People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 164 - The 3-Tails That Feel Valued

Chapter 164 – The Three Tails Who Feel Being Valued
"Ding, snatch character Uchiha Obito [Kaleidoscopic Sharingan] lines are successful, the contact judgment is successful, character traits are being extracted...

Ding, the drawing is successful and rewards are obtained:
Kaleidoscope Pupil Technique: Divine Power (right eye version).

Ding, it is detected that the host has obtained the kaleidoscope pupil technique, and the achievement has been achieved: the legendary eye

The achievement system issues rewards, Kaleidoscope pupil technique:

Left eye: Shizuku Ashihara (gui)

Right eye: Yujia imperial food (zhuan). (Stacking Kamui.)"

The system's notification sound echoed in Yile's mind.

Lin on one side mustered up the courage to stand in front of the huge Sanwei, and the two were looking at each other.

Sanwei glanced back and forth between Yile and Lin.

After a long time, Yile recovered from the series of notifications from the system just now.

Lin stood beside her, and turned her head to look at Yile worriedly.

The huge Sanwei keenly sensed some changes in the body of the guy in white clothes in front of him.

Yile felt the cool eyes, and touched his chin.

Just now, the ontology passed the guessed information over.

It may be because the whirlpool Baijue attached to Obito was also judged to be part of Lu Chuan.

That's why it was successfully judged to be in contact with Obito, thus inspiring the line snatching.

If this is the case... then the system's judgment range has become too large.

Yile was thinking, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his head, and was about to continue talking with Sanwei.

His eyes accidentally caught the pinyin mark on the system's new panel.

Looking at the pinyin marked on the panel, the smile on Yile's face gradually froze.

What, are you afraid that I can't read?

I really appreciate you.

He looked sideways at Lin and smiled at her, indicating that he was fine.

The most urgent task now is to solve the problem of the three tails. As for the new pupil technique, we will study it later.

At the same time, Sanwei's heavy voice came again:
"...Stop talking big, kid, I can't sense any old man's aura from you."

But... how did this guy know the names of himself and Kyuubi?

Sanwei's open eye was a bit puzzled, and he couldn't figure it out.

Well, in every sense.

"Can't you feel it?"

Yile smiled at Sanwei, then picked up the Yin-Yang Dunhei stick in his hand.

Old man's breath?
Could it be that Ji Fu mistook what he said just now for himself, and that he was an old man?
Or, the prerequisite for becoming Six Paths is to get involved with the old man?

Yile thought to himself.


Yile reveals the remaining Indra Chakra and Asura Chakra remnants in the body!
A powerful breath erupted from Yile's body in an instant!
Bang! !

A powerful air flow overflowed from around Yile's body!
A person-high spray exploded from Yile's feet.

Lin was caught off guard by being splashed with water, but fortunately, it was in her mental space, and the water dried up almost instantly.

Lin looked in shock at Yi Le, who was bursting with air all over his body.

This is the remnant of Indra Asura Chakra that Lu Chuan looted from Madara during the Fourth World War.

Wisps of light blue chakra were blowing on Yile's clothes.

He put the Yin-Yang Dunhei stick across his chest, and mixed some of the pupil power of the reincarnation eye into the chakra!

"This is…!"

Isofu tried his best to open his eyes wide, and carefully looked at the guy in front of him exuding the aura of Indra and Asura.

Although it was short, the other party did burst out with an aura similar to that of the old man.

The second Sage of the Six Paths...

Jifu was slightly shocked, he watched Yile who was slowly restraining his breath.

If only these words, it is far from enough.

Sando calmed down the fluctuation in his heart, moved his paw quietly, and he already had the idea of ​​going back to sleep again.

But at this moment, Jifu suddenly remembered something!
This guy in front of me...

It seems to be just a wooden clone...!
Jifu's sleepy expression froze, and he looked at Yile again.

However, this time, his eyes were full of seriousness.

"I am the successor of the Sage of the Six Paths!"

Yile and Sanwei looked at each other, he was thinking about how to fool Sanwei.

Although the quickest way is to directly control Sanwei with Samsara Eye.

But Yile will always be away from Lin's side, and he can't control Sanwei all the time.

Therefore, he wanted Sanwei to trust Lin completely. As for how to do it, he already had some countermeasures in mind.

