People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 136 - Actually... I am the first generation of Loulan...

Chapter 136 - Actually... I am the first generation of Loulan...

"Ding, snatching the character Senjujuma [Konoha Creation]'s lines were successful, and the character's traits are being extracted..."

"Ding! The draw is successful and you will get rewards:

Immortal Chakra [Wooden Escape]. "

Lu Chuan froze for a moment when he heard the long-lost system prompt.

After so many years, he almost forgot that he still has a system.

But...Senjutsu Chakra...

In Lu Chuan's mind, a behemoth gradually emerged.

At this time, Zhu Jian, who was pulled by Lu Chuan to stand up, patted Lu Chuan on the back, bringing him back to his senses:
"I think it's pretty good, Lu Chuan, let's go together, hahaha!"

Hashirama laughed and patted Lu Chuan on the back, then smiled and exchanged glances with Madara.

At this time, a gust of wind blows over the top of the rock wall, and the leaves of late spring, swaying a roll of fans, float in front of several people.


Madara unconsciously reached out and grabbed a leaf floating in front of her. There was a circular hole in the middle of this leaf.

Madara stared at the ground behind the hole in the leaves, and suddenly thought that one of the titles of the village chief just now seemed to be named because of himself.

"Tch! Two idiots!"

He stood up, turned his head away, and said in his mouth that he seemed unconvinced, and the character traits of the Uchiha clan were vividly reflected in him at this moment.

Hashirama has long been used to this kind of Madara. He looked down at the planning map of the future village drawn by Lu Chuan, and then looked up into the distance.

Now that the title of leader has been taken out.

"It's almost time to give the village a name!"

Zhu Jian subconsciously looked at Lu Chuan again this time, but this time Lu Chuan waved his hand.

He loosened his grip on Hashirama's clothes, then shook his head:
"The name of the title was thought of by the two of us, so the right to name the village is not as good as it should be, so leave it to Madara!"

As he said that, Lu Chuan looked at Xiangxiang and turned his head slowly. There were still some spots of doubt on his face. He smiled and asked Spots:

"Do you have any good suggestions, Madara."

Hearing this, Madara's originally doubtful brows relaxed, and he slowly turned his gaze to the forest with only a few houses in front of him. of the village...

He raised the leaf with the hole in his hand, and looked at the prototype of the village through the hole.

The trees stand quietly under the blue sky, with open arms, to welcome the sun.

The houses of Senju and Uchiha are scattered throughout the forest.

The blue valley reflected in the distance, the peaks and ridges are steep, majestic and precipitous, and a few white clouds float slowly in the clear sky with a curved line.

snort!It will definitely be much better than the two of you!

Madara was thinking silently, but he remained calm on the surface, watching the scene quietly, and an idea sprouted in his mind.

Hashirama stood next to Lu Chuan, looking forward to Madara who had been thinking for a long time, his face was full of joy from just now.

The dream is about to come true, such joy and excitement are indescribable.

Lu Chuan folded his arms and squinted at the leaf with holes in Madara's hand.

Don't know what to think.

Madara stuck the leaves to his eyes, looked through the hole and took in all the scenery in front of him, he spoke slowly and carefully:
"Konoha Ninja is it?"

Lu Chuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and he looked at Zhu Jian beside him as if he really did.

Of course, as a time traveler, Lu Chuan knew that Madara would say "Konoha Village" as a matter of course.

But Zhujian didn't know, he looked at Lu Chuan in surprise.

Then both of them seemed to understand their intentions.

And Madara was very satisfied with the name he gave the village, he nodded secretly in his heart, and turned his head, just when he wanted to reap the admiration from Lu Chuan and Zhujian.

But I saw Zhu Jian and Lu Chuan singing and following:
"So straightforward." Lu Chuan spread his hands.

"Say what you see." Hashirama pointed to the leaf in Madara's hand.

"It's not fancy at all." Lu Chuan put his hips on his hips and nodded, expressing that he agreed with Zhu Jian's idea.

"It's too obvious." Hashirama finally lowered his head, showing that depressed look, and gave Madara the final kill!

Madara's smiling face squeezed out a few "well" characters visible to the naked eye, and he clenched his fist with his left hand.

"Bastard! Isn't it the same for you two to get 'Hokage'?! Where is Chic, you bastard!"

Madara turned around and yelled at Lu Chuan and Zhujian, incompetently furious.

Then, he pointed at the dejected Hashirama, waving his fist as if about to hit him on the top of the head:

''and also!Can you get rid of your depression? ! ''

Seeing Madara's furious look, Lu Chuan clapped his hands together:
"Yoxi, from now on, I will carve your big face on this rock wall to ward off evil spirits!"

"...Lu... Chuan!! I will kill you!!!"


a few days later.

The first-generation Hokage building built by Lu Chuan and Zhujian with a wooden escape stands in the center of the prototype of the village.

Madara, Hashirama, and Lu Chuan were sitting at the table in the Hokage Building, discussing something.

Because they have reached a consensus with the Nation of Fire, they will elect a "Hokage" as their representative.

The three of them are currently discussing who should be the first generation "Hokage".

At first, both Hashirama and Madara agreed to let Lu Chuan be the first Hokage.

But Lu Chuan refused.


Hashirama stood up from the table, expressing his incomprehension.

Although in the beginning, the ideal existence of the village was proposed by Hashirama himself.

However, the plan to help the Uchiha and Senju clans to socialize peacefully was deployed after Lu Chuan told the two of them their identities respectively.

Therefore, most of the credit for the peace between Uchiha and Senju now comes from Lu Chuan.

Because of this, Zhujian didn't understand why Lu Chuan didn't want to be the leader.

Madara was also puzzled. He leaned on the seat, frowned and looked at Lu Chuan:

"Although I don't want to admit it, your brain is indeed more suitable to be the leader of the village..."

Lu Chuan pursed his lips and spread his hands, and then had no choice but to speak:
"Actually... do you know Loulan?"

Lu Chuan scratched his head. In fact, when he was talking about his five-year experience that day.

Forgot to describe the existence of Loulan.

Because, subconsciously, he attributed the five-year journey to the "Journey to the Ninja World".

And he forgot "Loulan" with whom he had a relationship from the very beginning.

"Loulan... I know, the country that has severely damaged the Yuyi clan, by the way, the Yuyi clan applied to join the village yesterday."

Hashirama sat on the seat again, put his hands together, and said what he knew.

Spotted nodded, he is still aware of this matter with the Yuyi clan allied with Uchiha.

"Actually... I am the first king of Loulan..."

Lu Chuan said these words without haste.

Inside the Hokage building, there was an instant silence.

(End of this chapter)

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