People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 122 - The Cult of God Has Always Existed

Chapter 122 - The Cult of the Evil God Has Always Existed
At night in Yunokuni, the heat from the hot springs floats above the town.

The beautiful Yunokuni looks unique under the lights at night.

At the end of the street, two figures stood on the roof.

One of the men with his hair combed back looked adoring, bowed his body slightly and said to the other person:

"Master Cthulhu, the Daming Mansion is just ahead, those despicable guys stole the volume recording your great achievements..."

Feizang pointed at the heavily guarded Daming Mansion in the distance, gnashing his teeth, but was interrupted by Lu Chuan waving:

"Okay, let's go!"

As he spoke, Lu Chuan bent his knees slightly, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

Standing on the roof, Fei Zang, whose physique was slightly stronger than ordinary people, looked at the air in front of him in astonishment.

He froze for a moment, then turned his head stiffly, and looked at the heavily guarded Daming Mansion.

He looked again at the roof of the two-story bungalow on which he was standing.

"Master Evil God..."

Fei Zang smiled helplessly.

"I can't enter the Daming Mansion by myself..."


Inside the Daimyo House.

Lu Chuan walked quietly in the courtyard scattered with cherry blossoms.

The main room is brightly lit and has a door that opens onto the courtyard.

Lu Chuan just stopped in front of the open door and glanced inside.

A middle-aged man with a fan-shaped decoration on his head was sitting in the middle of the main room, looking up at the cherry blossoms in the courtyard with a satisfied face.

But he didn't seem to notice the existence of Lu Chuan, and even talked to himself for the moonlight.

"What a wonderful time... oh..."

The person sighing is the daimyo of Yunokuni.

It is said to be a great name, but it is not actually called it. At most, it can be regarded as the lord of a small country.

The only ones who can really be called "big names" are the heads of state of the five major countries.

And what he is sentimental about is just worrying about losing his power.

Recently, news came from the Land of Fire that Uchiha and Senju, the two major ninja clans who have been targeting each other, have actually reconciled and formed an alliance!
This panicked the surrounding ninjas and small nations.

Are these two families joining forces to destroy any country?
The daimyo of Tango Country is also worried about this matter, so he is preparing to recruit ninjas to protect Tango Country recently.

At this time, Lu Chuan, who had browsed through the entire Daming Mansion and sighed inwardly, returned to the Daming's room and released the illusion that was used on him.

Daming froze for a moment, he shook his head, feeling that something was wrong.

Lu Chuan stood behind him, looking at daimyo's back calmly:
"What is your purpose of spreading the Cult of the Evil God to the public?"

When the daimyo heard a strange voice coming from behind, he was terrified, and a chill came from behind him.

He turned his head stiffly, and exchanged glances with the expressionless Lu Chuan.

Who is he? !

When did you come in? !
Where's the guard?
Three big questions suddenly appeared in the daimyo's mind, but the most urgent thing is not the time to think about these.

The fact that the other party can approach him quietly shows that he must be a powerful guy!

Anyway!delay first!

After confirming the main action, the daimyo's eyes became firm, and his articulate words became clear:

"Ah...! My guest, the Cult of the Heretic God is a gathering place for believers who believe in the Lord Heretic God in order to obtain the gift from the Lord Heretic God."

Daming tried his best to control his expression, and said to Lu Chuan who was standing next to the oil lamp as calmly as possible.

After Lu Chuan listened to the daimyo's words, he didn't get any useful information.

Don't answer the question, are you procrastinating?

Lu Chuan glanced at him with the eyes of a fool, and then a purple light flashed in his pupils.


It was as if the daimyo had been directly strangled by the neck, and the whole person sitting on the tatami suddenly became straight!
At the same time, the other party's eyes gradually lost their brilliance.

Just ordinary illusion.

"Now, tell me why you spread the cult of evil gods to the public."

Lu Chuan stared at the daimyo's eyes.

Daimyo's gaze was dull, and his voice was stiffer than the elegant conversation just now, and he spit out word by word:

"Uchiha and the Thousand Hands Alliance in the Land of Fire brought me a huge sense of crisis."

"But the Tang Dynasty doesn't have much money to hire powerful ninjas. I can only hope that the Cult of the Cthulhu can quickly improve the country's combat effectiveness."

"It's too slow to train civilians from scratch. We can only use this convenient but side effect method."

Speaking of this, the daimyo's words obviously got stuck, and he seemed to want to say more, but he couldn't say it.

Lu Chuan pondered for a while, pinching his chin, thinking about the words of the daimyo who was bewitched by his illusion.

Uchiha and Senju Alliance.

Did it lead to the flourishing spread of cults?

So, this is your own pot?

Lu Chuan raised his head and continued to ask the daimyo:
"Then, how did you know about the existence of the evil god?"

Because the daimyo was tightly controlled by Lu Chuan with illusion, they all knew what to answer, and the indifferent voice sounded again:
"The evil god religion has always existed."

"I just spread his influence."

always there? !

Lu Chuan's expression became a little surprised, and he frowned.

For a long time, Lu Chuan thought that the existence of the evil god was only known to those who belonged to the ninja clan of Feizang.

The scroll that Feizang said...

tread--!tread-!tread! !

At this time, a few hurried footsteps came from outside the door, attracting Lu Chuan's attention.

Lu Chuan turned his head and looked outside the door. A figure bent over and breathing heavily was reflected on the window paper through the moonlight.

The familiar back is Fei Zang.

Bang——! !

Fei Zang opened the door panting, and looked at Daimyo with dull eyes, he knew that he came at the right time.

He had just struggled to climb down from the second floor, and was about to sneak into the Daming Mansion again.

But unexpectedly discovered.

All the soldiers outside were lying on the ground, but there were no wounds on their bodies!

Sure enough, only the evil god can have such great power! !

"Master Cthulhu—!!"

Feizang shouted excitedly, his eyes stared at Lu Chuan as if they were shining, making Lu Chuan uncomfortable.

In fact, bringing down the soldiers was just for Lu Chuan to avoid the trouble caused by his famous name later.

Anyway, it's just an ordinary illusion, and it will be fine in a while.

Lu Chuan looked at Fei Zang who was shouting, nodded helplessly, and then asked him:
"Fei Zang, what is recorded in the scroll that was read by the daimyo?"

!Lord Cthulhu called my name! !

my pleasure! !
Feizang looked excited, he straightened up, looked at Lu Chuan with blazing eyes, and replied very fluently:
"Master Cthulhu!! The scroll records the teachings, the way of offering sacrifices to you, as well as some descriptions and records of your great achievements..."

Afterwards, Fei Zang gave the sluggish daimyo another hard look.

As for Daimyo, when he heard Fei Zang yell "Master Cthulhu", his fingers twitched violently.

The expression on his face also seemed to become unnatural.

(End of this chapter)

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