Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 103 Getting hotter and hotter

Chapter 103 Getting hotter and hotter

"Hey, I went to Province J with my boss to participate in a rally before, and I met Mr. Diao. Mr. Diao is really amazing. Don't look at his age, he is very good at fisting and kicking!" Jin Biao smiled embarrassedly. talking.

The underground forces also have their own rules. For the sake of interests and safety, a rally is held every year. The forces of all sizes in the three northern provinces will send people to participate, and each rally is held in turn in the three provinces.

Although the boss that Jin Biao followed before became a zombie after the end of the world, before that, he was considered a big force, and there were people covering him, so he was able to get a place to participate in the rally.

At that time, Mr. Diao was dealing with traitors, and they ran into each other by chance. Mr. Diao's methods were very cruel. Jin Biao admired and feared at the same time, but he never thought that Mr. Diao would find him.

But Jin Biao would not tell Luo Xiaran that it was Master Diao who took the initiative to find them.And the previous owner of that restaurant was not Leng Xi, who closed down before the end of the world.

"Oh? That's right. It's alright, this time things are done well, and everything inside is yours." Luo Xiaran raised her eyebrows, although she knew that Jin Biao was definitely not telling the truth, but he was still useful , Luo Xiaran doesn't mind such trivial matters.

Just now I was overwhelmed by Leng Xi's aura and prophecy ability, but now that I think about it, it is absolutely impossible for Leng Xi to know himself too clearly.After all, although Leng Xi's abilities are higher than hers, they are only at the fourth level, so it is impossible to predict so clearly.

What's more, as far as Luo Xiaran knew, every prediction by a prophecy would seriously hurt his vitality. Even if Leng Xi didn't lack crystal nuclei, it was impossible for him to make too many predictions.It was probably because he was by Jun Lie's side that he received the most attention, and then he discovered his specialness.

Fortunately, there is a system, even if the system has no wisdom and thoughts, it is not something that anyone can spy on.For example, in the 20 years of ancient times, the inn was built overnight, and nothing was noticed.

After handing over the biscuits, compressed biscuits and five bottles of water in the mountaineering bag to Jin Biao, Luo Xiaran walked home slowly with the bag on her back.Now that the storefront problem is solved, things will be much easier afterwards.

It's just that Luo Xiaran can't build an inn hastily after arriving in the safe zone, and needs to sort out the situation inside the safe zone.Even if the Jun family is in charge here, it doesn't mean that there are no other forces, does it?
Peace is the most important thing in business, even if Luo Xiaran has no shortage of supplies, she doesn't want to cause trouble because of a small matter.And the most important thing is the Jun family, Luo Xiaran doesn't think that when she takes out things at will, there will be no coveted things.

Although he believes in Jun Lie's character, as Leng Xi said, Jun Lie is only an heir now, and not everything in the safe zone is at Jun Lie's discretion.

Touching the sweat on her forehead, Luo Xiaran sighed slightly.It's already October, but the weather is getting hotter and hotter. It seems that we need to make early preparations.Luo Xiaran remembered that after the hot weather, it was cold winter. Because of the sudden change in the weather, more people died, and even brought a raging disease.

When she got home, the villa was even hotter. Only then did Luo Xiaran notice that there was no ice ability around her.Even with the water ability of Chu Xinrui, the ice ability is the most effective when it is extremely hot.Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran decided to find someone with ice abilities to join the team as soon as possible.

 Scheduled release~ Checked, no problem, a false alarm, I will scare myself to death

(End of this chapter)

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