People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 166 - I am the descendant of the sword master craftsman Ying 1!

Chapter 166 - I am the successor of swordsman Eiichi!
The Yan Yins didn't speak, they all had a stern look on their faces, and they kept besieging Yahiko with the sword and kunai in their hands.

Another sharp cold light streaked across Yahiko's side.

Yahiko grabbed the flying Kunai with his backhand, held it in his hand and bounced off another Iwagakushi's attack.

"Damn it, why don't you answer?"

Yahiko dodged Ichijo Iwagakushi's enveloping attack again, and jumped high into the air with all his might.

The non-response attitude of the other party made him very troublesome.

Xiao Nan, who was standing on the ground, used a special waterproof oil paper to form a circle of paper butterflies to surround himself, defending against the attacks of the surrounding rocks.

Yan Yin and the others looked at Xiao Nan who was wrapped in paper butterflies and had no choice but to surround her with weapons to prevent her from escaping.

"What should I do, Yahiko?"

Xiaonan carefully stared at the several Yanyin in front of him, and asked Yahiko who was leaping on the cliff wall without looking back.

The rain was still falling as usual, and Yahiko kept jumping in the air with the help of the protruding stones on both sides of the canyon.

While avoiding the attack, while maintaining the chakra attached to the soles of his feet, he answered Xiao Nan loudly:

"Our purpose is just to negotiate, don't kill people!"

With both feet attached to Chakra, Yahiko ran directly on the cliff.

Behind him was also a group of Yanyin running on the cliff.

Xiao Nan nodded silently, she felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the people in front of her.

But she couldn't tell either.

Looking at Yan Yin, who was expressionless and just staring at him lifelessly, Xiao Nan fell into deep thought.

On the other side, Nagato stood in the middle of the canyon with a calm expression, and more rocks surrounded him.

Whoosh——! !

Several kunai were thrown towards Nagato from the hidden rock, and the sound of the crane chirping through the air passed by Nagato's side.

He skillfully dodged a few kunai flying towards him, stood there expressionless, and looked at Yahiko and Xiaonan who seemed to be forced in the distance.

He looked at Yan Yin who was stiff like a puppet, rushing up desperately, he stretched out his hand slightly.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The pupil power formed a huge repulsive force, and a small Shenluo Tianzheng was instantly generated, repelling several people who rushed up.

Are you going to be deadlocked like this, Yahiko?

Nagato frowned, he subconsciously looked at Yahiko on the cliff wall.

The next moment, Nagato's pupils shrank in horror!
What I saw was that Iwagakushi ran into Yahiko who was caught off guard from the side with Kunai!
It just so happened that Yahiko was holding the stolen Kunai in his hand!

Yahiko felt the immersion of Kunai in his hands, and he slowly widened his eyes.

Yahiko, who has always advocated peace, knows the purpose of his trip.

They are here to negotiate peace, not start a bigger war!

As Iwagakushi in front of him fell down slowly, the Kunai in Yahiko's hand also fell out of his body weakly.

This Iwagakushi bumped into Yahiko's Kunai directly, and stabbed himself to death!
Yahiko was stunned, he stared blankly at Iwagakure who was lying on the ground with blood protruding from his chest, his eyes were full of disbelief:
"how so…"

If in this sensitive time...

Yahiko froze on the spot for a moment, he looked at Yanyin whose breath of life was gradually disappearing, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

At this time, Yan Yin had sneaked up behind him, ready to stab and attack!
But Yahiko didn't seem to respond, and was still frozen in place.


Xiaonan looked anxious, she also noticed the strangeness of Yahiko, she reminded Yahiko loudly!Then drive the chakra in the body!
Fly directly in the direction of Yahiko!
Iwagakushi, who was approaching Yahiko, seemed to finally have an expression on his face. He held up the long knife in his hand, and his face gradually slashed towards Yahiko's back ferociously!
"go to hell!!!"

Yanyin's arrogant voice resounded in my ears!

Yahiko woke up suddenly!But the blade behind is already close at hand!There is no time to dodge!
With a muffled sound, white confetti instantly filled Yahiko's eye sockets.

At the critical moment, Xiao Nan charged forward with the surrounding paper butterflies, and used the paper butterflies to block Yahiko's attack!

The next moment, the feeling of weightlessness filled Yahiko's mind from all directions!

