Chapter 111 - Black Hand!

The elite squad of the Uchiha clan forgot to keep going, or they didn't dare to go any further.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene that looked like a miracle.

The clouds scattered suddenly, the golden sunlight projected, and the huge meteorite obliquely appearing behind Susan!
Everything impacts the three views of these elites.

On the other side, Madara and Hashirama were standing side by side.

The uncles of the Qianshou clan also came here, and when they saw the two people looking up in a daze, they stepped forward with some doubts.

And the moment they completely walked out of the forest, their field of vision instantly widened, allowing them to see everything clearly!
Some people were frightened by the immeasurable Chakra breath, and some people frowned in disbelief.

Someone suddenly woke up and remembered the murals he had seen before. He suddenly pointed to the gradually spreading white Susan in the distance and stammered and shouted:

"The huge stacked armor, the giant with the mask of the tengu, the meteorite floating in the sky, yes... yes..."

"Sage of the Six Paths!!!"

After hearing his shout, everyone recalled the myths and legends they had heard in their childhood, as well as various scrolls of pictures handed down in their minds!

In the legend, the scene describing the seal of Kaguya Ji by the Sage of the Six Paths is so similar to the scene at this moment!

"Could it be that...the things in the legend are all true..."

"Is this level of existence really humanly capable?"

"Chakra! I feel Chakra!!"

After the people of the Senshou Clan roughly knew what the white Susan was, they all started talking to themselves excitedly.

This is something worth celebrating for those whose strength has reached the elite of the current era.

At least, they know that beyond the current combat power, there is still a stronger path!

Madara standing at the front of the crowd had a solemn expression, his hair was fluttered by the hot wind blown by Chakra.

Madara looked at the huge body between the sky and the earth, and the shocking power made people feel a sense of suffocation!
He couldn't help but clenched his fist tightly, he could see very far in an open place with the opening of a Gouyu Sharingan.

He could vaguely see the swordsman costume that the man was wearing was the same style as Lu Chuan.

Even through the perception of chakra, Madara and Hashirama, who are very familiar with Lu Chuan, can clearly know that the source of this huge chakra is Lu Chuan!

That rascal……! !When did it become so powerful? ! !

Madara stared at her eyes tightly, a sour feeling filled her eye sockets!

Yi Gouyu's Sharingan eyes turned unconsciously, and the somewhat slack and stronger heart in Ban's heart burned again.

Zhujian on the side had already awakened Mudun, and he roughly understood the upper limit of Mudun through Lu Chuan, so he quickly recovered from the shock.

But seeing something with such destructive power with my own eyes is naturally more impactful than telling it.

He rubbed his temples, and was about to tell Madara to go back, but suddenly found Madara's clenched fist.

Bashirama was stunned for a while before he remembered.

Owning Mutun himself, Lu Chuan knows a little bit about everything, but Madara...

It seems that there is only my own Sharingan.

Hashirama wanted to raise his hand to pat Madara, to stop him from being dazed, but he suddenly thought of something, and the hand that wanted to pat Madara's shoulder stopped in mid-air.

The Uchiha clan... there should be some legends, right?

Hashirama also slapped Madara's shoulder with a slap.

Madara shuddered, he took a few quick breaths, and then couldn't help but look at Susan who was gradually turning into spots of light from his back in the distance.

He turned his head, looked at Zhujian, and asked with some doubts:
"What are you doing?"

"Madara, don't you have anything similar to legendary ancient records in your family?"

"Ancient legend?"

Madara frowned, lost in thought.


over the desert.

Because of the backlight, the long-haired Uchiha can only see the white fluorescent Susan, with a black circle behind his head.

But his perception and physical instinct told himself that it was definitely not a black circle! !
He subconsciously fled in the direction of the distance!

Lu Chuan summoned the gigantic tremor star, and he took the initiative to scatter his white Susan from behind!

Faint fluorescence drifted away, attached to the crazily displaced air on the surface of the meteorite!

It casts a layer of white on the originally shadowed meteorite at the bottom.

The extremely powerful repulsive force caused the air pressure near the meteorite to be extremely low!
In an instant, the long-haired Uchiha who wanted to escape was sucked tightly by the falling meteorite!
Zi-! !

His susa-yellow knuckle arm was deeply digging into the ground, but it couldn't move himself at all!
"That guy! Do you want to die with me?!"

The long-haired Uchiha looked at Lu Chuan who floated over alone after Susan disappeared, his eyes were full of surprise.

Lu Chuan looked at the terrified Uchiha people and the kaleidoscope in his eyes.

He shook his head slightly.

He could sense the pupil power in the opponent's eyes, and at this time Lu Chuan also remembered his identity.

——One of the few Uchiha tribesmen who wanted to kill Banma before.

Did you turn on the kaleidoscope during your escape?

Do you feel that you are too weak, so you can continuously strengthen your own ability after awakening?
Through the little battle with this person just now, Lu Chuan can probably guess the ability of the opponent's kaleidoscope.

But at this moment, the pupil power in the opponent's eyes is constantly passing away, that is to say.

Long-haired Uchiha, he is frantically using his pupil technique at the moment! !

As the meteorite approached, the surrounding yellow sand was lifted up crazily, and the powerful air flow blew the long-haired Uchiha and Lu Chuan.

The long-haired Uchiha could only watch Tianzhang Zhenxing getting closer and closer to him!
Not strong enough!Not strong enough! !Still not strong enough! ! !

The yellow Susanoo was gradually attached with strips of muscle, and with the bleeding of Uchiha's eyes, the incomplete armor was attached! !

Still not enough! !Make me stronger again! !
With his emotional agitation, the surrounding sand blown by the airflow seemed to gather together, and began to push the approaching meteorite in the opposite direction of Susano!
"Don't underestimate!! Uchiha!!!"

With his final roar, Tiantian Zhenxing completely smashed to the ground!
boom--! ! ! !

Intense energy erupts at this moment! !

The field of vision of everyone in the distance was instantly occupied by a strong white light!They had to cover their eyes! !
An extinct white light enveloped the land.

Lu Chuan's perspective turned black, and he himself was within the range of Tianshi Zhenxing, but he was much farther away than the Uchiha tribe.

And that Uchiha, at the last critical moment, used the semi-complete Susan to protect himself for a short time!
At this time, a black hand suddenly stretched out from the sand! !

A sticky black hand slapped onto the eyes of the Uchiha people who were caught off guard!

"Do not--!!!"

With the retraction of the black sticky hand, the long-haired Uchiha completely disappeared under the shocking star.

At this time, the eyes formed from pieces of paper in mid-air stared at the direction where the black hand appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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