Chapter 117
In the end, because of Jun Lie's persistence, this matter was once again brought to a close.Watching Jun Lie and his party leave in the car, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but sigh.It's not that I'm not moved, but emotional matters are not so simple.

Turning around and walking into the inn, the waiter has already cleaned up the lobby.The person who asked about the material exchange at the counter before left Luo Xiaran happily with a bag of multigrain pancakes in his hand.

"Boss, this is the second-level crystal nucleus that that person exchanged just now." Thanks to Luo Xiaran's knowledge, Mr. Qian can tell the difference.This is a red crystal nucleus, and the waves and light flow in the crystal nucleus, which is very beautiful.

"Well, it's good to send it upstairs to my room after work is over every day." Although there is also a residence in the backyard dedicated to Luo Xiaran, but considering that Luo Zhaoxian and others live outside, it is not easy for Luo Xiaran to go. later.

Although a lot of ingredients were consumed on the first day of opening, this second-level crystal nucleus can be regarded as a good start.Luo Xiaran believed that this was the first day, and more and more people would come to exchange for supplies in the future.

"Paste what was written on red paper outside the door, and people who come and go on the street will pass by the door, and our business will be able to operate normally in a few days." Luo Xiaran smiled, thanking Yu Lengxi slightly in her heart generous.

After all, the location of this restaurant was very good before, facing the avenue into the city, and the survivors who came and went would eventually see it sooner or later.What's more, with today's banquet, Luo Xiaran believes that her business will never be bad.

Besides, the supplies in the safety zone are tight, and if you are bold enough, sooner or later, more people will go hunting zombies to exchange for things.Trading things from her is cost-effective and rich in supplies. Smart people know their choices.

Since she is grateful to Leng Xi, Luo Xiaran will do her best to treat Leng Xi.After learning from the waiter in the shop that Leng Xi lived next door to her, Luo Xiaran went up to the third floor.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door, and it was Master Diao who opened the door.Master Diao looked at Luo Xiaran with fake eyes expressionlessly, giving people a creepy feeling.

And Luo Xiaran was no longer an inexperienced little girl, so she was not intimidated by Master Diao. She nodded at Master Diao, and Luo Xiaran raised her head and walked into the room.

"Brother Leng, let me show you your legs." Because Luo Xiaran didn't understand medicine, but he knew that the healing ability was strong enough to regenerate the body, so it was only a matter of time before Leng Xi's legs were healed.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Leng Xi smiled at Luo Xiaran, suppressed the excitement in his heart, put down the teacup in his hand and asked.

"I need enough crystal nuclei. My current ability level is too low. It will take a long time to heal Brother Leng's leg." Now that he recognized Leng Xi as the eldest brother, Luo Xiaran said bluntly without hiding his secrets.

"Okay, I've got someone ready." Hearing this, Leng Xi picked up a [-]cm long wooden box from a small table beside him, opened it and handed it to Luo Xiaran.

There are about 70.00 crystal nuclei of different sizes and colors in the wooden box, the white is the most, accounting for about [-]%, followed by the red, and the orange one.

Although a little reluctant, Luo Xiaran still picked up the orange crystal nucleus and held it in the palm of her hand, and then placed her left hand on Leng Xi's knee with the ability to activate the wood system.There is no problem with Leng Xi's waist, but from the knee down, the leg bones are broken. One can imagine how much hardship he went through back then.

 Scheduled release~ You and I have a love that is gone, and there is a memory that is gone~ Haha, I liked this song for a while

(End of this chapter)

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