People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 134 - 5 years, do you know how I lived these 5 years? !

Chapter 134 - Five years, do you know how I lived these five years? !

The next day, noon.

The intersection of Uchiha and Senju clan.

Many ninjas without surnames were allowed to open some shops here.

The clansmen of Uchiha and Senju maintain the order here.

Over time, this place has also become a place where fighting is not allowed within the Fire Nation.

Yakiniku restaurant.

Zhu Jian and Lu Chuan talked and laughed about what happened in the past few years.

"Hashirama, I haven't seen your hair grow so long in a few years."

"Hahahaha, Madara is also..."

The smile that bloomed in Hashirama met the indifferent Madara suddenly, and his joy froze on his face.

Then a depressing breath suddenly enveloped Hashirama.

Madara hugged her arms, leaned against the wooden seat with a gloomy face, and stared coldly at Lu Chuan, who had a hippie smile on her face.

Lu Chuan was laughing, seeing Zhu Jian's pale face when the pause button was suddenly pressed, he also understood something.

In fact, there was a reason why he forcibly threw the Yin Yang Dun black stick on the stone tablet.

The stele is an important medium for the Uchiha family to enshrine the gods, and Madara must be very concerned about it.

By doing this, Lu Chuan succeeded in cooperating with the earlier dispelling Madara's idea of ​​thinking about "Eye of the Moon", and shifted his attention to the stone tablet.

Rather than the content of the stele.

Moreover, after the Yinyang Dunhei stick fits perfectly with the stele, it can turn the stick into chakra and blend into the interior of the stele.

Externally, there is nothing different from the original.

"Lu Chuan."

Madara's cold eyes were covered by the shadow of his hair, he stared at Lu Chuan and asked:

"Where have you been all these years?"

Lu Chuan took a sip of the shochu in his glass, and when he was about to answer Madara, the shopkeeper came up with a plate of barbecue.

Lu Chuan nodded to the shopkeeper, then smiled and looked at Madara:
"Alright, alright, the stele has returned to its original state."

"Stop keeping a straight face, and see how frightened Hashirama is."

Lu Chuan didn't answer Madara's question directly, but secretly pointed to Hashirama who was beside him with a depressed face.

Hashirama trembled, but he didn't react much, and remained depressed.

Madara glanced at the depressed Hashirama, and let out an annoyed "tss".

Madara has long been used to the weird things Lu Chuan did, although this time it was really too much.

But under the impact of the joy of his friend's return, he didn't seem so angry.

Thinking about it, Madara took another look at Hashirama, who almost knocked his head on the table.

On the tables next to it, people sitting in twos and threes were looking at this side.

"Look, it's Uchiha and Senju's young patriarch!"

"Are you going up to get an autograph?"

"Hey—who is the third person?"

"What a powerful aura..."

"Eh? Is that person the young patriarch of Qianshou..."

Some words that were there or not came into Madara's ears intermittently, Lu Chuan smiled dryly, and poked the silent Hashirama with his elbow.

The coldness on Madara's face was gradually replaced by gnashing of teeth. He looked at his head hanging down, as if he had lost hope for the future, and he was furious!

Madara slammed the table, he stood up and pointed at Hashirama:

"Hashirama! How long are you going to persist in your useless habit of depression?!"

Hearing what Madara said about him, Hashirama's expression became even more depressed, and he supported himself on the table with both hands weakly.

A dull and slow voice came from under the table:
"Is it so worthless..."

Lu Chuan grabbed Zhu Jian by the back collar, and pulled Zhu Jian back who was trying to put his head under the table.

At this moment, Lu Chuan and Madara looked at each other, and the people around them cast curious glances.

Madara glared at the people around him fiercely, and after using his unique evil attribute to push back the gazes of those people, he gritted his teeth and popped out a few words between his teeth:

"It's so worthless!"

"Is that so..."

Hashirama's eyes were blank, as if he had lost his last support.

Lu Chuan patted Zhu Jian's soulless face, and shook his shoulder.

"Hey! Hey! Hashirama! Cheer up!!"

Lu Chuan took the opportunity to tug Zhujian's hair again, he was curious whether the cells in Zhujian had strong vitality everywhere.

If there is, then in the future, when I am completely bald because of Saitama's power...

Is it possible to use the hair between the columns for hair transplant?
Lu Chuan's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the opportunity to pull a few more hairs down.

Thinking about this wonderful question, Lu Chuan cooperated with Hashirama's performance, casually placed a mask to shield the surrounding area, and shouted loudly:

"Don't you want to hear what I have experienced in the past five years?!"

Hashirama's expression changed, and he slapped the table abruptly, supporting himself to sit up.

His face was resolute, sweeping away the negative expression just now, he turned his head to look at Lu Chuan, his eyes were full of determination.


The standing Madara twitched the corners of his mouth, his palms were still in mid-air, and he looked at Lu Chuan and Zhujian speechlessly.

These two...really...

However, Madara watched Lu Chuan cough, cleared his throat, and sat down slowly.

He also wanted to know what Lu Chuan had experienced in these years. There was no one who did not have expectations for the outside world.

What if, in a certain corner of the ninja world, there are some people who have the same ideals as them?
Madara thought, clasping his hands together unconsciously.

Around the three-person table, there was already a seal that others could not see.

This seal is a technique that Lu Chuan has figured out over the past few years to seal the transmission of sound. It is a very simple technique.

"Cough cough!"

Lu Chuan cleared his throat.

"This matter has to start five years ago..."

"It was a low and windy evening, and I came to the first stop of the journey, the Country of Tang..."



After a long time, the sunlight shining in from outside the shop has already become dusk.

Lu Chuan finished telling the story of the past few years early, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and looked at Hashirama and Madara who were still thinking about something.

Lu Chuan did not tell about his becoming an "evil god".

The original cult believers in the story were also changed by Lu Chuanmo into ninjas who followed him.

Then briefly outlined the practice of leaving followers in various parts of the ninja world.

Looking at Lu Chuan's calm and breezy appearance, Zhu Jian felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In his hand, he held two crumpled pieces of paper tightly.

At this moment, the family names of "Sarutobi" and "Shimura" are so conspicuous.

This is an application form for other families to apply to join the Uchiha Senju Alliance, that is, to join their ideal Nakamura.

He wanted to take it out to celebrate with Madara and Lu Chuan.

But now it seems.

Zhu Jian raised his head and glanced at Lu Chuan, who seemed a little confused.

Lu Chuan happened to meet Zhujian's eyes, and he saw the paper in Zhujian's hand.

"That's right! How's the construction of the village going?"

Lu Chuan glanced outside the shop, and this area already had some future Muye Village appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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