The ultimate flame king

Chapter 15 The Devouring Dagger

Chapter 15 The Devouring Dagger
Wang Yan also found a deserted mountain when he left, "Chi Yan, how about it, is the energy absorbed this time enough?"

"Master, the energy is very powerful. I only absorbed about [-]% of the energy, but it is enough to perform the Artifact Refining Art. Master, please take out the sword in the stone and the ghost fireball." Chi Yan said.

Wang Yan took out both the sword in the stone and the ghost fire ball, a sword and a black sphere.This is the status quo of the two treasures.The sword in the stone is missing the sword-locking stone, the ghost spirit and fire ball ghost spirit is swallowed by Chi Yan, and the firework is refined by Wang Yan, leaving a very small sphere.

"Fire in the world, melt." Chi Yan manipulated the Chi Yan fan to release the original fire, melting the sword in the stone and the black sphere.

Two balls of melted liquid floated in the air, Chi Yan asked, "Master, there are still some impurities in it, which may not be enough to make a sword after refining."

"Well, if you can't make it into a sword, then make it into a dagger." Wang Yan decided.

"Void refining method, refining" Chi Yan also began to shape with the help of energy.

In half a minute, a simple dagger appeared, the whole body was silver, but there was a faint crimson light on the edge. "Master, it consumes a lot of energy, and I feel that the rules of the world are being suppressed. This dagger can only be regarded as a middle-grade magic weapon." Chi Yan said.

"Right now, the Chiyan Fan is only a top-grade magic weapon, and a middle-grade magic weapon is not bad. Since the rules of the world have restrictions, then stop it, and you can absorb the remaining energy." Wang Yan said.

The Chiyan Fan returned to Wang Yan's body, and Wang Yan reached out and grabbed the dagger in the air.And the moment he got it, Wang Yan felt the message of this weapon.

The dagger made of ten thousand years of volcanic rock and the alloy of the medieval dark age, if injured by this dagger, will absorb the power index, resulting in a short-term decline in combat power.

attack plus eleven
defense plus five
speed plus eight
Wang Yan also likes holding a dagger. Although he didn't fully inherit the ability of the ghost fireball, he still has some abilities.And the attack and speed bonuses are high.

After refining the remaining energy, Chi Yan said again, "Master, how about this dagger."

Wang Yan also talked about the characteristics of the dagger, and finally gave the dagger the name Devouring Dagger.After everything was settled, Wang Yan returned to the vicinity of Xia's house again.

Now that the Xia family is in chaos, although [-]% of the energy has been swallowed up by Wang Yan, this power is too powerful, and it still makes Xia Xiong and Xia Yu disappear.

When Wang Yan returned to the vicinity of Xia's house, he also felt a strong power index, and there was a strong fire aura.Wang Yan understood that this was the ghost and phoenix in Xia Yu, the eldest son of the Xia family, being aroused.Looking at this fluctuation, Ghost Phoenix's ability index has also exceeded 30000 points, and it has not yet reached a high point.

Since the plot has not been changed by the interference of Wang Yan's actions this time, Wang Yan is not interested in watching the bitterness in the Xia family.

At this time, Tie Shikong is inseparable. Wang Yan is also planning to practice some of the moves recorded in "Flame Spirit Jue" here, such as the Flame Devouring Wolf he just used.There are also advanced moves such as Fire Rain, Flame Wave, and Yan Yan.

Now the Yehenara family is in chaos, but this iron time-space magic power family is a good object to practice.

Three days later, Xia's family gradually forgot Xia Xiong's existence, and Wang Yan was found by Xiu.

"Kid Jinhuohuo, we meet again." Xiudao.

"Xiu, I really can't believe that we have met again." Wang Yan said.

"Okay, there's no need to pretend anymore, you are a supernatural practitioner, it's impossible not to know my true identity." Xiudao.

"Hehe, Tieke Imperial Guard? It's really troublesome. What's the matter, I haven't violated any regulations." Wang Yan continued to put on a show.

"Don't get me wrong, we saw you helping the Xia family intercept the dark forces three days ago, and this time I want to thank you." Xiudao.

"No, it didn't help anything. My ability is still weak and I can't stop it. Aunt Xia Xiong is still missing." Wang Yan said regretfully.

"Hey, the current situation is not very good. It is better for you to stay at home. If you have anything to do, ask our Tieke Guards for help." Xiudao.

After talking with Xiu, Wang Yan formally entered the gate of Xia's family as Jin Huohuo.Now that the ghost dragon in Xia Xia's body has disappeared, and the ghost phoenix has awakened in Xia Yu's body, the Xia family has now calmed down and is trying to control the ghost phoenix.

And Ghost Phoenix is ​​worthy of being a high-level power walker with the fire-type in-situ ability. When Wang Yan arrived, he had already noticed that Wang Yan also had the fire-type in-situ ability like him.

Moxibustion Dance didn't know what he was thinking at this time.As the leader of the White Dao of Iron Time and Space, he naturally has the information of all the supernatural walkers in Iron Time and Space, but there is no Jinhuohuo among them.

(End of this chapter)

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