"Samsara Eye, Immortal Body, he gave me everything except the Six Paths Immortal mode."

Yile pointed to his eyes, and a burst of immortal chakra with a strong breath of life emerged from the other hand.

Then he continued to speak to Mio:
"Presumably you can also see that this is just a clone."

"So the degree to which the immortal body can show is limited."

Unexpectedly, the celestial chakra obtained from Zhujian would come in handy in this place.

Yile secretly glanced at Sanwei.

Although Sanwei was surprised by Lu Chuan's strength, he still didn't react too much.

"so what?"

Sanwei leisurely squeezed out a few syllables from his heavy throat.

Maybe... because the main body is a turtle with slow habits?

Looking at Mitsuo whose eyes were still full of disbelief, Ichiraku sighed helplessly.

Yile started to seal the seal step by step with both hands.

Another print.

very slow.

It seems to be for Sanwei to see clearly.

Originally, he didn't want to use this trick.

After a few seals, Sanwei's eyes gradually widened, as if he understood something.

But he still didn't believe it, so Isofu didn't directly stop Yile's behavior.

Until Yile suddenly slapped his hand on the ground!The chakras all over his body immediately spread out on the ground!

"Spirituality, moving horse..."

"Stop! Stop! Stop, stop!"

Sanwei yelled in horror, he watched Yile clap his hands on the wet ground in horror.

The whole tailed beast subconsciously shrank deeper into the cage.

He retracted a few claws into the carapace again, and then began to observe with some peace of mind.

I saw a few runes centered on Yile's hand in an instant, extending towards the surroundings, with a sound of "bang".

A huge cloud of smoke spread out.

"Uncle Yile!"

Lin watched Yile's strange sealing technique and huge smoke rising, she subconsciously yelled worriedly.

After a while, Lin realized that it seemed to be an ancient psychic technique!

She slightly let go of the worries in her heart, Lin was standing beside Yile, but at this moment, she felt that Uncle Yile beside her was so strange.

Huge amount of chakra, mysterious and ancient chakra breath, breathtaking eyes, power that makes tailed beasts tremble with fear...

There are also all kinds of self-proclaimed "Sages of the Six Paths".

This is completely different from the kind ramen uncle she remembered!

Lin's mind suddenly recalled the "big words" that Yile said just now while standing in front of the window.

"Could it be that……"

Lin seemed to have thought of something, she subconsciously covered her mouth with one hand, and looked at Yile's blurred figure through the smoke in shock.

From the smoke spreading in front of him, Sanwei felt the breath of Tentails that he hated.

"That breath..."

The three tails shrank their heads tightly, every tailed beast would not want to return to the golem of the heretics, and feel the feeling of being united as one again.

This will make life worse for those who already have self-awareness.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, Yile held a dark brown gravel with patterns in his hand.

The texture of the gravel is like a dead branch, like the skin peeled off from some dry tree.

But the aura that can scare the tailed beast comes from this.

Holding the purple shard in his hand, Yile looked at the trembling Sanwei with some helplessness.

Of course he wouldn't channel the entire heretic golem.

Lin's mental space couldn't bear his pressure, so Yile just channeled a little fragment from the golem.

Yile explained seriously to Sanwei:

"The body of the ten tails has been channeled to the ninja world by...Indra's reincarnation."

"Hamura, who lived on the sealing stone, has also died, and his descendants have been disintegrated."

He pinched the rhombus-shaped gravel with purple patterns, and pointed at the disgusted Mio.

A trace of surprise flashed in Sanwei's eyes, the news about Hamura, this was something even he had never known.

Standing beside Yile, Lin nodded half understanding.

She understands every word, but why can't she understand it together?

Is this... telling a fairy tale?
Lin touched her head.

And Yile recalled the words of the old man Liudao in the plot, and continued to point to Sanwei seriously and said:

"Now, it's time for you to show up!"

"The second pair of reincarnation eyes besides me has been born! Otsutsuki Kaguya will be resurrected by those obsessed with it sooner or later!"

"Wait until then! It will be too late!"

"Do you still want to return to the body of the golem of the heretics again?!"

Sanwei looked out of the cage at Yile who hated iron for nothing, and slowly poked his head out of his carapace.

Squinting his eyes, the aura of the heretical golem really made him feel uncomfortable and disgusted!

"The time to assist the Son of Prophecy and prevent Otsutsuki Kaguya from resurrecting is now!!"

