Chapter 3

Yun Lin'er slowly opened her eyes, but accidentally bumped into a pair of pupils that were as deep as a pool but as gentle as a spring breeze.Worry, tension, tenderness, and surprise appeared in these eyes, presumably the owner of the eyes was the one who called her.

"Girl, you're awake!" Nalan Yi couldn't hide his joy and relief in his gentle words.

"You're calling me?" Yun Liner frowned, girl?It's the 21st century, and this title is still popular.

"Is there anyone else here?" Hearing her words, Nalan couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, you—" Yun Lin'er finally moved her eyes away from those bewitching eyes and landed on her face, but she froze suddenly, then opened her beautiful eyes and looked at him incredulously.He has a handsome face, he exudes elegance and nobility, but that's not the point.The point is that he is actually wearing a crescent-colored long gown, and has a long black braid. MyGod, has she really returned to ancient times?

"Miss, where are you from?"

With a childish voice, Yun Lin'er realized that there were other people in the room.And he was a boy in a green shirt.

Yun Lin'er didn't answer, her eyes flicked back and forth in the room.Sandalwood carved bed, beige hibiscus curtain, sandalwood table, sandalwood stool, carved wooden window... She pinches the back of her hand—it hurts.It seems that she has really returned to ancient times.There is not much panic, because her purpose is to go back to ancient times.But first, she had to figure out where she was?
"Excuse me, what is this place?" Yun Liner slightly parted her lips, and let out a crisp voice.

"Luoyang, welcome to the inn." Nalan replied briefly, his voice as elegant and melodious as his own.

"Luoyang." Yun Lin'er murmured, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Girl, are you a foreigner?" Nalan also asked.

"En." Yun Lin'er responded lightly, she couldn't tell him that she came from the future world, could she?If so, it's hard not to be regarded as a lunatic.

"My lord, Miss hasn't eaten yet, right?" Little Button was really hungry, but he couldn't stand their slow questioning and answering here.

"Yes, I'm just talking." Nalan smiled apologetically, "Girl, you should come with us before you eat!"

Yun Lin'er rubbed her flat stomach, then looked at the rich food on the table, nodded, and was about to throw off the quilt and get out of bed, but her head suddenly felt dizzy and almost fell.

"If you don't mind, girl, I'll help you there!" Nalan also stretched out his arms to support her.

"It's troublesome!" Yun Lin'er nodded, and Ren Nalan helped her to sit down at the table.

"Little button, ask Xiao Er to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks." Nalan also ordered the little follower.

"Cha, I'm going now, slave." Little Button bowed his head and turned to leave.


"Yun Lin'er."

"What?" Yun Lin'er suddenly threw out a vague sentence, which made Nalan Yi stunned.

"Yun Liner, my name." Yun Liner explained.

"Oh, Miss Lin'er." Nalan also silently recited the nice name in his heart.

"Just call me Lin'er, girl, girl's name is quite cumbersome." Yun Lin'er waved her hand, she was not used to the old name.

"Aunt Lin'er..." Seeing Yun Liner's disapproving frown, Nalan automatically silenced her voice.

"By the way, haven't you asked your son's name yet?" Yun Lin'er stared at the gentle man in front of her with watery eyes.

"I'm Nalan Ye." Nalan Yi introduced.

"Master Nalan." Yun Lin'er imitated the girl in the costume film and bowed slightly, "Thank you for saving me, but I want to ask, where did you find me?"

"Outside the inn." Nalan replied, and then added, "The girl fell from the sky, and I caught it."

"Heaven?" Yun Lin'er opened her mouth in an "O" shape, obviously she herself was shocked by the answer.No, in those books, the heroine travels through time and space to go back to ancient times, either falling into the water, or on the hillside, or overlapped with the soul of a certain ancient lady. I haven't heard of anyone falling directly from the sky, and falling on someone else.

"Yes." Nalan nodded affirmatively, "May I ask where the girl lives?"

"I—" Yun Liner hesitated, how should she answer?

"My lord, here are the bowls and chopsticks." The arrival of the little button just solved Yun Lin'er's situation.

"Oh, thank you!" Yun Liner thanked Little Button with a smile.

"No, no need!" Little Button shook his hands in panic, obviously Yun Liner's politeness frightened him.He is just a slave, how can he bear the gratitude of the young lady!

"You—" Little Button's reaction stunned Yun Liner, and she thanked reflexively.I forgot that this is the Qing Dynasty, a feudal society, and slaves have no status at all.

"Aunt Lin'er..." Seeing Yun Lin'er frowning again because of his address, Nalan smiled helplessly. "Lin'er, you don't need to see outsiders. Little Button is my follower, and he has been with me for five years."

"I'm not out of sight!" Yun Lin'er stared at Nalan Yi without blinking her beautiful eyes, "Little Button helped me, I thank you. It's a matter of course!"

"But I'm a slave!" Yun Lin'er's words flowed into Xiao Button's heart like a warm current. He was a little moved, but even more puzzled.Slaves have always acted on the face of their masters, and it is impossible for a master to thank them. They are slaves and inferior people!

"No one is born a slave!" Yun Liner looked at the little button seriously, "You shouldn't think this way, a slave is also born and raised by his parents, and has the right to be loved and respected by others, not someone's appendage !" (Hey, this sentence is much more advanced than "Huan Zhu Ge Ge").

Do we also have the right to be loved and respected?Little Button murmured, Yun Lin'er once again stirred up big waves in his little heart.He never had this idea?I dare not have such an idea.However, this strange girl told him that slaves also have the right to be respected?Can they really?

Yun Lin'er's sonorous and forceful words not only fell on Xiao Kouzi's heart, but also deeply shocked Nalan.Do slaves also have the right to be respected?It was the first time he heard this kind of argument. Throughout the dynasties, slaves were enslaved and bullied inferior people with no status at all.As a son of an official, there are many servants in his family.Although the Murong family has always treated their servants well, but a servant is a servant after all.Apart from the wages they deserve, they have no status to speak of, not to mention sometimes encountering arrogant and difficult visitors, and having to swallow their grievances themselves.Thinking of this, Nalan suddenly feels ashamed that he is not as good as a little girl.But I was even more curious about where Yun Liner came from?Her words, deeds, and clothes are so different and mysterious!But through the conversation just now, he could see that she seemed to have something to hide and it was inconvenient to speak out.

Yun Lin'er, Nalan Yi, and Xiao Kouzi were thinking about each other, and the atmosphere of silence spread in the room for a while.

"My lord, Miss Yun has just woken up from a coma, let's invite her to eat first!" Chaotic thoughts were running around in the little button's head, even though he couldn't figure it out.But he was still very grateful to Yun Lin'er, he knew that she was really thinking of him.

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I'll forget about it. I'm so hungry!" Before Nalan could speak, Yun Lin'er made a coquettish voice.Alas, she is really not used to such a heavy atmosphere, even though it was caused by herself.

"Okay, let's have dinner!" Nalan couldn't help laughing at Yun Lin'er's delicate appearance.She was a very peculiar girl, without the shyness of other women.

(End of this chapter)

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