The ultimate flame king

Chapter 37 Lei Ting and Gu Zhan

Chapter 37 Lei Ting and Gu Zhan

Lei Ting was also very angry, "Okay, there will be a deadly duel in three days."

Wang Dadong also asked Gu Zhan, "Hey, you don't want to fight so much, do you? I just watched one yesterday, and you still want to fight for the boss. If Wang Yan doesn't do it, you have to."

Gu Zhan: "He is him, and I am not challenging him. Since Lei Ting is still the boss, then I will challenge her first. Wang Yan, I will fight sooner or later." After speaking, he turned around with Zhi Ge and Li Yanyan leave.

Welfare Club, Heartbreaker asked Wang Dadong, I heard that there were three new students in their class, one of them wanted to challenge King, he was so kind, and would the three of them have something to do with the fluctuation of the KO list? If Gu Zhan If he doesn't have the ability to defeat Lei Ting, where does he get his confidence? Wang Dadong guessed that unless he took Dali Wan.After all, not everyone is as perverted as Wang Yan.The heartbroken man told Wang Dadong to keep his eyes wide open to see if there was anything unusual.

Three days later, at school, Jin Baosan smelled that the ultimate class was going to change the dynasty, and was talking nonsense with his two younger brothers.

With the dead door left, Gu Zhan told Lei Ting that if she wins, she will hand over her position as the boss of the ultimate class.Wang Yan didn't say anything either.

Seeing that Gu Zhan took out pigs and dogs, Wang Yan said to Nan Ming, "Xiao Nan, he uses long weapons, but he doesn't know how to use them."

"Not as strong as me," Nan Ming said coolly.

Lei Ting has no weapons, and Gu Zhan also decides to fight her.This time there is no supernatural field magnetic field, Jin Baosan stepped forward to record the scene of the two fighting, and said that this is another master duel in the past ten years.

During the fight, Lei Ting saw Gu Zhan's weakness. Gu Zhan found that Lei Ting detected his weakness and avoided the attack. Both of them were about to lose.Lei Ting, who was just injured, was about to be injured again.

At this time Wang Dadong rushed forward to block Gu Zhan's attack, Zhige also stepped forward seeing this, and the flashing combat power index was also felt by Wang Dadong, Wang Yan, Nan Ming, and Fei'er.Wang Yan signaled the two not to speak.

Lei Ting lets Wang Dadong get out of the way, Gu Zhan confronts Lei Ting, and Wang Dadong confronts Zhige.At this time, Master Aji actually appeared. Fortunately, Wang Yan controlled him and did not stage the cheating scene of groping around.

Wang Yan said, "Brother Dong, come down! Their strength will hurt both sides at most. There is no need to fight anymore, and there is no life-and-death enmity, let's call it a draw." Seeing this, Gu Zhan did not speak, turned and left.

This battle also had an impact on Lei Ting. Wang Dadong's intervention made other outsiders feel that Lei Ting was not strong enough.

In the next day's class, Gu Zhan kept staring at Wang Dadong, and Wang Dadong wondered at this moment, Zhi Ge's combat power index in a flash was definitely [-] points, but Zhi Ge was not in the top ten of the KO list at all, why he could Soaring to such a high combat power index? Could it be that he took Dali Pill? ...

And Zhong Wanjun looked at Lei Ting, he found that Lei Ting was looking at Wang Dadong, why did he look like that?
And Lei Ting thought to herself, Wang Dadong was here to disrupt the situation, and he helped her in the two duels.There was an ambiguous atmosphere between them.

The atmosphere in the classroom was weird, and Jin Baosan started acting as a monster. At this time, the classmates took out the newspaper, and the news spread a little outrageously, saying that Lei Ting couldn't handle Beibanana by herself, and hired Wang Dadong, the boss ten years ago, as a thug.

Hua Linglong accused Wang Dadong, and King clearly confessed that no one is allowed to intervene, if he hadn't intervened, it would not have affected King's reputation, so now they have to prove to the universities that King is still King, otherwise all the high school circles will think They are easy to bully.

Everyone yelled to call again, Lei Ting stopped, and said that rumors only stop with wise men, so they asked all of them not to be impulsive for rumors.The two were evenly divided, and there was no result in another fight.

Hua Linglong guesses that Gu Zhan is too quiet now, Xiqiu thinks that Gu Zhan is not as bad as they said, Jin Baosan proposes to go to Gu Zhan's place as an undercover agent, Hua Linglong accuses Jin Baosan of wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to bet.Who asked Ying to follow Li Yanyan.

The entire college community is rumored whether Lei Ting is going to step down? Did she also play tricks last time when she tied with King Yan?And it is rumored that Gu Zhan or Wang Yan will become the new boss of the ultimate class.

Gu Zhan intends to single out Wang Dadong.Zhi Ge asked if he was crazy, 13000 vs 9000 is crushing anyway.Now they seem to be against the entire Ultimate Squad, is this really what he wants?
In the evening, Wang Dadong called Xiu, and said that Zhige's combat power index was very unusual, but after the investigation, he found nothing, so he guessed whether he had taken Daliwan?
Xiu asked Wang Dadong to infiltrate Zhi Ge's circle to inquire.After the people left, Wang Dadong was thinking about how to approach them.

(End of this chapter)

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