Chapter 27

Pink tulle curtains, soft and spacious princess bed, cute plush toys, intricate and exquisite carved wardrobe, exquisite dressing table, pink leather sofa, carpet with beautiful patterns... full of fairy tales. Dreamy beautiful room.

At this moment, the beautiful fairy tale is frozen, shrouded in a sad atmosphere.

Yun Hengfeng and his wife had their faces fixed and the other in tears, as they packed their precious daughter's luggage with trembling hands.The baby bird is about to leave, I don't know if I will be bullied when I am alone, if it will be very hard, if it will be..., reluctance and worry turn into unstoppable tears.

On the side, the chubby Qin's mother also had red eyes, preparing some favorite snacks for her beloved young lady.Alas, when the young lady gets there, I won't be able to eat the snacks she made.

A few days ago, Yun Chengyang, who had tried his best to prevent his baby sister from leaving, was standing alone by the door, silent, only his clenched fists revealed his extremely suppressed reluctance and worry.

Yun Lin'er, who was asked by her relatives to sit idle, watched her relatives weeping uncontrollably, and quietly turned around to wipe away the tears.This time it was really time to leave, and what she hoped to leave to them was her smiling face.

"Xiaolin, the luggage is packed. What do you think is missing?!" Guan Yushan wiped away her tears and forced a smile. "It's no better than here in ancient times, so bring as much as you can."

Yun Lin'er stared at her mother with a forced smile, feeling sad in her heart.Leaving today, I don't know when will I be able to see my mother's kind face and hear her kind words? !Or can I still see and hear it?

"Xiaolin, when you get there, you have to take good care of yourself and be happy. Don't let your parents worry here!" I just want my children to be happy! !

"Thank you, Mom and Dad. I don't need anything." The suitcase on the floor was already stuffed to the brim. What she thought of and what she didn't expect, Mom and Dad prepared for her.

"That's good, that's good." I was about to say goodbye, but I didn't know where to start with a thousand words.Can only keep murmuring softly.

"Dad, Mom, thank you for nurturing and loving me for 18 years. I thought our family would live happily together forever, but I'm sorry, because of me, the happiness that belongs to our family has been missing. I just hope that after I leave, you don't worry about me, don't blame me, I don't want to leave you, I just hope you take good care of yourself, I love you forever!!"

Tears finally couldn't help but flow down at this moment.Yun Lin'er hugged her parents tightly, and left a kiss on each of their cheeks.

"Xiaolin, why didn't your parents send you off?!" Guan Yushan asked, weeping, stroking her daughter reluctantly.Her daughter, when will she be able to see her? !Or never see it again?Thinking of this, sadness came from my heart again, tears like broken pearls, non-stop.

"Mom, I don't let you give it away, because I'm afraid it will be even more sad and reluctant to give up!!" The mother's tears dripped on her daughter's heart, and her question also impacted her heart.But ah, since I have hurt my loved ones and brought pain to them, then it seems to be less painful! !
She gently wiped away the tears for her mother, and let go of her arms around them.Stand before them and bow deeply to them:
"Thank you!!" Yu Luo, carrying the luggage, turned to Qin Ma who was at the side.

"Miss, I packed some pastries and put them in my luggage. They are all your favorites." Mother Qin said, wiping her tears with her limp hands.

"Thank you, Mama Qin." Yun Liner gave the lovely Mama Qin a hug, "Thank you for taking care of and loving me like a daughter all this time, you have to take good care of your body!"

"Miss—" Qin's mother wiped away the tears again, and she hugged the petite Yunlin tightly.

"Mother Qin, I will miss you." Yun Lin'er patted Mother Qin on the back, telling Mother Qin to let go of herself.

Eyes, met the silent brother.

Those dark eyes that looked like a deep pool had lost their brilliance at this moment.

"elder brother--"

The appearance of her brother made Yun Lin'er feel distressed and made her feel guilty.Brother's appearance is all because of her.

Yun Lin'er stepped forward and hugged her brother lightly.

"Brother, I'm leaving!"

His dull eyes finally had focus, and he stared carefully at his sister who was embracing him.Yes, my sister is leaving!From today onwards, no one will open their hands and shout for a hug; no one will sweetly call him brother, and no one... the baby in their palms will be far away.

