Chapter 105

"Oh, the baby is so big, let dad hug it, don't lose it~" Chu Xinrui, who came out of the kitchen with lunch, said jokingly when she saw Luo Xiaran's father and daughter hugging each other intimately.

Since the end of the world, Luo Xiaran has become more and more mature, but the more so, the more worried Chu Xinrui is.What's more, Chu Xinrui could tell that Luo Zhaoxian's father and daughter must have something to hide from her.

"Mom, are you jealous when I hold Dad?" Luo Xiaran pretended to be coquettish and rubbed against Luo Zhaoxian's arms. Disappeared without a trace.

"Even if you are jealous, you still eat daddy, baby, come and give mommy a hug." Chu Xinrui smiled when she heard this, and spread her arms as if expecting Luo Xiaran to rush over.

"Don't don't, who made my daughter the little lover of my father's previous life, so don't give her a hug~" Luo Xiaran quickly ran to Chu Xinrui while talking, and gently hugged her somewhat thin body.

Previously, because she was worried about Luo Xiaran and following the car and exercising her abilities, Chu Xinrui's already poor body lost a lot of weight. Luo Xiaran was already thinking about how to replenish Chu Xinrui's body.

"Hey, go ask them to wash their hands and eat." Patting Luo Xiaran on the back, Chu Xinrui walked back to the kitchen to serve the dishes while talking.

After settling down, Chu Xinrui also had more time, so he prepared five dishes and one soup for lunch, including chicken, duck, and stewed pork. The portions were large and the taste was good. All of them were delicious.

After lunch, Ma Jianing took Ke Nianyuan and Zhang Limin out for a walk to digest food, Cui Jiu took the eight Black Mountain hounds to the yard to groom, Xue Jing went back to the room to accompany Cheng Yan, and there were only three Luo family members left in the living room.

"Dad, have you heard of Lengxi?" Luo Xiaran couldn't help asking after taking out a few snacks from the system backpack and putting them on the coffee table.From Luo Xiaran's point of view, if Leng Xi is really what Jin Biao said, then Luo Zhaoxian should have heard of it or even dealt with it before.

"Lengxi? The Leng's family in J province?" Luo Zhaoxian asked puzzledly after hearing the words, looking at Luo Xiaran.After all, the Leng family is not an ordinary family, Luo Zhaoxian couldn't figure out why Luo Xiaran suddenly mentioned such a person.

"It should be from Province J. It is said that he is the leader of the underground forces. He has a very outstanding appearance and extraordinary temperament. The shop he found today belongs to him. He has awakened the power of prophecy, so he took the opportunity to lure me there." Luo Xiaran clicked Nodding his head, he said with some fear.

If Leng Xi hadn't asked her for something, if other people had used the prophecy ability to deal with her, she would definitely suffer a big loss this time.This was what Luo Xiaran thought of fortunately on the way home from Leng Xi.

"It should be. I haven't met Leng Xi, but I have heard about it. However, it is rumored that Leng Xi is not an ambitious person, but you still have to be careful in the future. If you dare to meet Leng Xi alone today, It's too risky." Luo Zhaoxian said with a serious expression on his face.

Luo Xiaran refused to accompany her when she went out in the morning. Now it seems that she should not let Luo Xiaran go too far in the future.After all, she was so spoiled before, Luo Xiaran already had a feeling that a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers or was too confident.People's hearts are unpredictable, and Luo Xiaran still knows too little.

"Well, I see. Leng Xi asked me to heal his legs, and the key to the shop has been given to me. I will treat him when I finish the inn. The divination ability is still very useful, so I want to ask Father helped me deal with it." Luo Xiaran smiled and nodded.

"Miss, Mr. Jun is here." Before Luo Zhaoxian could speak, Cui Jiu's voice came from the door.

Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, suddenly feeling bored.Although there was indeed something to discuss with Jun Lie, when Jun Lie came, Luo Xiaran felt uncomfortable all over again.

 Timely release~ If you like it, please collect it~
(End of this chapter)

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