People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 141 - Real Dreams!Madara out of the village!

Chapter 141 - Real Dreams!Madara out of the village!



The sun hangs in the sky.

The summer heat distorts the air, and the fresh green of the street is blown by the breeze.

With a serious face, he strolled on the streets of Konoha.

There are various shop vendors on the streets of the village that has begun to take shape. When they see Madara, they all say hello to him.

Madara ignored them, and the merchants and vendors were not surprised, because Madara-sama is usually such a cold person.

But don't look at him like this, Madara-sama is quite gentle in his heart.

Some small vendors smiled happily, hiding in the shade of a tree to enjoy the cool, watching Madara's back gradually pacing away.

Spotted is tangled.

The "Eye of the Moon" that Lu Chuan has been raving about for several months is not feasible, so Madara's heart is also a little uncertain.

But in fact, he prefers to use illusion to follow his own ideas.

At this moment, his heart seemed to split into two personalities, quarreling above his head.

The side representing "Illusion" is the black villain, who is yelling at the green villain representing "Konoha":

"You are me! Haven't you seen the ugly thoughts in those families when they merged into villages?!"

"Don't you know! The peace in front of you is just an illusion. In the end, this peace will still be torn apart one day, and it will return to the era of war, or even worse!"

The green villain representing "Konoha" also refuted the black villain:

"But! The peace brought by that kind of illusion! After all, it is not real peace! It is false! It does not exist!"

"The peace that exists in real reality is right! Not wallowing in false illusions!"

The little black figure floated above Madara's head, he seemed to have the upper hand, he continued:

"The boundary between reality and illusion is not so clear, and you can't be sure whether the world you live in is a fantasy in the eyes of others."

As the black villain's last words fell, the green villain completely disappeared.


Madara raised his head, staring at the sun shining high, he shook off the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

He raised his hand and looked at his callused hands under the sun.

"Eternal Peace... Illusion!!"

Madara's eyes gradually filled with excitement and determination!

"Madara! You are here!"

At this time, Hashirama, who had finished the Five Kages' meeting, was walking towards Madara head-on.

He was wearing a white robe and casual clothes, and his hair hung straight behind him.

There was a heartfelt smile on his upright face that had completed the peace of the ninja world. He looked at Madara who was walking with his head down, and laughed happily:
"Hahaha! Madara! Now there will be no more wars between countries! We are one step closer to our ultimate dream!"

Madara raised his eyebrows and glanced at the elated Hashirama. He should have been so happy today.

Speaking of which, what got him into trouble?
Is it the eyes of shadow guards from other countries?
Ugly faces between families?
Or are those people's vague rejection of themselves?

Madara looked at the happy Hashirama, without even thinking about it, he directly took out a handful of kunai from the ninja tool bag he carried behind his back, and handed it to Hashirama:
"Between the columns."

"Eh? Madara, you are..." Hashirama was obviously taken aback, the expression on his face changed from joy to shock: "What? Kunai?"

Seeing Hashirama taking Kunai blankly, Madara sighed inwardly.

"Give me a piece of... your meat, I want to..."

Whoosh! ! ! !

"No——!! Hashirama!!! Don't give it to him!!!"

Boom--! ! ! !

A piercing sound crossed the sky, followed by a familiar shout.

The blurry figure landed beside Hashirama and Madara carrying a huge amount of energy!The huge amount of chakra directly created a huge deep pit on the ground!

Zi-! !

The moisture on the ground was instantly evaporated dry by the high temperature!A large cloud of water vapor floated into the sky!

A sore suddenly appeared in the middle of the street!
All the residents backed away in surprise, but no one was hurt.

"Huh—! Finally caught up!"

The person in the smoke seemed to sigh, and he walked slowly out of the pit.

"Madara! Be careful!"

Hashirama subconsciously pulled Madara to the side!Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at the person behind the smoke!
tread! !

"Lu... Chuan?"

Hashirama stared in amazement at Lu Chuan who slowly walked out of the deep pit, with many confetti still floating on his mutilated body!
Lu Chuan's filthy body was automatically recovering from the loss of his body. He stared at Madara's gloomy face and Kunai in Hashirama's hand, feeling very bad in his heart.

"Hashirama! Get Madara under control! Something is wrong with him now!!"

Lu Chuan reminded Zhujian loudly, and disappeared in place in an instant!Appeared in front of Madara the next moment!

Madara reacted quickly, immediately took a protective action, and directly collided with Lu Chuan!
The arms of Lu Chuan and Madara collided instantly!
Zhu Jian couldn't figure out who to help for a while, so he chose to rush up immediately, grabbing Lu Chuan and Madara!
"You two...!! Sit down and talk!!"

Zhu Jian pulled the two people's arms, his face was flushed red, and with all his strength, he tore away the two people who were confronting each other!

Madara took a few deep breaths, looked at Lu Chuan who still wanted to persuade him, and simply turned his head.

"Hmph! There's nothing more to say!"

In his hand, he was holding a layer of flesh scraped from Zhu Jian's body just now.

Feeling the warmth in his hands, Madara felt very confused for a moment.

He carefully looked at the faces of Lu Chuan and Zhu Jian, as if he wanted to keep them in his heart.

Although they only stayed in the ideal village of the three for a year and a half.

But enough!


Lu Chuan stopped Madara who was trying to leave.

He didn't know why Madara, who was happy for Konoha in the morning, would look like this in the afternoon.

Is it black?
Lu Chuan's eyes became sharp.

Lu Chuan didn't really feel Hei Jue's experience in seducing Indra for thousands of years.

This rich experience has allowed Heijue to control Indra's reincarnation mentality at will.

A little foreshadowing, plus a little fuel.

It is enough for Madara to regain his original idea of ​​"Eye of the Moon" in a short period of time.

Madara stopped when he heard Lu Chuan's voice.

He glanced back at Lu Chuan and Zhujian.

He knew what Lu Chuan and Zhujian wanted to say.

Therefore, he answered the two in advance, and answered the path he believed in:
"Face it, Hashirama, Lu Chuan."

"A deal is just silent war."

"Looking at the world from the perspective of a bystander will make people suddenly enlightened."

"And when everyone is in a dream."

"Then the dream is their reality."

"At that time, eternal peace will truly come."

 The writing of the Warring States is a bit long-winded, so I have to finish this article quickly.

  I'm sorry that I'm in a bad state recently. Things have increased since school started, so I have to squeeze in time to write.

  Sorry <(__)>
(End of this chapter)

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