Chapter 127 - Lord of Loulan!
"Chuan, Yiwei, come back quickly!"

These words echoed in Lu Chuan's mind, and he couldn't help frowning.

Chuan is his own name, Lu Chuan.

So clothes...

After contacting the bird from the desert, Lu Chuan instantly thought of Loulan's current queen, Ruyi.

What happened to Rui? !

Although he has some doubts about the authenticity of this matter, if it is true, there is no room for him to hesitate.

With a wave of his hand, the clothes split apart like dust and flew to his body, and Lu Chuan strode out of the bath.

"My lord..."

Seeing Lu Chuan in such a hurry, Feizang immediately understood the seriousness of the matter. He directly grabbed Matt and his son and pulled them out!

"What happened?!"

Maitezai's expression became serious instantly, his powerful balance ability allowed him to get up quickly, and broke free from Feizang's control.

Fei Zang didn't have time to turn his head, he wrapped his black robe and ran quickly:
"Stop talking too much! Follow Lord Evil God!!"

After finishing speaking, Fei Zang ran out of the bath with the helpless Metnai in his arms, and Metzai followed closely behind him.


Above the forest in the Land of Fire.

Lu Chuan controlled the gravitational force, so that he flew in the sky, and quickly swept across the dark night with the three Feizang behind him.

Swish-! !

The cold night wind blew on Lu Chuan's face, but nothing could stop him from advancing.

He is very calm now, his eyes are only on Loulan on the other side of the Land of Fire.

When Lu Chuan passed by Loulan last year, he also asked how Loulan became stronger.

And even
"The great hero, the sword hero of the wind—Jiang Yingyi".

Such rumors are circulating in the small countries around Loulan.

At that time, Lu Chuan thought that Loulan had grown up and no longer needed his support.

He didn't enter Loulan again, and went directly to the Kingdom of Wind next door.

But who ever thought that after only one year, the sad news of Ruyi came from Loulan.


Lu Chuan clenched his teeth, and he accelerated his speed like a cannonball, and flew out as a tranced black shadow with a bang.

The purple light in his eyes streaked across the night, leaving a lavender trail behind.

Behind him, Meitner and Maitzai, who were tightly held by gravity, hid behind Feizang.

Fei Zang, who has a pseudo-immortal body, is not afraid of this little wind, but the young Metternai may not be able to withstand the strong pressure.

Therefore, Matt Zai had no choice but to hug his son and hide behind Fei Zang.


late at night.

Loulan country.

country gate.

Lu Chuan took Matt and the three of them and landed on the stone slab at the gate of Loulan Kingdom. The hard slate seemed extremely fragile at this moment.

A deep pit was smashed out in one fell swoop, and a huge cloud of smoke was directly lifted from the ground!

"Enemy attack!!!"

The loud siren resounded instantly around Loulan's city wall!

The warriors who were guarding on duty reacted quickly, they rushed over from all around the city wall immediately, and they all held the knives in their hands!

After quickly surrounding the smoking pit, the warriors shouted in unison:

At the same time, they waved the knives in their hands, almost everyone's knives were covered with thick chakra!
Lu Chuan looked calm, he stretched out his hand to wave away the lingering smoke and dust, and strode out of the deep pit.

"Well done..."

He turned his head and glanced at the orderly and tightly surrounded warriors, and nodded in relief.

But the priority is not to admire them!

Lu Chuan directly stretched out his hand and pushed away a warrior who was blocking the gate with a dull expression, and walked into Loulan as if no one else was there.

Seeing Lu Chuan's flashing familiar profile, the surrounding warriors also froze in place.

The warrior who was pushed away by Lu Chuan fell to the ground in a daze.

He didn't react for a while, and was stunned for a moment.

Then he stood up excitedly and shouted excitedly to the surroundings:

"Director Lu! Director Lu is back!!"

Behind Lu Chuan, the three of them walked into Loulan under the watchful eyes of the warriors.

"Director Lu?!! He's back!!?"

"Great!! Now Loulan is about to prosper again!"

"Next time, let's see if that businessman named Yile dares to ignore our Loulan!"

"That's right! That defiant joy!"

The excited shouts of the warriors woke up the residents near the city wall, and they listened to the movement outside with sleepy eyes.

"Director Lu? That Director Lu!?"

A group of warriors who had been taught by Lu Chuan excitedly sent news to the city.

Although Lu Chuan didn't stay in Loulan for a long time, the benefits he brought to the people of Loulan were enormous.

The shouts were passed on, and they naturally reached the ears of Jiang Yingyi, the captain of the current guard.

Jiang Yingyi was standing on the top of the tower, staring blankly at the night sky.

"Are you back!"

Jiang Ying said to himself, his dark eyes lit up, and he looked at the city wall.

He was wearing a breathable white cloak, and under the cloak was wearing light armor, and he naturally carried a saber in his crotch.

With legs slightly bent, he leapt from the central tower!


As soon as Jiang Ying jumped a few steps on the roof, he ran faster and faster, and the dust that passed by was blown away by the wind it brought up, and he didn't know where he was flying.


As soon as Jiang Ying saw the figures in the distance, he landed directly on the ground, facing Lu Chuan, Fei Zang, Matt and his son who had just walked near the tower.

"Lu Chuan...!!"

Jiang Ying called out Lu Chuan's name, but his voice seemed a little hoarse.

Seeing the 12-year-old Jiang Yingyi, Lu Chuan couldn't help sighing in his heart, the children here are developing so fast.

Just as she subconsciously wanted to nod to him, she saw that the other person's eye circles were red, and her calloused hands grabbed her sleeve.

Jiang Ying stared at Lu Chuan with red eyes, and he almost said hoarsely:
"Hurry up! Hurry up and save Miss Ruyi!...She is dying...!! The hidden injury has recurred!"

Jiang Ying's voice trembled, no matter how strong his mind was, he was still just a child, and he would still be helpless in the face of this situation.

Lu Chuan's face became serious, and he disappeared in place in an instant!
He had already figured out the approximate location of Rui through perception, which was inside the tower.

It's just not clear what floor she's on.

However, when the distance is close, it is very easy to detect Rui's position!
With the disappearance of Lu Chuan in situ, Jiang Yingyi's original support was gone, his consciousness was blurred, and he was about to fall to the ground staggeringly.

Matt took the first two steps and supported the fallen Takumi Eiichi. The latter seemed to have completed his mission at this moment, and passed out powerlessly!

At this time, Matt Zai found that Jiang Yingyi seemed to be muttering something, he subconsciously lowered his head, put his ear to listen carefully:



in the tower.

Lu Chuan instantly appeared in front of the unconscious Ruyi.

The younger sister Kui Si was also here, and she looked at Lu Chuan in surprise.

Lu Chuan nodded to Kui Si, then looked at Rui's injured abdomen, his pupils shrank.


 The next chapter—Lord of Loulan!
(End of this chapter)

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