is about to leave her relatives, and she only hopes to spend this time happily with everyone, and does not want to worry her relatives before leaving.

After the sound of footsteps disappeared, Yun Lin'er slowly got out of bed and took care of herself.

Yun Hengfeng was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, while Guan Yushan was helping Mother Qin arrange the dishes and prepare breakfast.

"Chengyang, is Xiaolin up yet?"

Seeing his son going downstairs, Yun Hengfeng put down the newspaper and asked.

"En." Yun Chengyang nodded, but his face was serious, as if something serious had happened.

"Why, what happened?" Seeing his son's expression, Yun Hengfeng and Guan Yushan asked worriedly at the same time.

"Dad, Mom, Linlin was crying just now!" Although she lied that she didn't sleep well and her voice was hoarse.But he was sure that the baby sister must be crying, ah, so distressed!This younger sister, who is seven years younger than me, has always been so lively and cute, but now she is crying, the more I think about it, the more distressed I am!Was it that bastard who made her cry? !Distress and anger were churning in Yun Chengyang's heart at the same time, if he knew who made Linlin cry, he would definitely show him!

"Xiaolin is crying?" Yun Hengfeng was surprised, "How could it be? Didn't she happily pick you up at the airport yesterday?!"

"I see Xiaolin, she must be thinking about her boyfriend!" As a woman, Guan Yushan can understand the feeling of missing her precious daughter.

"Boyfriend?!" Guan Yushan's words shocked Yun Chengyang.

"Mom, are you saying that Linlin has a boyfriend?!" I don't accept it, I absolutely don't accept it, his baby Linlin, why did he have a boyfriend?And as an older brother, why didn't he know? !

"Who the hell is that guy?!" Heh heh, who knows how to live and die, and dare to snatch the treasure from him? ! (Hehe~~, this brother Yun Chengyang is just like those fathers who face their married daughters, they are reluctant!!)
The Yun couple looked at their son's appearance of being robbed of their love, and couldn't help but chuckle.I just heard that my sister had a boyfriend. If Xiaolin gets married in the future, I really doubt that he will go with Xiaolin? ! (Hmm, um, it's very possible!//A certain woman nodded affirmatively at the side, maybe if the man has a younger sister, Yun Chengyang might marry Linlin to get her younger sister in order to be with Linlin!! //In the past, it was only said to be a "sister-loving complex", but it seems that he is more serious than the "sister-loving complex".)
"Dad, Mom, don't just smile, tell me, who is Linlin's boyfriend?!" Yun Chengyang looked at his parents' calm appearance, and was so anxious that he wanted to jump.How could they behave like this, it's Linlin, their baby was abducted by bad men! (Bad man? From Yun Chengyang's point of view, any man who gets close to his precious sister has evil intentions.)
"Okay, just tell Chengyang, or I'm afraid of him, jump up!" Guan Yushan smiled and looked at her son who was known for his calmness in the mall, just like a child who couldn't get toys.

"Okay, okay." Yun Hengfeng couldn't help laughing, and told his elder son the whole story of his precious daughter going back to ancient times and falling in love with the son who became the prime minister.

After hearing what his father said, Yun Chengyang was extremely surprised, extremely surprised!He doubted what he had heard.

"what did you say?!"

"Brother, don't be too surprised! What Dad said is true, I did travel through time and space and returned to the Qing Dynasty." Yun Liner, who had just come down, heard the conversation of her relatives, and replied lightly.

"Xiao Lin."

"Xiao Lin."


`The three of them watched their baby girl (sister) slowly walking down the stairs in a sportswear with a cute pattern of bears. She has always been lively, but now she has a flat expression on her face. This kind of her made the three of them feel shocked , as if she was leaving.

"Morning, Dad, Mom, Brother!"

Seeing the uneasy expressions of her relatives, Yun Lin'er's heart tensed up.Did they notice something?She suppressed her plain expression, pretended to be her usual appearance, greeted her briskly, and kissed her parents and elder brother good morning.Throw yourself into the soft sofa, pick up a pillow and hug it in the cup.

"Linlin, are you really in love with that ancient man?!" Having a boyfriend is already hard for him to accept; he is still an ancient man now, mygod, is God going to test and test his heart's endurance?

"What ancient man? He's the prime minister's son!" Yun Lin'er said displeasedly. Although she was indeed an ancient man, from what her brother said, it seemed that he was already dead! !

"Okay, the prime minister's son." Seeing his sister's displeased expression, Yun Chengyang immediately changed his words. "But Linlin, you're back now! Are you separated from that prime minister?!!" Fen, Fen, Fen, Yun Chengyang looked at his sister eagerly, hoping that she would answer straight away.

"Of course we can't break up." Yun Lin'er immediately denied it, she finally found out how she felt, how could she be separated from Yi? !

"Then what should you do if you separate the two time and space?!" Yun Chengyang asked, and the three of them, with six pairs of eyes, all looked at Yun Lin'er in unison.

Looking at the eager eyes of her relatives, Yun Liner knew that she could no longer hide it now, since she would leave sooner or later, she should tell them frankly.

"I will return to Yi's side." With a firm expression and firm tone, Yun Lin'er was already ready to give up the modern and superior life.

"I don't agree." Yun Chengyang snapped, and slapped his palm on the table hard.For the first time, she stared fiercely at Zhen Rubao's younger sister, "You are crazy! Are you going to abandon Dad, Mom and me?!"

Yun Chengyang is really heartbroken. My sister would actually leave her relatives for the sake of a strange ancient man? !
Abandoned?Yun Lin'er shook her body, how did her brother use such strong words? !

"Xiaolin, do you really want to leave us?" Guan Yushan was already teary-eyed when she heard that her daughter was leaving.

"Mom—" Yun Lin'er looked at her mother in embarrassment. On one side was her lover and on the other was her relatives. She was reluctant to part with either, but the reality required her to make a choice.

"Okay, okay, look at you, at this age, you are still crying in front of the child." Yun Hengfeng wiped away tears for his wife, "Okay, let's have breakfast first, we will talk about this later."


Everyone objected, because this situation would only get worse if it continued.

They sat down at the table, but they were not in the mood to eat.All of them sullenly ate without eating.

A breakfast that was supposed to be pleasant ended in a happy mood.

(End of this chapter)

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