The hand slowly passed through the sister's hand, and then hugged her heavily.Just let him hug his sister for one more second, one more second!In another moment she will be gone.

"Brother, I'm leaving. You have to be filial to your parents with my share, and take good care of yourself. Don't worry about me, let alone blame me. No matter when, I will be your most beloved baby sister. Wherever you are, I miss you."

After taking another deep breath of the familiar atmosphere, Yun Linlin left her brother's arms, picked up the suitcase, took another deep look at her relatives, and left quickly.She doesn't, don't cry!Don't let your loved ones cry!

Yun Hengfeng, his wife and Qin's mother quickly walked to the window sill and watched Yun Lin'er leave in the car.

And Yun Chengyang still stood at the door like that, not moving.

Westgate College
A yellow taxi was parked outside Meilong College, and a beautiful girl walked out of the car with a suitcase.Looking at the familiar building in front of her, Yun Lin'er felt like she hadn't seen it for a long time.

Carry luggage and avoid pedestrians as much as possible.Yun Lin'er came again, by the lakeside behind the college that changed her fate.The weeping willows beside the lake are still dancing with the wind, and the lotus flowers in the lake are blooming beautifully, pink and pure white; against the background of the green lotus leaves, they are charming.The wind passed by, and the clear water of the lake gradually rippled...

Yun Liner put the suitcase on the ground and took a deep breath of fresh air.So comfortable! !

"Ding ding..."

The phone rang suddenly, and Yun Liner took it out to see that it was a text message from her brother:
Linlin, I wonder if you can still see my text messages now.Your departure is the pain of our whole family.But as long as you are happy, even if it hurts, we will feel happy!So, you must be happy! !
"Brother!" With tears dripping on the phone, Yun Liner told herself that she must be happy!Not just for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

After wiping away the tears, he carefully checked that no one was around.Carrying her luggage, she passed the weeping willows to the key-shaped rockery, and pressed her thumb into the familiar recess:
The familiar heat source poured into the thumb again, and the light that was much weaker than before shot out from the recess to cover her. (During the day, the light is naturally not as bright as the night) and soon her figure disappeared by the lake again.

Qing Dynasty Prime Minister's Mansion

The stars are as dazzling as diamonds; the moon is like a curved hook, and the bright light gently covers the earth.

Night, very quiet.Except for the occasional chirping of insects, and the feeble yelling of watchmen to announce the watch, there is no other sound.

Inside the crescent-colored curtain, Nalan was also soundly asleep.There was a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was having a sweet dream——

Nalan also walked on the bluestone path with a jade bone fan in his hand, breathing the fresh air in the air and feeling refreshed.

When passing through the green onion forest and approaching the vast sea of ​​flowers.Nalan also stopped suddenly, he couldn't believe his eyes——

Lin'er, is it Lin'er?

Yun Lin'er, who was dressed in a pure white long dress, came from the blooming flowers with a sweet smile.The silk-like hair dances in the wind, against the colorful flowers, like a fairy.

"Lin'er?" Nalan murmured softly, as if he wasn't sure if it was a hallucination.

"Yeah, I'm back!"

Yun Liner stopped in her tracks, staring affectionately at that thin face.

"Really, I'm back!" Finally accepting the news, Nalan immediately flew in front of Yun Lin'er with the intention of using lightness kung fu.

"Yeah!" Yun Lin'er waved her hands lightly at Nalan Yi, "Look at me—"

As the words fell, the white figure stretched the sleeves of the skirt and danced lightly. The breeze was blowing and the skirt was flying. The Miaoman figure was like a butterfly flying back and forth among the colorful and fragrant flowers.Sometimes the sleeves cover the face, only revealing the bright autumn eyes that are as clear as water, and the eyes are full of charm; sometimes they rotate, and the hem of the skirt forms an arc; Nalan is also fascinated by the charming but elegant appearance! !
Unknowingly, he came to her side; he couldn't help but reach out and touch her, but he didn't touch the entity.


Nalan also woke up, but suddenly found himself on the bed.Where did the sea of ​​flowers come from? Where did I see Lin'er? !
It turned out that everything was just a dream, but such a real dream.Does it indicate something?Is Lin'er really coming back? !

(End of this chapter)

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