Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 114 I also went to visit 1 time

Chapter 114 Let's Pay a Visit

After eating and drinking enough, the waiter collected the leftovers on the table, and then served another round of tea.Everyone talked and laughed, as if they had returned to the time before the end of the world, and it was peaceful.

"Don't know who this is?" Luo Xiaran asked while pouring tea for everyone, looking at the young girl sitting at the bottom.The other party was very quiet during the meal, so Luo Xiaran didn't speak until now.

"Hi, Miss Luo, I'm Xi Ruolan, with water-type abilities. I'm 24 this year, and I have a baby face so I can't tell, just call me Ruolan. Today's dishes are all delicious. I see your collection hanging on the wall. Mutated animals, don't you know about mutated mice?" Xi Ruolan said with a slight smile at Luo Xiaran.

"Mutated mice, cats, bats, etc. are fine. Mutant animals also have animal nuclei in their heads, but compared to crystal nuclei, the energy is more irritable, and it takes a while to absorb the energy." Luo Xiaran was slightly concerned about Xi Ruolan's age Surprised, he replied with a smile.

Since he can eat at the same table with Jun Lie, he must not be a simple water-type supernatural being.But no matter what the other party is, as long as they don't fight her, it doesn't have much to do with her.

"Thank you, Ms. Luo, for telling me." Xi Ruolan also knew that the secret of the crystal nucleus came from Luo Xiaran, and said gratefully after hearing what Luo Xiaran said.Although there are not many mutated animals now, people in their safe zone have collected some. Fortunately, the crystal nuclei of mutated animals are relatively small, so there are no surprises so far.

After drinking a pot of tea, the guests began to get up to say goodbye. After Luo Xiaran said goodbye one by one, she sat down with a sigh of relief.Just now, quite a few people ordered drinks and cigarettes at the big shopkeeper. Although the wine in the inn has not been brewed yet, the previous collection is still enough to sell for a while. After all, these things are purchased in limited quantities.

Then Xiao Zhenyan and others also got up and left, leaving Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie sitting at the table alone, talking to each other silently.After a long time, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and couldn't help but said: "I still have to go upstairs to greet guests, do you need me to ask Xiaoer to make a pot of tea or bring some wine?"

"The Patriarch of the Leng family upstairs? It just so happens that I'm going to pay a visit too." Hearing this, Jun Lie's eyes flickered with darkness, and he got up and walked upstairs to the private room first.

Seeing Jun Lie walking up without turning his head, Luo Xiaran knew that there was nothing to stop him, so he could only let Jun Lie go.There shouldn't be any problems with Leng Xi, thinking so, Luo Xiaran quickly chased after him.

Upstairs, Jun Lie had already opened the door and walked in.When Luo Xiaran followed, Jun Lie was already sitting directly opposite Leng Xi.Master Diao was standing at the door, and when Luo Xiaran came in, he closed the door and walked out without even raising his head.

"I have admired the name of Patriarch Leng for a long time. I don't know when I came to S City, and I didn't tell you. I should prepare enough drinks and sweep the couch to welcome you." Jun Lie looked at Leng Xi sharply, and then said politely.Although the Jun family has been in the army for generations, it does not mean that they are not good at literature. You must know that Jun Lie also has several academic certificates.

"Young Master Jun, you're welcome, but I'm trapped here, so I don't want to bother you." Leng Xi smiled at Jun Lie's possessiveness from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't show the slightest bit on his face.Anyway, good things take a long time, if it offends him, Leng Xi doesn't mind tearing up the prophesied marriage.What's more, with Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's current appearance, nothing will happen in a short time.

 Timely release~Please collect and recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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