Chapter 177 Episode [-], The Nine-Tails Rebellion
Konoha Village at night.

The war is over.

The whole village shone with splendor, and several pieces of music were mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish and understand.Crowds of unreasonable joy are crowded, and everything is covered under the surface of nothingness.

There are orderly stalls on the side of the road, all kinds of items, and the road that is not wide looks particularly orderly at this time.

The sound of inquiries and music drowned out the laughter of the crowd, and the noise swallowed up the tranquility of the night.

A drunken person slowly and gently opened the door of the izakaya, and was about to go out, when the voice of the boss who was also drunk came from behind:
"Yo! Thank you for your patronage!"

The drunken man put his hand on the door frame, turned sideways and raised his other hand, and greeted in a high voice:

"Ang! I will come again!"

Then he staggered out of the door of the izakaya, and the villager Konoha, who was transformed into Lu Chuan, was standing in front of the izakaya. He glanced at the drunkard who was walking away, and spit out:

"Why is it three years later! Is it worth three years after I have done so many things?!"

The voice of world awareness arrived as expected, and it sounded coldly from his mind, explaining why he only came three years later:

"Idiot, even if you do several times more than you do now, you will still come to this point three years from now."

Lu Chuan stopped and clenched his hands in his trouser pockets into fists. He couldn't help but shouted directly from the bottom of his heart in anger:

"So why on earth?!! I asked you several times and didn't tell you the reason?! I'm fucking you big..."

He said in his heart that Lu Chuan sideways avoided a drunk guy who was being supported by another person and walked crookedly on the road, then the world consciousness said in a contemptuous tone:
"As long as you are still a time traveler, let me ask you, how old was Naruto when he was in the Fourth World War?"

Lu Chuan wandered nonchalantly, turning his head from time to time to look at the children who were fishing for goldfish, and before he knew it, he had already walked in front of a huge tree.

He looked up at the tree, touched his chin, felt a little uncertain, and whispered speculatively:

"Emmm, maybe, 17 years old?"

World Consciousness seemed to nod his head, as if he had finally seen Lu Chuan as the prophet of the traverser, and then continued to explain to him:

"To be precise, he is 16 years old, and now, it is 16 years before the Fourth Ninja World War! And it will be October 10th in a few days."

16 years ago?It's all so close.

Lu Chuan turned around in front of the big tree, and stopped in the middle of the crowd. He didn't react for a while, blinked his eyes, and then understood something, and said in a deep voice:
"You mean...this year is, no, in a few days...Naruto is born?"

"...But what does Naruto's birth have to do with my staying here?"

Crowds are surging, flocking to every fork and corner of the road.They were attracted by the items on the stalls, and sometimes by the shouts of the vendors.

Lu Chuan squeezed out from the crowd, jumped onto the nearby roof, and looked at the bright lights on the street below.

"Naruto is the protagonist of this world. What you have done before will not return to the original state... Some things can be changed, but there are also some things that cannot be changed... Once you change it, the consequences may lead to the collapse of the world... "

Lu Chuan continued to walk on the roof next to the bustling market. At first, he listened to the words of the World Consciousness quite engrossed. Then the more he listened, his heart gradually became irritable. Finally, he impatiently interrupted the words of the World Consciousness:

"Stop! What do you want to do, you can just say it, and there is no point in one sentence for a long time."

At this time, Lu Chuan heard a very familiar complaint from the street next to him. He subconsciously turned his head to look there. It happened that the world consciousness also spoke at this time:

"...I need you to make Naruto a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki again."

Lu Chuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of the world consciousness, causing his walking steps to sway, and he stepped on the eaves of the sliding roof. The next moment, he lost his center of gravity and was about to fall from the roof.


Several broken tiles and rubble fell down.

Lu Chuan reacted quickly. He slightly adjusted his center of gravity, and then landed firmly on the ground.

He turned his head and glanced at Maitekai who was complaining, and Kakashi who was stunned beside him, raised his hand and subconsciously said hello:

"Yo, good evening."

Then he turned around and continued walking aimlessly, leaving only Kakashi and Kai staring at Lu Chuan's back in a daze behind them.

Kakashi, who had begun to look like a salted fish, stared at the person who fell down just now. The guy greeted him like someone he had seen before...

I remembered!

Kakashi frowned. In his memory, the movement of the person who imitated Lin raised his hand kept overlapping with the guy walking away in front of him. Several years of work in the shadow department made him very sensitive to micro-movements.

Subconsciously, I want to catch up, but after thinking about it, I just want to catch others because of a single action, so let's forget it.

Kakashi stood where he was and patted the back of his head.

On his left hand, a silver-white ring reflected the moonlight at night.

At this time, Kai who was standing next to Kakashi continued to complain: "Kakashi! Let's have a showdown today!"

Kakashi put his hands in his trouser pockets and continued to walk forward, dismissing Kai's challenge in a light tone:

"Let's use finger guessing today..."

"Again! Isn't there a more passionate contest?!"

Kakashi closed his eyes helplessly. Ever since he knew that Obito and Rin were still alive, and both of them were stronger than him, Kakashi has been practicing non-stop practice of ninjutsu sharingan every day .

In the past few years, he has never relaxed for a moment. The current Kakashi is already much stronger than the original work. He even uses the Sharingan with the spores sent by Kami Obito, and his strength can be compared with the third generation.

In the last few days, Keira came out to hang out because the fourth generation gave Kakashi of Anbu a holiday.

Therefore, Kai now, unless he opens the Eight Gates Dunjia, it is really difficult to win~


Everyone in Lu Chuan is numb. He is constantly asking the world consciousness about his own doubts, with a look of lovelessness on his face:

"How do I make Naruto become Jinchuriki? Let me kill Kushina? No, my original plan if I came to the night of Kyuubi is to let Minato and Kushina survive..."

"Hey, let Naruto's parents survive without any problem."

Lu Chuan sat on the bridge by the river, his feet dangling in mid-air, swinging back and forth.

After hearing Lu Chuan's series of complaints, World Consciousness slowly answered his questions:

"If you can keep Kushina alive and let Naruto become Jinchuriki, there will be no problem."

"Also, what I mean by Jinchuriki is that the Nine-Tails in Naruto must have self-awareness, it can't just be a ball of chakra."

(End of this chapter)

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