People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 174 - Fei Zang's Last Sacrifice

Chapter 174 - Fei Zang's Last Sacrifice (False Ending)


Under Lu Chuan's painful and suppressed roar, the surrounding space began to distort, in a trance.

The streamer flickers.

Things around seem to change.


first timeline.

A period of time after Hanzo was taken under Lu Chuan's command.

The third Ninja World War is drawing to a close.

Near Konoha Hospital.

A few Konoha jonin were happily discussing something.

"Hey, have you heard? Uchiha's young patriarch has made great achievements this time!"

"Who doesn't know such a big thing, I heard that Tsuchikage Onoki was severely injured!"

"Super strong!!"

"That's right...surrounded by hundreds of iwa ninja, severely wounding Tsuchikage..."


As the few people moved away, the sound became farther and farther away.

Fu Yue, whose eyes were bandaged with white gauze, was lying on the hospital bed by the window.

As he listened to the conversations of the few people passing by the window, he couldn't help feeling sour in his heart.

Tears dripped from under the gauze, soaking his pillow.

"The power gained by sacrificing a close friend...I'd rather not have it!"


"Hey cough cough!!"

Lu Chuan in the first timeline is also following Kakashi's trail at this moment.

But just now, a huge and complicated memory suddenly flooded into his mind.

He leaned on the wall next to him in pain, panting heavily.

"...Kakashi? Hanzo? Not an evil god?..."


Lu Chuan stood up straight, his face full of sudden realization.

He just received a stream of detailed and complex memories.

It was my own memory, but it was not my own memory.

To be precise, it was a memory I had on another timeline.

And in this memory, it clearly described how the self in another world line used the fourth generation, Akatsuki, and Itachi to send the real self back to Loulan in the Warring States Period.

And their purpose is exactly the same as the second purpose in their original plan now!
Under the premise of peace, resurrect the ontology from the seal.

However, the self in that timeline did not seem to be able to make the ninja world peaceful.

Lu Chuan's expression gradually became complicated.

Will what I do now repeat the mistakes of another timeline?


"What's next? What's next?"

The lights were dim, and the little girl shook the old man's chair, wanting the old man to continue telling the story of "Lu Chuan".

The old man was unhurried, pampering the little girl's head, and a voice like rotten wood came slowly:

"Hehe, don't worry. Next..."


Do not!Won't!

Lu Chuan fixed his eyes and looked at the back of Kakashi in the bookstore ahead.

In this timeline, he has believers all over the ninja world, and the powerful Loulan as his backup.

This is something he never did in another timeline!
So, this time.

He will never lose!

"So, Lu Chuan later gathered the power of all the believers and unified the ninja world, isn't that grandpa?"

The little girl shrank her head into the old man's arms with a curious expression on her face.

The dim lighting made this scene very warm.

The old man raised his wrinkled brows and smiled lovingly. He twirled the yellow and old pages with his fingers.

"Yeah, after he's done all that, he's going to do another thing."

"What's the matter? Grandpa, tell me quickly!"

"...merging another timeline."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, she turned her head to look at Grandpa's gray eyebrows.

With respect in his eyes, the old man continued to read the text in the book.

"He transmitted consciousness to the second timeline."

"In Madara strangled Heijue who was sneaking up on him, and in Kaguya when the two teamed up to seal again."

"Find Jiang Yingyi's grave, and find out the cause of their death."

"In the end, he told everyone the cause and the truth of the matter."

"When they know everything."

"The second timeline disappeared."

The old man was silent for a while.

Feeling the content of the story contained in the simple words, the little girl asked the old man suspiciously:

"What about him, where is he now?"

There seemed to be a little moisture in the old man's eye sockets.

On his chest, a faint green light is exuding the breath of life.

Words squeezed out from the old man's throat, as if he had witnessed the gears of history:

"It should be in the new world."

Old man, close that old book.

On the title of the book, a few Chinese characters were vaguely written.

"Lu Chuan"


dong dong dong! !


There was a loud bang, and the wooden door of the house was broken open.

Several figures slowly stepped into the dim light.

"Old guy, I finally found you!"

"Give up struggling, Datongmu has already surrounded this place."

"The ninja world has fallen! Hand over the book in your hand!"

The visitor is not good.

The old man slowly carried the little girl down and sat up with difficulty.

With yellow and turbid eyes, he looked at the direction of the door blankly and dimly.

Behind him, the little girl was wrapped in purple chakra, and then a spatial fluctuation came.

She disappeared in place.

The old man's chapped lips squirmed slightly.

"Lord Evil God..."

He pulled out a sharp steel needle from his cuff.

"This is…"

When the people at the door saw the old man's movements, their eyes were shocked!
"My last sacrifice!!!"

With a hoarse throat, the old man straightened his waist, and suddenly plunged the steel needle in his hand into his chest! !

"The third generation of Loulan! Feizang!! You are crazy!"

The people at the door backed away in horror, trying to leave the house.

But it was too late.

The purple chakra had already wrapped their legs heavily.

Even though a few people tried their best to absorb the chakra with the reincarnation eyes in their palms, there was no sign of chakra attenuation.

"This kind of's him!!! It's him!!!"

The leader suddenly came to his senses, he raised his head in fear, and no longer struggled.

In front of him was the skinny old man.

He was raising his head and chest, stepping on the three-pointed pattern of blood under his feet.

behind the old man.

A huge phantom with purple eyes and white hair, but a youthful appearance, enveloped everything around him.

(end of book)

(End of this chapter)

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