The two also fell backwards due to the impact of Iwagakushi's direct collision.

White confetti wrapped the two of them, sliding towards the ground like a miserable meteor.

The surrounding rocks saw the two showing their flaws, and rushed forward like hungry wolves.

"Yahiko! Xiaonan!"

Nagato yelled in horror, the original calmness no longer existed.

He looked at his companion who had fallen from the sky into the encirclement, and stared at the boss with a pair of samsara eyes in astonishment.

He looked at the two who were about to be attacked.

For a moment, the scene seemed to overlap with the scene where Xiao Nan was almost killed when he was a teenager.

Same rainy day.

That was Nagato, the second time he used the eyes of reincarnation to kill people.

He protected his "family"!
A sense of suffocation pinched Nagato's neck, he looked at Kominami Yahiko who fell into the wolf's mouth, and choked up all the words he wanted to say.

Watching Yahiko Asakonami swarming up, Iwagakushi with crazy expressions.

Nagato's mood swings surged to the top.

"Gu-ha...ha..." Nagato panted heavily, feeling very anxious in his heart.

But the feet seemed to be rooted, unable to move!

The pupil power in his eyes was constantly gathering because of his emotional fluctuations.

The scene where mother and father died under Konoha ninja knife seems to be still vivid in my memory.

In a trance, the yells of my parents before they died seemed to still be echoing in my ears.

"Run! Nagato!!"

"Let's go!!"

"Run! Nagato!"

"Nagato... run..."

In the end, the scene of parents sacrificing because of their own hesitation flashed again.

This time!He must not hesitate any longer! !

boom! !

There was an instant roar in Nagato's head!With the mastery of ideas!The pupil power of the reincarnation eye gathered instantly!

"Drink it!!!!!!"

Nagato roared hoarsely towards the sky!He was knocked unconscious by the powerful pupil force, and stood straight on the spot, his pale face shriveled instantly!
A pair of samsara eyes erupted with powerful pupil power, and finally they were no longer covered by red bangs!
Seeing him standing still, several Yan Yin immediately rushed up from all directions to surround and kill Nagato!

But the next moment!

boom! ! ! !

Pupil power linked to a behemoth in a certain cave!Instantly summoned it over!
The earth cannot bear the huge weight!It began to crack in all directions, and the huge stone lifted in all directions with Nagato as the fulcrum!

Dust rushed in all directions along with huge stones!Like a violent tsunami, several Yanyin who rushed up were sent flying!

In the rising smoke, a huge blurry figure ferociously waved its arms!
next moment!All the smoke and dust were swept aside by the waving of the huge figure! !


A huge brown humanoid like dead wood raised its head high from behind Nagato!It absorbed a little chakra in Nagato's body, roaring around in pain!

There are many white modern hatches and stacked armor inlaid on the hideous dead wood body, which makes the weird humanoid look a little strange.

As soon as it appeared, it waved its arms, raising a large cloud of dust and gravel!

Then he had to make a gesture to catch Yanyin who rushed towards Nagato just now!

The golem and Nagato roared together, and the power generated by the golem supporting its body with its arms can destroy a large area of ​​the surrounding environment!

And a white figure who looked a bit embarrassed was holding on to the outer shell of the golem!
As the heretic golem waved its arms, the white figure was forced to shake non-stop!


The distant voice has rhythmic ups and downs.

That's right!

This figure is Lu Chuan with a white body.

He had just experienced severe pain, and he hadn't recovered from both physical and mental weakness.

The heretic golem linked to him through the chakra tube behind him was suddenly channeled by something!
And he who is linked with the heretic golem!Naturally, he was also pulled over by spiritism!

Caught off guard, Lu Chuan could only be slammed onto the outer shell of the golem, and then stuck tightly to it.

Do your best to restore the trance in your mind.

Lu Chuan shook his head vigorously, feeling the drizzle of rain around him, then leaned on the golem of the heretics who was trying to destroy the surroundings, and looked under it.

A head of bright red hair broke into Lu Chuan's vision strikingly!
Psychic heretic golem, red hair, rain...

Several elements were unified, and Lu Chuan instantly determined that the guy in front of him was Nagato.

Also at this time!Lu Chuan, who probably understood the matter, heaved a sigh of relief!

It is because of this breath!Lu Chuan's hand also loosened slightly!