Yile held the fragment of the golem, and pointed at Lin next to him when he said "son of prophecy" with his other hand!
The gravel on the heretic golem's body was cut through the air by Yile forcefully, pointing at Lin.

Lin who was accused had long been confused by Yile's words.

In a daze, Lin saw Yile pointing at her hand.

Her body trembled violently, and at the same time her mind became much clearer.

Son of Prophecy?Why are you pointing at me?

Mio took a deep look at Ikraku, and when Ikraku told a lot about Otsutsuki Kaguya, Sano was almost convinced of Kagaku's identity.

After all, apart from the Sage of the Six Paths, only Yu Cun and the occasional few first disciples of the Ninja sect knew so many secrets.

Under the ten-tailed aura from the fragments of the golem, what Yile said could not be more true to Sanwei, and most of what Yile said was indeed true.

So, the purpose of this guy's trip is not to catch me.

Are you here to discuss the matter of re-sealing Otsutsuki Kaguya?
The Son of Prophecy...?
Sanwei looked away from Yile who was holding the fragment.

Following the direction of his fingers, he looked at Lin who seemed a little confused.

Such a weak son of prophecy.

Sanwei sensed the Chakra in Lin's body casually, and complained inwardly.

Sanwei scratched the water layer with his claws:
"why me?"

Sanwei, who has always been brief and succinct, said a long series of words in a rare way:
"That guy Shukaku is more suitable for getting along with humans."

Yile heard the words, put his hand to his mouth, and coughed.

"Her chakra attributes and personality are in line with yours, so I believe you can be the mentor of the son of prophecy!"

He thrust his waist, and put the Yin-Yang Dunhei stick in his hand beside him.

It is not without basis that he dared to say that Lin is the child of prophecy.

This girl is rare to have Yang escape chakra in addition to the chakra of natural attributes.

And it is much stronger than ordinary people who can change the nature of yang attributes.

So Yile continued to watch Baa Ji and asked:
"As a three-tailed beast with a gentle personality, you are the most suitable tailed beast to deal with the Son of Prophecy!"

"Just to be on the safe side, that's why I woke you up when there were decades before Hui Ye's resurrection."

"Just to let you better teach and cultivate the Son of Prophecy, without being influenced by the others."

"we need you!"

Yile opened his arms and faced Sanwei's head protruding from the darkness in a hugging posture.

Sanwei listened to Yile's words, but didn't answer him.

Ji Fu was not very good at words, and he didn't like talking very much because of his voice.

In order for me to raise the Son of Prophecy...

So wake me up first...

In order to avoid being disturbed by the Nine Lamas...

Isofu's originally gloomy pupils shrouded in mist seemed to be brighter.

In his heart, he seemed to feel a sense of being valued

This kind of importance is a feeling that I have never felt since I left with the old man...

After being controlled, enslaved, and driven to fight by humans for a long time, the tailed beasts basically only have tyrannical, evil and chaotic emotions in their hearts.

Now Yile writes a negligible concern and attention, but it breaks through Jifu's inner defense.

"That's it... I see."

Sanwei, who was not good at words, was completely fooled by Yile after being bombarded with so much information from Yile.

Jifu is naturally aware of the existence of the Son of Prophecy.

When the old man separated the nine of them back then, he said that one day, they would reunite in another body with different appearances and former names.

That person is different from Kaguya, they will feel complete warmth, not the feeling of being forced to be enslaved.

That person is what Yuyi said - the son of prophecy.

Although I don't want to move, but after all, it is Yu Yi's words.

Since she is the child of prophecy, let's force her to teach.

Wait until the other tailed beasts come, and then go back to sleep, well, that's it.

Thinking like this, Sanwei lowered his head to look at the little human in front of him, and said in a low voice:
"Son of prophecy... please take care of me."

Yile heard Sanwei's words and knew that he had succeeded.

He gave Lin a thumbs up and encouraged her to come forward.

Lin looked at Yile who gave her a thumbs up, and then heard Sanwei's words, and immediately understood the current situation.

So she took a few steps forward, came to the front of the cage, and stood still.

He also extended his hand towards Sanwei.

One person, one bastard, oh no, tailed beast, one person, one tailed beast's hands and armor:
"Please teach me more in the future! That... Isofu!"

(End of this chapter)

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