Chapter 181 Extra Story - Fuyue Has Hell
"You... aren't you dead? Uchiha Murashiu!"

"Minato..." Kushina's voice was weak.

Minato protected the weak Kushina behind his back with one hand, and held a handful of Flying Thunder God Kunai behind his back with the other hand. He questioned Lu Chuan who was standing on his chest, and looked at Lu Chuan with his eyes.

that eye...

It is very similar to the reincarnation eyes described by Mr. Jiraiya...

Minato clenched the Kunai that was lying horizontally in his hand, his eyes gradually became serious, the person in front of him looked like one of the "Uchiha Twin Stars" who had died in battle.

If he is a village cultivator, where did he get the eyes of reincarnation? !Obviously, some time ago, I could hear information about the peace talks organized by Akatsuki.

Lu Chuan ignored Namikaze Minato's doubts. His plan b has been completed by one-third, and he is still here just thinking about whether to complete the next step directly.

At this moment, the window of Minato's house was shattered, and two black figures rushed in:

"Kushina, are you okay?!"

A woman's voice came from one of the two shadows.

The deformed door frame slammed into the opposite wall, smashing the light bulb that had just been replaced, making a loud noise.

But the next moment, the noise was blocked by Lu Chuan's enchantment, and then he subconsciously threw an illusion at the two of them.

If people are attracted by the noise, things will become more troublesome.

Lu Chuan is not such a troublesome person.

Because the light bulb was broken, the house fell into darkness again, and only the moonlight from the window of the living room could barely see the positions of several people.

One of the two black shadows was hit by the illusion, staggered and covered his head, and finally lay down on the ground, sleeping very soundly.

The other person staggered a few times, and then stood there barely holding on to the wall. He stretched out a hand, and slowly and tremblingly pointed in the direction of Lu Chuan.

The two blood-red patterns in the pupils of the man were spinning, and they seemed to emit a strange red light in the dark. His hands were trembling, and his voice seemed to be trying to suppress his excitement:
"Cunxiu?... Is that you, Village Xiu?"

Lu Chuan's reincarnation eyes allowed him to see clearly in the dark. He looked at Fugaku Uchiha with red eyes, and touched his face helplessly. His current appearance was similar to his clone "Mura Xiu" of.

His avatar Uchiha Murashiu, when he infiltrated the Uchiha family, just turned into a little big fart baby, so he didn't pay too much attention to the change of appearance.

As a result, the appearance of Lu Chuan's main body is similar to that of his Mu Dun avatar, "Cunxiu".

From Fuyue's point of view, as soon as he landed on the floor of Minato's house, he saw his deceased friend standing there, and his legs almost went limp in fright.

But in the next moment, the figure of the other party suddenly became blurred, floating in the air like a phantom, and he turned on the kaleidoscope in a hurry to see clearly.

Uchiha Fugaku tried his best to open his eyes and stared at Lu Chuan who was standing there, as if he wanted to get an answer from Lu Chuan, and finally met Lu Chuan's lavender eyes, and finally collapsed to the ground.

Masaka, I saw the ghost of Murashiu...

Such thoughts echoed in the unconscious Fu Yue's mind.

Suddenly, in Lu Chuan's perception, Minato's Chakra teleported directly behind him, and what Lu Chuan subconsciously thought was a blur.

Kunai slid through the air and made a loud piercing sound. Minato held Kunai's hand and passed directly through Lu Chuan's body. He slowly became shocked as he passed Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan quickly turned around and grabbed Minato's arm with his backhand. Before he could control him, Minato directly chose Flying Thunder God and left the hut.

"It flies so fast."

Lu Chuan murmured and turned his head, looking at the place where Kushina was standing, there was no one there now, and even the Uchiha couple who were lying on the ground just now had disappeared in place.

It turned out that Minato just made a feint just now, taking advantage of the time when Lu Chuan turned back, he led the three of Kushina away from here together.


A strong gust of wind blew in from the broken window, which lifted the unbound curtains, covering the figure of Lu Chuan standing on the side of the living room. When the wind dissipated slowly and the curtains fell feebly, Lu Chuan disappeared.

The forest outside the village.

There are several Flying Thunder God Kunai sticking out on the open grass.

Pat bang!
Minato reluctantly brought the three of them here via Flying Thunder God. This is the best distance he can teleport with his current perception and Chakra.

The moment he faced Lu Chuan just now, Minato felt his perception was disturbed.

He fell to the ground with the three of them, and some dust rose from the ground, but Kushina was held in his arms without much impact.

Minato's head was still a little unclear, and he was still a little dazed by Lu Chuan's punch. He struggled to put down Jiuxinna in his arms, and slowly got up from the ground.

My attack pierced him, but he can materialize again... What kind of ninjutsu is that?
Horrible illusions...Super high reaction speed...

We can't treat him as a village repairman, if that guy has already run out of chakra and is calling.


At this time, a hand was suddenly placed on Minato's shoulder, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to use Flying Thunder God to shift his position.

But it was too late, Minato realized that he was gradually unable to control his body to move, he could only vaguely hear a few words coming from behind him:
"...The way of the world, the submergence of the heart, and reform."

Before they could get up completely, their bodies lying on the ground became heavy, and then their eyes went dark, and they passed out.

Lu Chuan's hand stretched into Minato's head like nothingness, exploring in Minato's soul. He searched for Minato's memory of tonight, and by the way, cast an illusion to block the outside world.

"Found it, emm to modify."

Following a burst of micromanagement by Lu Chuan, Minato's memories of Lu Chuan tonight were all blurred and disappeared, and it was adapted into another appearance.

On the other side, Kushina with a big belly dragged the sleeping Uchiha couple to the other side, and made a pose to fight Lu Chuan, with five Chakra chains slowly stretched out behind him.


A gust of wind blew past Jiuxinna, bringing up some green grass leaves, Lu Chuan had already moved behind her in an instant, and then put his hand into the back of her head.

"The way of the world, the submergence of the heart, and reform."

Lu Chuan slowly helped the unconscious Jiu Xinna to lie down, modifying her memory.

Concocting Jiu Xinnai's soul in the same way, Lu Chuan turned his head and looked at the two sleeping guys next to him. After finishing these two people, his plan can basically start the next step.

I don't know if Hirizaki and the others just left Minato's house, if someone would look back, the Anbu around his house is probably lying down and sleeping.

Should be spotted soon, hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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