People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 155 – Traces on the Outlaw Golem

Chapter 155 – Traces on the Outlaw Golem


A white tube fell off Madara's body and rolled to the ground, and blue chakra kept gushing out from the mouth of the disconnected tube.

Seeing Madara's familiar aggrieved expression, Lu Chuan let out a sigh of relief.


Sure enough, the fastest way to solve the depression in your heart is to base your happiness on the pain of others.

Xin——!A reflected light flashed into Lu Chuan's eyes slightly.

what?In such a dark environment, will it still reflect light?
Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes, and through Obito's vision, he vaguely noticed the heretic golem behind Madara.

Lu Chuan was attracted by the strange marks on the golem, and he turned his head slightly.

Turning his gaze away from Madara who was staring at him, he looked behind him
The surface of the ferocious golem is actually slightly reflecting light?
No, no no, that's not reflective...


That's modern stacked armor! ! !

Lu Chuan's eyes widened in surprise, and the Shuanggouyu Shulunyan in his single eye stared straight at the heretic golem behind Madara.

The white thick knee armor and shoulder armor are embedded in the body of the outsider golem!

On the stake behind the golem, it seems that a real turbocharged engine has been vaguely reinforced.

The missile hatch of the sample is opened and closed on the shoulders, and the palm gun launcher is rotated on the bearing.

Does the hatch rotate at high speed along the vertical axis of the missile launch port, relying on centrifugal force to throw the door open? !

- Genius design!

Lu Chuan could even see the hydraulic rods at the waist of the golem of the outsider way to twist and support the whole golem! !
It's just that there seem to be a lot of torn supporting pillars and circuit wires behind the golem.

Before he had time to observe, think and marvel in detail, the spotted face in front of him gradually became angry.

In the mental space, Lu Chuan quickly jumped off the center.

Then he backhanded and threw the unlucky boy Obito up.

Lu Chuan thought about the traces on the heretic golem.

And Obito, who regained control of his body, showed that unbelievable and gradually fainting expression.

Obito looked at his hands on Madara's face, and his face instantly turned green.


At the same time, the two Bai Jue restrained by Lu Chuan with Chakra also broke free.

The yin and yang escape chakra formed a bondage and lost the support of Lu Chuan, and slowly shattered and dissipated.

Obito was so frightened that he almost looked for his head everywhere, and he looked at Madara that he had offended to death in a panic.

The hand that raised the middle finger trembled slightly.

His body was frozen there, unable to move.

Madara stared at Obito covered in cold sweat from bottom to top, his dry lips moved up and down, staring at Obito and opening:
"Although this body is old, dancing is still possible."

Madara looked indifferently at Obito's nervous appearance, if this kid didn't obey his arrangement in the future.

Then the whole plan may be wasted on him alone!
It seems that he must be taught a lesson now!

"Boom! Boom!"

As Madara said, the two white pipes behind him also fell off to the ground.

tread!tread! !tread!

The two white zealots who escaped from the bondage in the distance rushed over quickly, separated their bodies and merged with Madara's body.

Formed a circle of armor, using the inter-pillar cells and stored energy in his body to provide Chakra to Madara for a short time.

Madara straightened his rickety body, his old bones twisted and creaked.

He condescended to Obito with a smirk on his face, and was about to speak.

But he was slapped on the chest by the flustered Obito.

In an instant, a cool chakra poured into his body from Obito's hand, and Madara's pupils shrank:
"This Chakra...!!"


the other side.

Yile is on his way to the front line.

When he passes by some battlefields, he will solve or kidnap some important ninjas of the enemy.

Like a medical ninja or something.

Now, on his shoulders is a tightly bound medical Yanyin.


Yan Yin, who was wearing a brown turban on his head, twisted his body unwillingly.

At this moment, he feels like his teammates are like Baga!

I was kidnapped alive behind them!
And those idiots didn't notice their disappearance at all!

Yan Yin's unwillingness seems to be able to break through the forest.

Yile ignored him, but continued to rush forward quickly.

And the front of Yile's continuous advance is the country of grass, the first battlefield of the battle between Konoha and Iwagakure!

In the forest, many ninjas were scattered and forced to play roaming tactics.


Within the territory of the Country of Grass.

The battle zone between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth.

A Konoha Shinobi wearing a green vest was surrounded by a group of Iwagakures.

In the current era, every Jonin is an important mainstay.

As long as one can kill the opponent, it can also cause huge losses to the enemy.


Konoha Shinobu clenched the kunai in his hand, his eyes kept scanning the enemies in front of him.

The palms of his hands were slowly sweating, and he knew that he was probably doomed this time.

After a rough count, the number of enemies revealed is actually nearly a hundred. Damn, don't they have a shortage of troops? !
I'm just a jounin!It's not Hokage, does it take such a big battle to target me? !
He leaned against a thick tree to avoid the enemies coming from behind.

Putting it in the hand behind him, he slowly grabbed the last few detonating symbols left in the ninja bag.

As a jonin, no matter how bad his condition is, he can take away a few people.

Just as he was about to inject the chakra to detonate the detonating talisman, a voice came from behind him:
"Yosie, we're in time!"

With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Konoha Kami Shinobu subconsciously turned his head.

However, he saw a tightly bound Yanyin falling heavily on the ground beside him.

Are reinforcements here? !

Jonin's expression was a little excited, he quickly took out Kunai, and glanced at the figure in white clothes rushing to his side.

And that white figure stood in front of Jonin, and said without looking back:
"Look at him, I'll take care of the rest!"

"it is good!"

Jonin subconsciously agreed to his request.

He took a few steps back holding Kunai, quickly swallowed a Bingliang pill and began to quickly restore Chakra and physical strength.

At the same time, stare at the enemy's medical ninja.

Due to the long-term mental tension and high-intensity fighting, Jonin was also exhausted at the moment, and he didn't even see the clothes Yile was wearing clearly.

He only understands now that he needs to recover his strength quickly, and then go to help the reinforcements.

Cover him and retreat together.

As for victory?Don't be kidding, you can still win under this level of siege...

Impossible, even if Hokage-sama is here, surrounded by so many people, he will be injured...

At this time, a slightly decadent and desperate voice came from the side, interrupting his thinking:
"...You Konoha, you really are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... You are obviously an unknown pawn..."

"Can you quietly kidnap me who is the center of the team... Hmph!"

Konoha Shinobu turned his head strangely, and glanced at Iwagakushi who spat out the strip of cloth in his mouth.

This guy... what is he proud of?
(End of this chapter)

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