Chapter 120 A Guest Comes

In the next few days, the inn gradually got business.Basically, all the major forces came to test, and what they fancy is the materials in Luo Xiaran's hands.One must know that even if they had their own search team, it would not be as complete as Luo Xiaran's.

After all, vehicles in the urban area are congested, buildings are destroyed, and the spatial ability is not that big. It is not so easy to kill zombies while looking for supplies.

It's a pity that apart from Jun Lie and Leng Xi, the other forces didn't find anything worth paying attention to.And those who wanted to use tricks to break into the inn returned without success one after another, covering the inn with a veil of mystery, and everyone believed that there were masters in the inn.

For these guesses, Luo Xiaran relied on her powerful psychic abilities to find out one or two.While feeling amused in my heart, I made use of these speculations and successfully made several big deals.

It took a week, and a batch of vegetables, fruits, poultry and livestock in the inn had matured.There are warehouses and granaries that do not deteriorate, and Luo Xiaran planted a second batch, but this time the growth did not accelerate.

After all, even if the energy value is high, it cannot be squandered all the time, and her crystal nucleus should be used to train her own hands.What's more, Luo Xiaran didn't make much money in the early business, and now it's mainly for attracting customers.

Because the crystal nuclei were distributed to Luo Zhaoxian and the others, Luo Xiaran moved into the exclusive small courtyard in the courtyard in order to use the meteorite to practice.Whoever made Cheng Yan's supernatural powers have been released all the time, Luo Xiaran could only avoid it, otherwise the mental powers would be noticed sooner or later.

Even if trust is given, all cards cannot be completely exposed, and there must always be a way out.Luo Xiaran learned this from Wu Yan'an.

The knock on the door interrupted Luo Xiaran's practice, and when she opened the door, she saw the chief supervisor standing at the door of the small courtyard.He jumped down directly from the second floor, manipulating the osmanthus tree in the courtyard to catch him, and Luo Xiaran came to the door in an instant.

At this time, Luo Xiaran's wood-type ability is already at the peak of the third level, and he can manipulate trees, feeling like he is integrated with flowers and trees.It's just that the range of manipulation is small, only about 300 meters in diameter.

"Madam proprietress, a customer came to the store and said that there are a lot of jadeite wool." The shopkeeper turned a blind eye to Luo Xiaran's descent from the sky, and said after saluting respectfully.

Since none of the characters provided by the system could leave the interior of the inn, the shopkeeper couldn't check the quality of the wool, so he could only trouble Luo Xiaran to go there himself.

"Oh? Go out and have a look." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran raised her eyebrows slightly and said.Because the information about the purchase of crystal cores and gold, silver and jade articles was posted outside the inn, but S City does not produce jade wool, so Luo Xiaran was a little curious, wondering if it might be a trap to lure her into the bait.

After all, in just one week, Luo Xiaran had already sprinkled out a lot of grain as bait. If the weather remained calm, that would be the most impossible thing.People are always greedy, and there are not no "smart people" who want food but don't want to pay.

When I came to the lobby, I saw a thin man sitting beside him drinking tea.A portion of dried fruit and peanuts was placed on the table, as if swearing.

With a decent smile on her face, Luo Xiaran walked to the man's side and said, "I don't know what this gentleman's name is. I heard that you have material in your hand, did you pull it over?"

 Scheduled release~ I lost a courier, I feel so frustrated

(End of this chapter)

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