Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 112 Guessing the forces behind it

Chapter 112 Guessing the forces behind it
Early the next morning, Luo Xiaran tidied up in the room, changed into a more formal set of clothes, opened the door and walked out.

Looking down the stairs, I saw that the four waiters had already started to set up the tables and chairs, and breakfast was placed on the table in the center. Ma Jianing and Zhang Limin, who were the first to wake up, were eating quietly.

Because of Luo Xiaran's words first, Mr. Qian and others also have memories, so everyone does not need to pay for meals and lodging at the time, and it is enough to hand in a crystal core when they think of it later.However, there is a time limit. If you don't pay any money within a month, you will be kicked out of the inn by the nurse.

The eight hounds including Heishan were arranged in the stables outside the inn. After all, they could not enter the courtyard.What's more, Cui Jiu treasured Heishan very much, so Luo Xiaran didn't intend to let Heishan and the others be bound in the inn forever.

Speaking of Nursing Academy, Amu is 1.8 meters [-] tall, muscular, dark-skinned, and looks energetic. Even if he fights with the strengthened Zhang Limin, he can easily subdue Zhang Limin.Huzi is as tall as half a person, and if he fights with Montenegro, he can overwhelm the eight hunting dogs of Montenegro, which is very powerful.

Luo Xiaran actually knew the people in the inn very well, after all, they had been together for more than ten years in ancient times.It's just that because there are many supernatural beings in the last days, Amu's force value has also been increased a lot.

Of course, if Amu and Huzi can't solve it, Luo Xiaran can also use the inn's defense system to directly throw the enemy out of the inn.

After breakfast, Luo Xiaran went to the kitchen to see the two busy cooks. Because they were going to entertain guests today, the cook prepared chicken, duck and fish. Each table had eight dishes and one soup, but the portion of meat dishes was small , Most of them put a lot of vegetables such as potatoes and wax gourds in it.

Around 09:30, Jun Lie led Xiao Zhenyan and the others to the door first.Behind Xiao Zhenyan was a strange girl who looked small and was also looking at Luo Xiaran curiously.

"Ranran, happy opening, this is a congratulatory gift." Jun Lie smiled at Luo Xiaran, and then handed the gift box in his hand to the little second hand who came up to greet him.

"Thank you, sit inside first, drink some tea and rest." Luo Xiaran said with a smile back.In fact, she sent at least [-] invitations to the Jun family, and now only Jun Lie came, and I don't know what Grandpa Jun thinks.

A waiter greeted the guests, and Luo Xiaran stood at the door waiting for other guests to come.And with Jun Lie's arrival, other people who received invitations also came over one after another.

After ten o'clock, the lobby on the first floor was already full of guests and friends.There is tea and some melon seeds and peanuts on each table, which of course were collected on the road before.

On the walls on both sides of the inn, there are board and lodging prices and menus on one side, and the previously negotiated exchange regulations on the other side.The guests discussed while drinking tea, guessing the power behind Luo Xiaran by the way.

After all, it is still a place full of ancient charm to be able to run such a big hotel in the last days. Most people still find it hard to believe that Luo Xiaran can produce so many things.

Jun Lie was probably the most guessed one, firstly because Jun Lie and his party arrived first, secondly because they had a close relationship with Luo Xiaran, and finally because there were some fruits on their table, which aroused suspicion.

It's just that after Master Diao pushed Leng Xi and followed Luo Xiaran directly to the second floor, the discussion in the lobby became louder.Gradually, Leng Xi became the biggest object of suspicion.After all, Leng Xi's identity is not a secret, and some forces present quickly recognized Leng Xi's identity.

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(End of this chapter)

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