Chapter 101 Seeing the future
"Forward?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran froze for a moment.Luo Xiaran can be sure that she has never come into contact with Leng Xi. After all, such an outstanding man is hard to forget at a glance.Then presumably what Leng Xi asked for must be not small, otherwise why would he give it to her directly.

But no matter what Leng Xi wanted, Luo Xiaran felt that with her current inventory, it shouldn't be a problem.Of course, Luo Xiaran was not completely defenseless, she looked at Leng Xi and said, "I don't know what Mr. Leng is asking for?"

"My legs have been numb for more than ten years, so I hope Miss Luo can treat me." Leng Xi said with a light smile, not caring about Luo Xiaran's defense.

"Treatment? Mr. Leng was joking, I'm not a doctor." Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and said in refusal, but she was wondering in her heart, could it be that someone from Jun Lie leaked the news?

But it was a temporary decision when she met Xue Jing and Jin Biao, so Leng Xi asked Jin Biao to lure her here?Luo Xiaran didn't think Jin Biao had anything to do with people like Leng Xi.

"Hehe, Ms. Luo knows no secrets. As long as Ms. Luo helps me heal, not only this restaurant, but I can also provide crystal cores and jade for Ms. Luo." Leng Xi shook her head slightly, looking at Luo Xia Ran seemed like a lying child.

For some reason, under Leng Xi's gaze, Luo Xiaran felt guilty, but she didn't like such 'forced' things, so she still shook her head and refused.

"Okay, okay, Miss Luo, I don't know how much you know about prophecy. I predicted that you could heal my legs, so I came to you." Leng Xi had no choice but to say so.

Leng Xi woke up on the No. 15 day after the end of the world. Fortunately, the people around him were loyal, so he did not die unexpectedly.After waking up, Leng Xi discovered that he could prophesy.

This kind of prophecy seems to be able to see the future directly, so Leng Xi only knew about Luo Xiaran, knew about the wood-type supernatural power, and also knew what Luo Xiaran wanted to do and what she needed.

But it is not completely clear. For example, Leng Xi has no way of knowing how Luo Xiaran's inn appeared overnight, nor how Luo Xiaran healed himself, so he is not completely aware of Luo Xiaran. secret.

Leng Xi has no shortage of money or food, his only regret is his legs that could not walk again because of the betrayal of his relatives.So Leng Xi was not threatening Luo Xiaran, but a real request.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran worried too much, so she thought too much, and she misunderstood Leng Xi.

"As long as my leg can be healed and I can walk again, I can help Miss Luo with whatever she wants. Although this is the territory of the Jun family, I, Leng Xi, is no different than Jun Lie.

What's more, Jun Lie is only the heir now, and I am already the head of the family. Leng Xi looked domineeringly at Luo Xiaran who had misunderstood him, smiled and said: "I will not covet what Miss Luo has, nor will I betray it, so agreeing to my request is nothing to Miss Luo." No harm but no benefit, right? "

After Luo Xiaran looked at Leng Xi for a long time, she finally nodded in agreement.She had heard of the power of prophecy in her previous life, and Leng Xi's power was stronger than hers, so even if she didn't want to, Luo Xiaran had no other way.

However, Luo Xiaran could also see that Leng Xi was indeed as he said, and had no intention of coveting at all.What's more, Luo Xiaran felt that Leng Xi might be stronger than Jun Lie, so it was a good choice.

 Scheduled release~Dangdangdang~Announce the answer, prophesy power~ Awesome~
(End of this chapter)

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