The heretic golem casually grabbed a handful of Yanyin, then squeezed it violently, and then slammed it into the distance!
call out--!
A bunch of figures were thrown into the distance.

At the same time, roaring together was a white figure thrown into the air.


Lu Chuan looked at the chakra tube connected to his neck in horror, and he was thrown into the air like a yo-yo!

Howling, Lu Chuan tried to stretch out his arms, tearing off the tube behind him.

Following the big swing of the golem, he was thrown into the sky because he was linked with the golem.

Boo!A soft sound!
Finally, Lu Chuan pulled out the tube behind him in a panic!
But he also flew high into the air because of the huge inertia.

call out!
Lu Chuan turned around in the air, and he stimulated the potential of Bai Jue's body!

His arm stretched out like rubber, grabbed a rock on the ground, and pulled himself back from the air!


Lu Chuan fell back to the ground and stood on two legs.

He is now standing on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and he can clearly see the current situation.

Lu Chuan was panting, this was the second time he had encountered such an exciting situation since time travel.

The aftermath of the pain that seemed to be split just now still lingers in Lu Chuan's mind, and he feels a little dazed.

He lowered his head and quickly looked at the current situation:

The two little figures charged at another who was roaring in front of the golem.

And pushed him to the ground.

Nagato should be the only one who can psychic the golem now, so the one standing in front of the golem and being held down is Nagato.

The other two should be Yahiko and Konan.

Is Yahiko still alive?

Lu Chuan struggled to open his eyes, his weak body had already made him collapse on the ground.

The three villains seemed to be right, and the huge golem disappeared in smoke.

Immediately afterwards, Yahiko carried Nagato on his back, and looked back at the group of Iwagakures.

He left this place with Xiao Nan in a few moments.

Lu Chuan watched Yahiko and the others leave. He nodded sleepily, and then subconsciously wanted to turn around and climb up the golem.

Wait, where's the golem?

Fuck, the golem is gone, my chakra...!
He lay on the edge of the cliff, looked at the golem that had turned into smoke, and touched the pipe connection port on the back of his neck in a daze.

The severe pain was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed to have a tendency to come again. He regretted pulling out the two tubes.

That feeling of splitting... that pain... What the hell is going on? !

At this time, a puff of smoke exploded on the ground in the middle of the canyon, and a man wearing a vest jumped out of it, with bandages tied around his head.

Lu Chuan no longer supported himself with his hands, and narrowed his somewhat slack eyes to look at the man's appearance.

Bandage face, Konoha vest...

Since the rain has been falling non-stop, some reflections will affect Lu Chuan's sight.

So he struggled to use some of the pupil power of the reincarnation eye to make himself see more clearly.

He saw clearly the scar on the man's chin and confirmed his identity.

It's Danzo!

In a blur, Lu Chuan seemed to see who Danzang was talking to and what.

However, the intense and inexplicable bursts of pain have made Lu Chuan unable to think.

Coupled with the absence of Yangdun Chakra's supply, Lu Chuan gradually closed the eyes of Bai Jue's body.

The body automatically used the mayfly technique, and slowly sank into the rain-soaked, damp stone surface.


Lu Chuan murmured, his consciousness plunged into endless darkness.



In a trance, Lu Chuan felt as if he had returned to the sealed space that had trapped him for decades.

The familiar sinking feeling came again.

He struggled to open his eyes.


But everything in front of me is still so blurry, so hard to see the truth.

The only thing that can be seen clearly is in front of him.

A golden line that is completely parallel to the ground, and something seems to be flowing from it.

And the end of the line.

But forked two new line segments that are not parallel.



Whoa-! !

Outside the window, it was raining non-stop.

Lu Chuan slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a moldy and very unfamiliar ceiling.

After moving his arms a little, he found that he seemed to be lying on a hard slate bed.

"Are you awake?"

A youthful voice came from one side, and Lu Chuan turned his head away.

I saw a young man with a knife cloth on his back slowly walking towards him, holding a bowl of hot liquid in his hand.

"here is…?"

Lu Chuan felt the condition of his body, and after finding that there seemed to be no serious problem, he asked the boy while he was still unconscious.

"Here, this is my home."


He put the bowl on the bedside stone cabinet.

"I! I am the successor of the great swordsman Eiichi!"

"Remember! It was the descendant of the great swordsman Eiichi who saved you!"

(End of this chapter)

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